
The secret of family potted calla lilies blossoms all the year round and keeps them at home every day.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Calla lily, also known as water taro, is a particularly beautiful flowering plant. It is often used as a bride's bouquet in Europe and the United States, with very romantic flowers. Calla lily florescence is also better, generally from November to May next year, but if.

Calla lily, also known as water taro, is a particularly beautiful flowering plant, in Europe and America it is often used as a bride bouquet, has a very romantic flower language. Calla flower is also relatively good, generally from November to May of the following year, but if properly maintained, can achieve four seasons flowering.

4 Points to Care for Calla Lily at Normal Times:

1. Potted calla lily should choose sandy soil with good ventilation and drainage. Pot soil can be mixed with garden soil, humus soil and slag respectively. Cultivated soil mixed with slag is good for water and ventilation, so that calla lily can grow and bloom better.

2. In addition, about 1/5 of organic fertilizer should be added to the bottom of the pot as base fertilizer, such as bone meal, decomposed bean cake fertilizer, etc. In addition, topdressing can be done once a half month during the growth period. In this way, the nutrients in the pot are constantly replenished, and the horseshoe blossoms frequently.

3. Compared with ordinary plants, calla lily is very resistant to water and humidity, but also can be raised by water and not resistant to drought, so the potted calla lily pot soil should be kept moist and cannot lack water. When summer weather is sultry, still should be to its foliar surface and surroundings gush water, in order to form a moist environment.

4, calla lily sufficient light, flowering color is good and strong growth, otherwise only bud and not flowering. Therefore, in addition to the need to take appropriate shade measures in summer, the other three seasons in the light is not particularly strong, you can bask in the sun.

Generally speaking, calla lily is relatively easy to raise, its growth temperature is 10℃-25℃, originally its flowering period is long, if you want to let it bloom all four seasons, the main secret is two words, that is,"temperature control", pay attention to cool summer and warm winter, basically can bloom all year round.