
Talking about the watering experience of orchids

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For a long time, I only saw and did not say. I bought more and said less; I saw more and said less; I thought more and said less. Ha ha, feel when a new orchid friend is not qualified, occasionally think of some topics, and then post to share with you.

For a long time, I only saw and did not say. I bought more and said less; I saw more and said less; I thought more and said less. Ha ha, feel that being a new orchid friend is not qualified, occasionally think of some topics, and then post it to discuss with you. Recently, there have been a lot of flowers and buds, and they have a sense of achievement. Spring, Christine, lotus petals, four seasons, and spring swords can all grow their own flowers and control the florescence, which is relatively primary for orchid friends in the south, but the meaning for orchid friends in the north is very different, so they have more confidence in orchid cultivation. Compared with before, the plant material has changed, the management method has changed, might as well say it and share it with you: orchid, it is easy to feed and difficult to raise, and it is more difficult to open a good product! One kind of material corresponds to a way of management, so the cultivation of a thousand people has a thousand people, and now we can better understand it!

Some people advocate the cultivation of orchids with heavy water, while others advocate regular dry cultivation, all of which have their own reasons. In the past two years, I have also tried different plant materials, feeling that orchids can be cultivated, but for different varieties, different sources of orchids, we have to treat them differently. If you want to say that the heaviest thing to cultivate orchids in heavy water is hydroponics, there are also people who raise orchids well. This kind of cultivation gives birth to water roots, which are thin, white, transparent, like great water, and are afraid to dry at any time; regular dry cultivation, giving birth to aerial roots, roots thick, white, and without a sense of transparency, like slightly moist dry cultivation, which requires strong air permeability of the plant material.

When you buy orchid online, you can know whether the original culture method is heavy water or dry culture, so it is best to apply a similar culture method after you buy it, which can speed up the time of grass pots, avoid rotten roots and empty roots, and avoid falling seedlings. But you can't have both, otherwise you can't raise orchids well. If the water root is dry-raised, especially if it is raised with plants with a lot of humus, it is easy to black the root, while the air root is too big and the water is easy to rot. Generally speaking, the grass itself is required to change a batch of roots. If the new root can not keep up with the needs of growth, it will affect the normal growth of the grass, which is also the main reason why the grass roots newly bought by many novices have not been raised well. And different materials also correspond to different dry and wet, humus materials, suitable for heavy water culture, wash away excess nutrients at any time, avoid burning roots, and vice versa; plant materials are thicker, and the nutrients contained in the materials are relatively less. They are generally raised with fertilizer (which should be mostly in Guangdong and Fujian), and they also like heavy water breeding, with higher environmental humidity, and often replenish fertilizer manually. Orchid friends in other areas also use this method, but it is still based on relatively fine materials and regular dry farming.

As far as this topic is concerned, it is not easy for orchids who are raised by dry methods to buy varieties raised by big water, and orchids raised by large waters are also for the same reason. If you can let orchids get through the adaptation period of roots safely, you can be regarded as an expert, but if you can't, it may be causative. The same two grasses sold by the same seller will have different results in the hands of different orchid friends. The seller is still a good seller and the buyer is also a good buyer. The problem lies in the difference in the methods of raising orchids. For such problems, we must treat them differently, especially buyers should find reasons from their own. There are not many good sellers, and there are even fewer good sellers who adapt to your orchid-raising techniques.

Add: my orchid is now mostly volcanic stone, pine chestnut king, a small amount of oak leaves, peg roots, carbon, feel suitable for regular dry cultivation, watering once in two to three weeks or so, usually spray basin noodles (water moss or pine needle cover basin), dry thoroughly before pouring water, feel good growth and sprouting, you can use it for reference if you are interested But this method is only suitable for my own plant material and management style, how you raise it depends on your environment, temperature, humidity, light, plant material, and so on. Think so much, say so much, throw a brick to attract jade, let's express our own opinions! I will publish orchid knowledge and pictures every day, take you in-depth understanding of orchids, teach you to easily raise orchids, you can always ask me or leave a message below if you don't understand orchids. If my knowledge brings you help, I hope you can help me or forward it to help more people!