
It used to be a life-saving wild vegetable for the poor before the old farmer realized that now 9 yuan a jin becomes a rare commodity.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After the arrival of spring, there are a lot of weeds beginning to grow in the countryside. For farmers, these weeds have also become a part of life. Most farmers relatively like weeds because of these weeds.

After the arrival of spring, there are a lot of weeds beginning to grow in the countryside. For farmers, these weeds have also become a part of life. Most farmers prefer weeds relatively. Because these weeds can not only be eaten as wild vegetables, some can also be used as herbs to cure diseases, but not all weeds are known to everyone. Some weeds are still unknown to many people. Below, the author introduces a kind of weed, which used to be a life-saving wild vegetable for the poor, which many young people do not know except for the old farmers.

There are many weeds growing in the roadside grass in the countryside, among which one kind of weed often grows with the grass. In the countryside where the author lives, the grass is usually called "pull seedling". This kind of weed has inverted thorns on its leaves and stems. It is easy to be cut if it is accidentally scratched, and this kind of weed that grows with the grass is also very similar to the grass. It is "fairy crane grass", also known as "dragon bud grass". Because the fairy crane grass is very similar to the fairy crane grass, so many people think that it is the fairy crane grass, so they hate it very much, but they do not know the value of the fairy crane grass.

In fact, for many old farmers in the countryside, the fairy crane grass is of great significance, that is, it used to be a life-saving wild vegetable for the poor during the famine. The author was also very curious before, this crane grass is so similar to the wild grass, can it also be eaten? Later, I asked my grandfather to know that crane grass can really be eaten as a wild vegetable, and it tastes very good.

After consulting the relevant data, the author found that the tender stems and leaves of fairy crane grass are edible and have rich nutritional value. every 100 grams of edible tender stems and leaves contain 11.2 mg of carotene. Vitamin C 150 mg and other carbohydrates, minerals and other nutrients, it can be said to be a kind of first-class wild vegetables, but except for old farmers, many people do not know it.

Crane grass can not only be eaten as a wild vegetable, but also has very good medicinal value. according to Modern practical traditional Chinese Medicine, the whole grass and root can be used as medicine, and its taste is bitter, astringent and flat. it has the effects of hemostasis, stomach strengthening, intestinal slippery, dysentery and insecticidal effect. it can be used for the treatment of exertion and fatigue, irregular menstruation, red avalanche leucorrhea, stomach cold, abdominal pain, red dysentery, hemoptysis, intestinal wind, urine blood and other symptoms. Especially for the effect of hemostasis is very good, precisely because of this, many old farmers also use it as a hemostatic.

It is precisely because of these values that many old farmers especially like it. Recently, many old farmers in the village who know it often go to the wild to dig crane grass and sell it in the market, hoping to earn some pocket money. The author also saw several. After inquiry, I learned that this crane grass sold for 9 yuan per jin, which is also a kind of rare goods, but because there are not many people who know it, it is a pity that the old farmers did not sell much.

Dear friends, do you know fairy crane grass or dragon bud grass? welcome to leave a message and exchange!