
These four kinds of pot culture are the most suitable for indoor culture, which are very shady and have beautiful green leaves.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many people tend to raise flowers in their rooms, but most of the time they can't raise them well, because flowers tend to wilt without light, and their leaves turn yellow and fall. So many people can't grow flowers and pots.

Many people tend to raise flowers in their rooms, but most of the time they can't raise them well, because flowers tend to wilt without light, and their leaves turn yellow and fall. Therefore, many people do not grow flowers and pots, so they lose the fun of growing flowers, but some potted plants are very shady and can grow well without sufficient light for a long time. So today, the editor will introduce to you these four shade-resistant and easy-to-raise potted plants. the leaves are very green, and it is very suitable for everyone to keep them in the room.

1. Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo is a shade-tolerant plant, many people raise it in the office, first, it is beautiful; second, it has a good meaning, rich flowers, bamboo report peace; third, rich bamboo culture is easy to survive indoors. The culture method of Fugui bamboo is very simple, it can be cultured in water, it can grow in water, and it can grow without sufficient light at ordinary times, just a little astigmatism.

2. Hanging bamboo plum

Diaozhumei, I believe that most people have raised Diaozhumei, it likes to live in a semi-shady environment, originally produced and wet soil. Its leaf color distribution is similar to the watermelon surface, is the middle purple-green, two silver-white stripes on both sides, quite strange and good-looking. The usual maintenance is very simple, only need to water it, spray moisture and moist air to grow, and vitality is very tenacious, even if it is yellow leaves and charred edges, Haosheng recovered after a few days of maintenance.

3. White palm

White palm has a smooth sailing meaning, its flowering way is unique, grow into a beautiful posture, super like the cool environment, suitable for breeding in the living room. However, if you want it to blossom, it is still necessary to give some light occasionally, but be sure to avoid direct exposure to high temperature, which will cause the leaves to dry up. White palm can bring us good enjoyment visually, and it also has a strong ability to fresh air.

4. Tortoise back bamboo

I believe you are already very familiar with the tortoise-backed bamboo. Tortoise-backed bamboo is a kind of high-grade plant, which can improve the quality of the room when cultured in the room, and it has the strongest ability to purify the air of all potted plants. this is the result of tests by people who study flowers, as many people know. Not only that, the tortoise back bamboo is very shade-tolerant, it can grow very well with just a little light, and it grows very fast, so don't worry about whether it can be raised or not, but worry about how it can be trimmed as it grows bigger and bigger.

The above four plants are the most shade-tolerant plants summarized by Xiaobian. They grow well in astigmatism, so they can grow casually anywhere at home, so you might as well give it a try.