
Green turnip orchid. Hydroponic total yellow leaves! Just 3 steps, immediately turn green!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower friends love hydroponic flowers at home, but the nutrients in the water are always scarce relative to those in the soil, so hydroponic flower leaves are easy to turn yellow. today, flowers will tell you how to keep their leaves green all the time!

Hydroponic yellow leaf of spider plant

Why yellow leaves?

1. The light is too strong.

Chlorophytum is a shade-loving flower, can not accept the strong sunlight, if a flower friend put it on the south balcony, very easy to yellow leaves.


Chlorophytum can be maintained in indoor places with scattered light, such as living rooms, bedrooms, etc. Don't give too much sunlight.

2) Not enough fertilizer.

Hydroponic spider plants cannot absorb more trace elements like soil culture, so if you don't change the water frequently, it is easy to cause insufficient nutrients and lead to yellow leaves.


Chlorophytum is mainly applied with nitrogen fertilizer, which can be mixed with urea and water according to the ratio of 1:800 in the bottle. Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise it is easy to burn roots.

3. Not cut in time.

Leaves too dense will accelerate the absorption of nutrients, leaves will turn yellow, in addition, too many miscellaneous roots will affect the absorption of nutrients, will also lead to yellow leaves.


The yellow leaves are cut off in time. If the spider orchid is too dense, you can "cut off the head" operation to ensure that other leaves can grow normally, and the excess virtual roots are trimmed off so that the roots can fully absorb nutrients.

hydroponic green radish yellow leaf

Why yellow leaves?

1. Environmental mutation.

Generally just bought green radish home will have a process of adapting to the new environment, at this time if there are yellow leaves is normal phenomenon. Just cut off the yellow leaves in time.


You can put the green radish you just bought in the bedroom or other places in the house where there is scattered light, and wait for it to take the basin slowly.

2. Insufficient nutrition.

Nutrients in water are not as good as those in soil, and insufficient nutrients can also lead to yellow leaves of green radish.


Green radish is also a foliage plant, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, in addition to urea, we can dilute 20 times with decomposed soybean water and add a little in a hydroponic bottle, usually spray water on the leaves.

3. Poor water quality.

Some flower friends directly use tap water at home to raise green radish, without other treatment, chlorine in tap water is unfavorable to the growth of green radish, easy to lead to yellow leaves.


Change the water frequently. The water in the hydroponic bottle can be added to about 1/2 of the bottle. Change the water every 2 weeks. When changing, you don't have to take out the roots. You can pour them directly along the flat side.

Hydroponic yellow leaves of Cynanchum chinense

Why yellow leaves?

1. Insufficient nutrition. The copper flower grass grows very fast, so the nutrient consumption in the water is also very rapid. If the phenomenon of yellow leaves lodging occurs, it is likely that the nutrition is insufficient.


Half soil, half water. This can meet the water and nutrition needs of copper coins grass at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. First add soil to the bottle to 1/2, then plant copper money grass, then add water, slowly add, do not pour copper money grass, then add less water.

2. Poor ventilation. Even if it is cultivated in water, copper flower grass still needs a well-ventilated and not stuffy environment. If the air is too humid and not circulated, it is easy to cause yellow and wilting leaves of copper flower grass.


Pay attention to the placement. Put the hydroponic copper grass in a sunny and airy place, such as a south balcony.

Hydroponics of yellow leaves of Bambusa affinis

Why yellow leaves?

1. Improper fertilization. The newly bought rich bamboo generally has no roots, so its ability to absorb nutrients is poor, and it is easy to yellow leaves; but excessive fertilization will also cause the leaves of rich bamboo to turn yellow.


The newly bought rich bamboo can be cut at the lower end at an angle of 45° to increase the area for absorbing nutrients and promote rooting; if excessive fertilization is applied, it is necessary to immediately stop fertilization, cut off yellow leaves, change water again and dilute fertilizer.

2. Improper lighting. Insufficient light, rich bamboo can not carry out adequate photosynthesis, leaves will not be green; too strong light, rich bamboo is not sun resistant, leaves will also turn yellow.


Rich bamboo likes shade, the requirements for light are not too strict, usually placed in the living room can be.

3. Do not change water. Hydroponic green plants can not always change water, oxygen and nutrients in the water will be reduced after a period of use, and slowly they will not meet the conditions needed by rich bamboo.


Water quality deterioration, easy to breed bacteria, affect the breathing of rich bamboo, generally change the water once a month, usually less water can be added to the bottle.

Yellow leaves of Tortoise in water culture

Why yellow leaves?

1. Lack of nutrients. Hydroponics for a long time, insufficient nutrition in the water, it is easy to lead to yellow leaves.


Turtle bamboo is a relatively large foliage plant, home can be prepared some special nutrient solution, add one or two drops to the water every month, the leaves can be green.

2. The temperature is too low. Tortoise bamboo is not cold-resistant, winter temperature is too low, tortoise bamboo frozen easy yellow leaves.


When the temperature is low in winter, pay attention to keep the turtle bamboo warm, receive more light during the day, pay attention not to be affected by cold wind, otherwise it is easy to frostbite.

3. Poor ventilation. Although Tortoise likes to be moist, if the air is not circulated for a long time, it will easily turn its leaves yellow.


Put the turtle in a ventilated place at home, often spray water around to keep the air fresh.

All right, Huahua, that's all for today.

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