
I was lucky to meet succulent plants.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Wangwang] for his original contribution sharing contribution date: April 8, 2018 Editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Guangxi Nanning really join the pit.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [Wang Wang] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: April 8, 2018

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Nanning, Guangxi

A commemorative post that has really been in the hole for two years.

In fact, I knew the succulent plant in the spring of 2015. I went to the local flower and bird market to buy a Romeo and a jade butterfly. Because I was a rookie, I knew nothing about soil preparation, watering and conservation, and I couldn't even remember the name. They are expected to grow up quickly every day, so they are watered very hard, and as a result, they are dead in less than a month or two. Later, I bought another batch online, and the whole army was wiped out.

In the summer of 15 years, I went to the flower-and-bird market to buy one, and it took a long time to know that its name was long-leaf red lotus. This is the longest-growing succulent tree, and it is still there. At that time, I raised it like this. I put it in the shade when the sun came out during the day and outside the balcony at night. I seldom watered it, and it was always green. It just muddled through the summer under my ignorance.

This is the product, it has never been beautiful, but it does not let people worry about it. It has changed the soil once in almost three years. It has a place in my heart, the longer it is raised, the more affectionate it becomes. I believe meat farmers also have this kind of complex.

The real entrant is 2016, all kinds of non-stop buying, Taobao, Xianyu, group buying, moments, city self-help. During this period, I joined some succulent exchange groups, followed the official accounts of succulent plants, and met some like-minded meat friends, such as strange uncles, Ting Xiaoting, confused shrimp, and so on. We usually communicate with each other and get together, from which we learn all kinds of meat raising knowledge. to know that life is not only about living in front of us, but also succulent and eating and drinking. Slowly can remember succulent names, can recognize their appearance, also know when to water, but also learn to mix their own soil, leaves, cuttings, beheading, heart-picking, and even pest prevention and treatment, and so on.

For the first time in my life, the two pots of succulent plants, Romeo said to me, is a hurdle, has raised 6 trees, are at odds with each other and has given up.

Since raising succulent plants, I have had a lot of happy times. Whenever I feel depressed, I take pictures of them, pull up dead leaves, loosen the soil, and sweep away my troubles. I think it is my luck to meet succulent plants. So I have this feeling: why didn't I find that I met you earlier? it's the best thing in life. Who has been silently guarding the same place in the wind and rain? It turns out that you are the lucky I most want to keep, that is my decision to fight against the summer, that accompany you in the rain, scenes are your spotless figure, good luck to meet you.

Coordinate Nanning, the summer weather is muggy and long, it is a reverse hanging area, the state of raising is not as good as that of the open hanging area, and it is not as good as the succulent plants of some predecessors and gods, but walking on corpses all the way, I feel very gratified to be able to raise the current state and make the succulent plants safe to spend the summer.

A lot of embarrassing things happened at the beginning, such as: often pull out the newly planted succulent plants to see if they have taken root? After such repeated twists and turns, a very good succulent plant is dead. For example, it often changes pots for succulent plants. Originally, people grow well, but when they buy new pots, they feel that the pots are more suitable for it, and they dig them up and plant them again. Moreover, it is a hot summer day, and when the weather is muggy, they water succulent plants and drench them on leaves. Such bad habits are often done by novices who are new to the meat pit.

To make a living outside, you should control your mouth, raise meat at home, and control your hands. To raise succulent plants, we should be patient and calm, be able to accept its birth, aging, sickness and death, and change from ugly to beautiful and ugly.

I prefer to look at the comparison pictures, which not only witnessed the growth of a succulent tree, but also witnessed their own hard work. Indeed, it is full of sense of achievement to make an ugly meat beautiful. As long as we try our best to do what we have to do and be a little more patient, we will leave the rest to the succulent people themselves. Time is the best painter and will draw beautiful pictures.

Green peach, a variety that is easy to raise and spend the summer, bought flower friends in the same city in the summer of 16 years.

It was so explosive that I changed the basin.

Last summer, it was so green that we could stir-fry a plate of rape.

There may be too many heads, and the leaves of the main rod are consumed a lot.

Now that it has become beautiful, are you ready to change the big basin again?

The change of a blue stone lotus was bought by Ting Xiaoting, a meat friend in the same city in August 16. Blue stone lotus and ivory lotus grew up together without guess. they changed pots at the beginning of 17 years and wanted to raise them separately, but they unexpectedly spoke with one voice: not to be born on the same day in the same year, but to die in the same month in the same year! We won't be separated even if we fight to death. Watching them go to justice bravely, I had to plant them together, but I thought to myself: look at the way you two show off, you can't survive more than two episodes in a TV drama. Maybe they guessed my mind, and they went so far as to get better and better. The last photo was taken in February 18.

The environment has changed, I am in a bad mood, and I have become gray. You come here? I really want to hit you, but I control the number of branches.

Changing pots and dew is under way.

Plant a few grasses casually to make them fall into polygonal love.

I didn't see him for a few days, but suddenly I found that it had changed. Shit, who did it? Or does blue stone lotus want to wear makeup to take part in the shooting of "choosing Heaven 2"?

Guanghan Palace, which is so ugly that Chang'e also moved, was bought in the summer of 16 years, and others picked out the rest.

Because it was too ugly, I casually planted a red pottery basin and planted a few thin snow trees given by others.

It is beginning to change a little bit. The soil dries quickly and is often watered.

The countryside surrounds the city?

Unexpectedly, in a few months, the grass has grown wildly, Guanghan Palace has become beautiful, a little bit of the feeling of the Wizard of Oz, even Chang'e also went home, no longer outside the waves.

Is it because there is too much grass, the leaves of Guanghan Palace become smaller and smaller, but planting some pot grass next to the succulent plant may save the succulent life, because the grass can take away the excess water from the soil and make the soil dry quickly. In the Guanghan Palace, which was bought by a group in the same period, all of them have been immortal, and only it has been alive so far. This grass is getting longer and longer. I often share it with meat friends, and many people's balconies grow out of a large area.

Granulated sugar, bought in May 16, thin and not rubbish.

After being exposed for a period of time, his head exploded and became loved by everyone, and the flowers bloomed.

Granulated sugar may be a kind of variety that is afraid of heat, and it has to be raised on the balcony when it exceeds 33 degrees. In the summer of 17, because there were too many heads and several heads were stuffy, they quickly pulled out and beheaded them to cool the roots. Why are carrots rotten in the ground? Why are women pregnant? It's all because it was too late.

After replanting, it slowly recovered, and the thin snow grass also grew into a piece. Here, to grow this grass, we must put more white medicine and purple medicine to prevent insects.

Avocado, why have you become like this in a year or two? Did you steal my lard in the middle of the night?

Is the mantis catching cicadas or is it spying on the creepy uncle?

This Shao Shao had the problem of pole shrinkage last year and is now growing well after smearing Daconine cream on the affected area.

The small single head became silly and big, changed the basin several times, and became more and more energetic.

Rejected by meat friends in the group, planted in the summer of 16 years.

Shouldn't she regret it by now? Whenever I post pictures in my group, she often smiles and says, "A cool song for you." As a matter of fact, she is a very generous person, and everyone is just teasing and having fun.

Trading in the same city, there are three similar trees, only bought one, now I regret not packing.

When it is cold and rainy, the middle is as white as snow

Orange Monroe is relatively easy to spend the summer, can deal with the hot weather in Nanning, has not hung one, it is recommended to raise more, the more beautiful.

This is what I do when I spend the summer. When it rains, I want to cover the sunshade with a raincloth. When it rains, I should blow off the water droplets of the leaves in time. If I don't control the water, it will rain when the weather is cool and windy for about ten days. Raised on the balcony, he will move the room to blow the fan when the weather is hot. In the summer of the first year, he is worried and always asks the fan: will these succulent plants die? Only to find that the fan kept shaking its head. The above only represents my summer experience, please many meat friends according to their own environment, develop a more suitable method.

To quote a famous saying from a local celebrity: in terms of raising succulent plants, it is impossible to get out of the pit, and it is impossible to get out of the pit in this lifetime.

Here, I hope that the majority of meat friends are better and better, the older they are, and the better their lives are.

Many meat friends have asked me why my succulent plant is so fat. I think it is very important to mix soil besides dew cultivation. Usually I like to toss about. I burn rice husks by myself, find wood chaff, buy broken walnut shells, ask for cinder, buy coarse sand in the sand yard, and mix it with various particles. The proportion is that there are more grains of coarse sand, and carbendazim should be put in the soil to prevent bacteria and insects.

I would like to express my special thanks to the beauty Liang in the group, who drove me to the sand yard to buy sand.

Take a look. I just changed the basin for the mage. The roots are very strong. The loose and breathable soil is conducive to the growth of roots, and such succulent plants are healthy and strong.

Even leaf cuttings are thick roots.

Some of my wizards, some of whom came here last summer, did not lose their leaves. Have time to share their own care experience, tired, want to wash up and go to sleep.

A lot of espionage? The succulent world is a mystery, worthy of further discussion.

This article has authorized the Encyclopedia of succulent plants exclusively.


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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