
Eat something before meals, seven days out of the body for ten years of moisture! Healthy and beautiful, amazing!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I don't know since when, you will feel very sleepy in the morning. When you brush your teeth, your throat is uncomfortable, your mouth is dry and your mouth is bitter. You look in the mirror and find your face haggard and your skin greasy and dark. If you hold out your own.

I don't know since when, you will feel very sleepy in the morning. When you brush your teeth, your throat is uncomfortable, your mouth is dry and your mouth is bitter. You look in the mirror and find your face haggard and your skin greasy and dark.

If you stick out your tongue, nine times out of ten you will find


The edge of the tongue is serrated, the white tongue coating covers the whole tongue, and there may be cracks in the middle of the tongue.

If you go to the toilet, you will find that your stools are thin and shapeless, you need a lot of toilet paper to clean your ass, and you may have constipation.


It's terrible. does it indicate that there is any major disease in the body?

If you go to the hospital, you probably won't find any diseases. But maybe your body is changing, and you may be suffering from these symptoms:

① stool is not shaped, thin or constipation ② dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath ③ sputum, cough, throat is not fresh ④ hair greasy, hair loss, white hair ⑤ obesity, easy to rebound after weight loss ⑥ edema, pouch ptosis, ⑦ waist acid joint pain, ⑧ chest tightness ⑨ dark circles, ⑩ sleep snore,? Dizzy and lethargic, especially tired? Wet pussy, huh? Damp scrotum? Not interested in sex, huh? Long spot on the face, acne, glossy face,? White with a strange smell, itching,? Greasy skin, eczema, etc.

What's wrong with your body? How to solve? Let's finish reading it first.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the tooth mark tongue or tongue coating is yellow and greasy, the stool is thin and shapeless, the face is greasy, lethargic, sleepy and powerless, and so on. Dampness is one of the six pathogens of wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness and fire, and it is the most important common sense of traditional Chinese medicine.

Heavy moisture in the body leads to internal resistance to moisture, resulting in fat tongue, and the edge of the tongue is squeezed by teeth. Over time, it becomes a toothed tongue. So the edge of the tongue is serrated, indicating that there is moisture in the body for a long time.

Heavy moisture doesn't just cause tooth marks, tongue and loose stools. After all, it's no big deal, but other body symptoms get worse and worse, eventually leading to a series of diseases.

At first, people with heavy dampness just feel abnormal tongue, loose stools, skin rashes and pimples, chest tiredness, physical fatigue, and sore throat; further development, joint pain and body shape obesity; over time, it will also cause fatty liver, asthma, hypertension, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, and even malignant tumors.

Moisture will also greatly affect a person's appearance, showing long spots and acne on the skin, dark yellow without light, edema and obesity in body, fat belly, lethargy and fatigue in spirit.

Why does moisture cause so many symptoms?

This is because dampness invades the human body and actually harms the internal organs, causing spleen deficiency, lung weakness, kidney deficiency, and stomach weakness; externally, it is characterized by dry mouth, bitter mouth, inflamed throat, dizziness and headache, glossy skin, acne all over the face, muscle and joint pain all over the body, skin eczema and so on.

What is worth pondering is that moisture is so harmful to people's health that people should pay special attention to removing dampness, but why is moisture still very common, even nine out of ten people?

The real situation is:

1. Dampness is a disaster, and it often causes discomfort in the whole body. The reason behind this is that moisture invades the internal organs:

Dampness in the spleen, spleen deficiency, dampness in the stomach, weak stomach, wet in the kidney, kidney deficiency, dampness in the lungs, weak lungs.

Because of the disharmony of the internal organs, it is impossible for the dampness to be completely removed.

2. Moisture has many symptoms, such as greasy skin, dry mouth, itchy throat, acne, eczema, backache and so on.

Some people take the medicine of invigorating the spleen and stomach, and also take the medicine of moisturizing and permeating water, but the symptoms will not be eliminated in a short time, so they often give up halfway. Half of those who buy all kinds of dehumidifying products give up halfway.

So how does traditional Chinese medicine dispel dampness correctly?

In fact, traditional Chinese medicine has strict logic and methods to dispel dampness, which was discussed in the Treatise on febrile Diseases in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Theory of spleen and stomach in the Jin Dynasty. The correct way to dispel dampness must follow this principle:


Main responsibility:

Strengthening spleen and stomach, promoting diuresis and permeating dampness



It is also responsible for tonifying the kidney and lung, clearing the heart and liver, and promoting the intestines and stomach to reconcile the internal organs. The root of dampness lies in spleen deficiency.

Although the first responsibility for the spleen is not limited to the spleen.

. Therefore, when the real traditional Chinese medicine dispels dampness, it is bound to use the medicinal materials of invigorating the spleen and stomach combined with the medicinal materials of diuresis and dampness, and taking into account the internal organs at the same time can really remove the dampness from the root.



: for the symptoms caused by dampness at the same time, short-term elimination of symptoms, often effective in a few days, so that people with heavy moisture can enhance their confidence and stick to eating for a long time.

Now come to see if you have any moisture. Moisture damage to people hidden and slow, especially the need for early detection and early treatment, to find traces of moisture must be patient with the following 14:

From the inside:

1, chest tightness, phlegm in the throat (weak lung)

2, functional decline, not interested in sex. (kidney deficiency)

3, thick and greasy tongue coating, loss of appetite, food indigestion is easy to accumulate food (spleen deficiency)

4. body weight increases year by year, obesity and edema. Thin people will also have a small belly (also indicating spleen deficiency, because spleen deficiency is the main cause of obesity).

5. Frequent stomachache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or unformed stool (weak stomach, bad intestines)

6, the rough dirt root of the tongue coating is thick, the quality is red and dry, the pulse is slippery and several, and the stool is dry.

7, the urine is astringent and yellow and the discharge is not clean (bladder is not good)

8, palpitations, palpitations, shortness of breath, shortness of breath (poor heart)

In exotropia:

① is sleepy and lethargic, and he can't sleep enough. Feel dizzy and sleepy

② has an itchy throat, dry mouth, bitter mouth and thirst

③ general muscle and joint pain;

④ has greasy hair, glossy skin, acne all over his face and stickiness all over

⑤ has sparse sugar in stool and itchy anus.

⑥ has eczema and itching.

If you look at these 14 symptoms, you will suddenly realize that dampness is spleen deficiency, lung weakness, kidney deficiency, stomach weakness, heart dryness, intestinal obstruction, liver and gallbladder inactivity, etc., and a series of superficial symptoms appear on the outside.

If you meet the 1-2 symptoms of dampness, you should quickly remove dampness. if you meet many of them, it must show that you are suffering from deteriorating health, and removing dampness Brooks no delay.

Otherwise, the stubborn moisture will take away your good life and make you full of problems.

More importantly, moist people are lethargic, gray-faced, often powerless in the workplace and career, and are far away from colleagues and competitors.

I didn't know anything about this before. I always had dinner late at night, drank cold drinks, never dried my hair, hardly took an umbrella on rainy days, and continued to wear clothes when I got wet.

By the age of 28, he had a lot of minor ailments, such as oily skin and hair, dry and bitter mouth, sticky mouth, never kissing the opposite sex, because the mouth was not fresh. More deadly also led to kidney yang deficiency, not interested in sex, the emergence of the phenomenon of weakness.

My feeling is that I basically match every symptom of dampness.

But I am used to sloppiness, and I don't care at all. Once I saw a document saying that a 46-year-old woman suffered from dampness because she had an abortion when she was young. She suffered from lung, bone and kidney cancer in middle age and became terminally ill.

I never thought the moisture would be so terrible that it scared me for a moment.

I finally solved the problem of getting wet. I have a friend, suffering from rheumatism, has been looking for a traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate, think the effect is good, so took me to see.

After seeing my symptoms, the old doctor gave me a prescription for dietary therapy to remove dampness. The old doctor said: eat once for breakfast and once for dinner. I obviously feel a change in my body in 15 days. But don't stop, hold on for at least 35 days, and the moisture will be removed from the roots.

The prescription for removing dampness recommended by traditional Chinese medicine is composed of 18 recipes: adzuki bean, Coix seed, yam, Euryale seed, chicken gold, Amomum villosum, Poria cocos, ginseng (artificially planted), licorice, lily, perilla, Elsholtzia splendens, red jujube, Platycodon grandiflorum, Pueraria, lotus seed, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum.

In addition, I see that this prescription contains Euryale seed, chicken gold, chrysanthemum and honeysuckle. With years of health-preserving knowledge, I feel that vegetarian dispelling should be effective.

But when I drank vegetarian to dispel the powder, the next day I found that my throat was much clearer. I had a bitter mouth and phlegm in my throat tortured me almost every day, and it never got better.

Since then, I have been treasuring vegetarian dispelling powder, it works too quickly, and the formula is comprehensive, both internal and external, nutrition is also rich, can always solve a lot of minor problems in my body.

Sometimes I drink in the evening, smoke too much, the next day dry and bitter mouth, I will immediately take a bag of vegetarian dispelling powder to drink, people will be refreshed; sometimes eat too much, indigestion, immediately drink vegetarian dispelling powder, stomach distension will improve; sometimes after a cold, immediately drink vegetarian dispel, nasal congestion will be relieved; sometimes fire sore throat, toothache, immediately drink vegetarian dispel

It doesn't hurt much; sometimes constipation, anal itching, immediately drink vegetarian dispel, the next day defecation will be smooth.

Most importantly, before using Su to dispel powder, I tried a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, but I often took it for half a month or so and found that it was like I didn't eat it. I didn't react at all and gave up unconsciously.

The effect of Suquisan was so fast that it left a deep impression on me. I decided: even if it didn't taste good, I should drink it for a long time. A few months later, Suquisan thoroughly removed my dampness.

Whenever I see the drugstore or online all kinds of anti-dampness drugs and those three or five kinds of traditional Chinese medicine together claim to be completely dehumidified, I laugh, because after so long understanding of moisture and my own treatment, I know very well that if you use this method to get wet, it is simply impossible.

Why is Su dispelling powder?

How can it work so quickly?

Traditional Chinese medicine says: dampness is first blamed on the spleen, but it is not limited to the spleen. Therefore, Su Qusan has many ingredients to regulate the spleen, stomach, lung and kidney.


Five internal organs; external elimination of dampness caused by

Itchy throat, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, heat and fire, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, headache, oily skin, acne all over the face, thin stool and anal itching, skin eczema and other symptoms, and often take effect in a few days.

Let's take a look.

18 flavor main formula efficacy:

1) Gold in chicken: invigorating the spleen and stomach, strengthening the heart

2) Euryale fruit, yam: tonifying kidney and dispelling dampness

Strong body

3) adzuki bean, Coix seed and red bean: invigorating the spleen and removing dampness

4) Lily: moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the mind, coughing the lungs for a long time and coughing up sputum and blood

5) Amomum villosum: warming spleen and removing dampness

6) Lotus seed: nourishing the heart and calming the mind

7) Elsholtzia splendens:

Sweating and relieving summer heat, dispersing dampness and warming the stomach


Red jujube


Tonifying qi, nourishing blood and tranquilizing nerves

Invigorating the spleen and stomach


Campanula grandiflorum


Purging the lungs, promoting pharynx, removing phlegm and expelling pus.




Dabu Yuanqi, Fumai Gutuo, tonify the spleen and benefit the lung


Calm the mind




Liqi, Heying




Tonifying spleen and replenishing qi, clearing heat and detoxification, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, relieving pain and reconciling various medicines.

13) Chrysanthemum: soothing the wind, calming the liver, having an effect on headache and dizziness, clearing away fire.

14) Honeysuckle: itchy throat, dry mouth and bitter mouth are effective

Clear the fire,.

15) Pueraria lobata: relieving muscle and reducing fever, Shengjin, penetrating rash, relieving yang and relieving diarrhea. It can relieve headache, backache, thirst, eczema and neck pain.

So how can we get vegetarian dispelling powder?

In fact, there is one of the most convenient way. Tmall, a businessman in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, developed the finished product and registered the trademark: Tanimoto Daoyuan. Opened the flagship stores of Tmall and

Taobao or


Vegetarian dispelling powder

It can be found in the

Tanimoto Daoyuan flagship store

Buy pure vegetarian dispelling. Now, from May Day return to May 8, there are still shops with high prices.

Buy two get one free

Buy three get two free

It's an activity.

In addition, merchants also provide a special guarantee for customers who come to buy.

After receiving it

7 days' probation

If you are not satisfied with the full package round trip postage and full payment for your refund.

Note: the elements of Tanimoto are dispersed, only boxed ones are authentic.

Consumers must pay attention when buying, it is best to look at the following picture to buy! Beware of fake goods, and don't be greedy for cheap fake goods.

I especially recommend that the elements of Tanimoto be dispersed. Because the products are genuine and effective very quickly, they even provide a special guarantee: after receiving them.

7 days' probation

If you are not satisfied with the full package, the round trip postage will be refunded to you.

Many people think that removing dampness with red beans and rice noodles is good, but many people insist on drinking for more than half a year, the effect is not significant.

In fact, the red bean rice noodle is very popular, on the one hand, because the red bean rice noodle is really good at diuresis and wetting, but more importantly, it is simple enough and easy to use.

But after a long period of dampness, drinking red beans and rice noodles, which is only diuretic, certainly has no effect.

In addition, if the external dampness is not removed for a long time, it will hurt the spleen. Therefore, this kind of drinking red beans and rice noodles has no effect.

The professional practice is that red bean barley is only a small part of the formula.

Therefore, the layman will be credulous in removing dampness, while the expert will choose to dispel dampness in a more professional way.

I have a female friend whose body moisture is particularly serious, resulting in obesity and hair loss, as well as sweaty and bitter mouth, chronic pharyngitis, constipation, sparse hair, greasy, dandruff and other symptoms.

I recommend her to be a vegetarian and disperse. She didn't care. After barely drinking for 2 days, a miracle happened. She found that bitter taste, constipation, acne and acne all improved, and her throat was much more relaxed. Drinking water did not have that tingling feeling. So she began to keep on a vegetarian diet every day. In the end, he lost more than 10 jin of weight.

I think this vegetarian powder is especially suitable for young people, because this product works very quickly, and it is easy for people to stick to it, because there are 7 flavors in the formula, which are common symptoms caused by improving moisture, so you can see the effect right away. It gives people the confidence to stick to it.

As a young man, it's easy to ignore the harm of moisture and think it's no big deal, but the truth is terrible.

Many people know that dampness can worsen many diseases, but they do not realize that the more serious harm is: dampness cannot be eliminated, many diseases cannot be cured, no matter how many health products are eaten, health products are like scratching across the boots and beating cattle across the mountain.

Because moisture will affect a person's spleen and stomach, will prevent the absorption of nutritional drugs, and it is the accomplice and inducement of the disease, so that some diseases occur repeatedly.

For example, dampness can cause dampness and dysfunction of the scrotum in men. A friend of mine ate a lot of kidney tonifying products and spent thousands of yuan, which had no effect at all. The reason was that there was moisture in the body, and no matter how many kidney tonifying products he ate, he could not achieve the effect.

Women who inject uterus under dampness can cause more leucorrhea, itching odor, and repeated attacks with all kinds of Jieyin lotion, because moisture will provide an environment for the growth of some bacteria, so that you can not completely kill those annoying germs.

Moisture will cause a glossy face, especially easy to get acne, moisture is not removed, you use any acne products, acne will also grow and decline.

Moisture transpiration to the head, causing greasy hair, leading to hair loss, this time the use of good hair products are in vain.

Moisture causes loose stools, you think it's no big deal, but every day you have to use a lot of toilet paper to wipe your ass, the final result is to cause hemorrhoids, how to treat, hemorrhoids will occur repeatedly.

Moisture causes obesity, which is mainly manifested by a bucket waist and thick thighs. If you don't get rid of the moisture, you will rebound no matter how you lose weight.

In fact, a very important principle of Chinese medicine is to "remove dampness before preserving health", but it is a pity that very few people know about it.

So I suggest that people with kidney deficiency, gynecological diseases, people who lose weight, people with hair loss, people with acne, must first check whether they have dampness, and if so, they must use Su Qusan to remove dampness at the same time. After removing dampness, the troubles on your body can be eliminated.

As mentioned earlier, I once read a report that a 46-year-old woman suffered from cold as a result of having an abortion when she was young. She suffered from lung, bone and kidney cancer and became terminally ill. This information was actually written and shared by a doctor who recorded that many malignant diseases are caused by moisture:

1, a woman, a woman who developed breast cancer at the age of 36, the lump is spreading. The patient's back is as stiff as stone and feels colder than other parts of the body. Ask about the medical history to know: when the patient sleeps from childhood to big, the quilt is only covered in the front, and the back is always exposed. Moisture is particularly easy to invade, slowly leading to terminal illness.

2. A 50-year-old woman suffering from a rare subcutaneous malignant soft tissue cell tumor at the top of her head always found it inconvenient to wash her hair at home, so she often went to the barber shop to wash her hair for seven or eight years. When you feel tired, you often massage your head and neck and shoulders after washing your hair, but your hair is still wet at this time. Massage relaxes the skin, opens pores, speeds up blood circulation, and takes advantage of a large amount of moisture to invade the scalp. Developed a life-threatening malignant tumor many years later.

3, a 60-year-old woman has suffered from chronic pharyngitis and constipation since she was young. she often takes heat-clearing and throat-moistening drugs and laxatives, damaging the spleen and stomach, causing very heavy moisture in the body and suffering from chronic rhinitis for decades. Finally, the nose is always bloodshot. When I went to the hospital for examination, I found that it was the advanced stage of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

A 50-year-old man once fell asleep after taking a bath and forgot to turn off the fan. it was already autumn and the weather was a little cold. The electric fan has been blowing at him in large gear, and when he woke up, he found that half of his body could not move, so he was rushed to the hospital for emergency infusion, vasodilator, thrombolysis, and so on. Life was saved, but none of these treatments were dampening. From then on, he was accompanied by illness and a large number of drugs, and after suffering for more than a decade, he died of various complications.

It is true that traditional Chinese medicine believes that dampness is the source of all diseases, which will worsen and induce many malignant diseases.

Special reminder:

A lot of people know.

Dispel the elements of Tanimoto

Always eager to try, full of curiosity about this product, but hesitant because it has never been used.

But today's Labour Day return

The event runs until May 8, as long as you go right away.

Tmall /


Vegetarian dispelling powder

, recognize

Tanimoto Daoyuan flagship store

When you arrive at the store and buy 2 boxes at once, they will automatically give you a box of vegetarian dispel.


Tanimoto Daoyuan's flagship store is real. There are many on the market.

Fake goods in bottles or boxes

Consumers must be careful when buying, beware of fake goods, and do not want to buy fake goods because they are cheap.

The quota is limited to one thousand. Stop immediately after delivery!

Don't forget that they have offered a special guarantee: after receiving it, they will try it for 7 days and are not satisfied with the return postage of the full package for you to refund.


"read the original."

direct flagship store


It is very convenient to use WeChat Pay.