
What do you know about the appreciation potential of white tea?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Guanxi Town is recognized as a high-quality growing place of Fuding White Tea and one of the birthplaces of Fuding White Tea orthodoxy. The average altitude here is between 500 and 800 meters above sea level, with sufficient sunshine, mild climate, abundant rainfall, high humidity and temperature day and night.

Guanxi Town is recognized as a high-quality growing place of Fuding White Tea and one of the birthplaces of Fuding White Tea orthodoxy. The average altitude here is between 500 and 800 meters, with sufficient sunshine, mild climate, abundant rainfall, high humidity and large temperature difference between day and night, which is very conducive to the growth and nutrient accumulation of white tea. It is the natural and high-quality breeding place of Fuding white tea.

In recent years, white tea with both efficacy value and collection value quickly grabs the market share. A new fashion of consumption led by white tea is spreading. As the saying goes, "drinking white tea is the love for yourself at the moment; storing white tea is a surprise for your future."

It is common on the streets to drink white tea and enjoy the benefits that white tea brings to life and the future. At the same time, keen consumers must have noticed that the price of white tea is gradually rising.

The price of white tea has risen this year, and tea friends are now familiar with it, but this white tea in Bafang Tea Garden perfectly avoids the rise in the price of white tea raw materials this year. In 2017, Bafang Tea Garden devoted itself to research, striving for excellence on the basis of the original production, and launched a new generation of white tea product-Gongmei. This Gongmei was pressed into a tea cake in the spring of 2017 and aged in a dry warehouse for a year, coupled with the use of the old material of 2011, which is eight years old. It was only launched in 2018 this year to provide tea customers with good products of high quality and affordable prices.

The price of white tea and spring tea has generally increased by more than 30-50% this year. What is the reason for the price increase?

White tea is sweet and unforgettable.

White tea, one of the six major teas, is famous for its freshness without stir-frying or kneading.

If tea-making is compared to cooking, then some green tea will be stir-fried, black tea will be braised, and this white tea will be like white burning, retaining the most original taste of tea.

Just like the feelings between people, there is no need for earth-shaking, as long as, consistent warmth and sincerity.

White tea is cold and cool, and its work is the same as rhinoceros horn.

The reputation of white tea has a long history and has long been recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica and the Classic of Tea.

The Compendium of Materia Medica records: "White tea is cold and cold, and its work is the same as that of rhinoceros horn." The pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine has proved that white tea tastes warm and cool, and has the effect of reducing fever, dispelling dampness and detoxification.

Old white tea clears away heat and reduces fire from the people.

It is said that in Fuding area, such as children's fever or adult gum swelling and pain, people will make a pot of old white tea to relieve the pain.

The climate in the south is so humid that if eczema occurs in summer, half-drink and half-besmear white tea is generally used, and it is said that the effect is also immediate.

One year of tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure.

This sentence, for white tea, is just a clich é, meaning that white tea is good tea, drinking white tea is good for your health, and saving white tea is more profitable than buying stocks. So, why is the white tea party so magical? Why does white tea have so much praise? Anyone who likes white tea should see it!

"one year Tea" because white tea belongs to micro-fermented tea, the white tea just made in the first year is close to the taste of green tea.

The "three-year medicine" white tea is so wonderful that if it is well treasured for two or three years, the internal composition of the tea changes slowly during storage, the aroma changes, and the color of the soup gradually changes from apricot green to apricot yellow or deeper. When drinking, the aroma is mellow and the taste is softer. The sex of tea has also changed from lukewarm to warm.

"Qilianbao" exactly means that white tea will be regarded as old white tea when it is stored for five or six years. With the aging of time, the aging of the contents of white tea becomes more and more mellow, and the unique fragrance of white tea still coexists with Chen fragrance. The taste is fragrant, the soup is amber, red and transparent. Arrive at this year of white tea, drink a few cups of hot old white tea, you will feel much more relaxed.

Old white tea is not only effective, but also tastes good.

After stored for many years, the internal components of white tea gradually transformed, the aroma components gradually volatilized, from the fragrance of new tea to lotus leaf, jujube and medicine, and the soup color gradually precipitated from light yellow to apricot yellow and amber red, and the taste became more mellow and magnolia.

Among them, sweetness is the simplest and most intuitive feeling of Lao Bai tea. After taking a sip of tea, after the tea slips through the mouth, you can feel the sweet taste spread in the mouth.

The craft of white tea is unique and natural.

Compared with other kinds of tea, white tea is closer to nature, the processing technology is the most natural, and the taste is more pure and natural.

The content of flavonoids is high, and the average content of amino acids is higher than that of the other five major teas. Some experiments have proved that because of its unique processing technology and containing substances, the effect of helping health is better than that of other teas.

The advantage of white tea cannot be matched by other teas.

White tea is a kind of tea unique to Fujian, which has outstanding health care function better than other kinds of tea. The law of change in white tea processing has a wide application scene for enriching GABA and improving the quality of γ-aminobutyric acid tea.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid white tea contains more GABA than other teas. GABA, namely γ-aminobutyric acid, is a kind of natural bioactive component which exists widely in animals and plants. With the development of the research on GABA, it is found that it has a variety of biological functions closely related to human health.

γ-aminobutyric acid makes white tea more suitable for modern life.

γ-aminobutyric acid tea is a kind of functional tea with a variety of health care effects. in recent years, many studies at home and abroad have found that γ-aminobutyric acid tea has a variety of "modern diseases" against Chinese people. for example, regulating nervous system function, anti-depression, reducing blood pressure function, anti-aging function and other functions.

With the continuous discovery of the health effect of γ-aminobutyric acid tea, the research and development of γ-aminobutyric acid white tea is very valuable for modern life.

The sex change of tea after storage and the self-adaptation of brewing and cooking.

Shoumei is made of one bud, two or three leaves, with pure aroma and mellow taste. In the process of storage, the endoplasmic components slowly change, the aroma gradually changes, the soup color gradually turns red, the taste becomes mellow, and the tea nature gradually changes from cool to warm.

With the precipitation of the years, the fresh aroma of white tea has gradually evolved into lotus, jujube, and even medicinal fragrance, with a full and sweet taste. Compared to brewing, it is more recommended to cook and drink, the taste is more mellow and the fragrance is stronger.

The value of health preservation has been valued by more and more people.

Since ancient times, it has been common to use white tea and stewed rock sugar in rural areas of northeast Fujian to relieve heat and dryness, treat toothache, constipation and so on. In Fuding and other white tea producing areas, aged white tea is also often used to treat children with measles, fever and so on. Today, it is often called "anti-inflammatory and anti-fire tea".

The research results of scholars at home and abroad show that white tea has more unique effects in protecting cardiovascular system, anti-radiation, bacteriostasis and antivirus, inhibiting the activity of cancer cells and so on.

Perhaps it is because of the above attributes that they are sought after by tea friends.

Due to the demand of the market, prices began to rise gradually!

No matter whether you understand the market situation of white tea, whether you approve it or not, all kinds of tea market and tea industry practitioners have said that the market facts are also proving that the price of white tea is rising year by year!