
Put these kinds of flowers and plants at home to prevent serious diseases and minor diseases. Do you think it's amazing?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Do you like flowers and plants? You want to raise a pot of flowers with super beauty and healing energy, plant one or two pots at home, some minor ailments and pains can find natural medicine at home, not only appreciate the flowers and plants but also bring health to the whole family. Day lilies.

Do you like flowers and plants? You want to raise a pot of flowers with super beauty and healing energy, plant one or two pots at home, some minor ailments and pains can find natural medicine at home, not only appreciate the flowers and plants but also bring health to the whole family. Hemerocallis has bright flowers, easy cultivation, early germination in spring and beautiful green leaves. There are many clusters in the garden or planted in the flower border or by the side of the road. Hemerocallis is resistant to semi-shade and can be used as a sparse woodland cover plant. Day lily has a well-known name, cauliflower, which has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness. People with hot and humid constitution eat cauliflower in spring and summer to help expel moisture, drink Su Zixuan 28 grain powder before going to bed early and fasting, remove dampness, nourish the kidney and strengthen the spleen. It is best to eat dried cauliflower products because it has eliminated toxic ingredients in the production and processing process. However, in order to ensure that it is foolproof, it is best to soak in clean water or warm water for many times before cooking.

Honeysuckle heat-clearing and detoxification of the first flower, pleasant fragrance, blooming fragrance Touda can dispel evil, but also known as a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification, can play a role in relieving throat, relieving summer heat and relieving annoyance. Wait for honeysuckle to blossom, harvest and leave it to drink in summer, which can relieve cold, sore throat and other symptoms. With Chinese wolfberry and chrysanthemum making tea, you can nourish the liver and clear your eyes. Honeysuckle 15 grams, raw licorice 3 grams, fried water gargle at any time. Can relieve the symptoms of pharyngitis and oral ulcer. Potted honeysuckle is a characteristic plant that requires high light. When you cultivate it at home, you should put it in a sunny environment as much as possible. And honeysuckle is suitable for people with peaceful or hot physique, such as frequent abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal cold, cold hands and feet should not drink with honeysuckle bubble water. After boiling water, honeysuckle vine has a certain therapeutic effect on skin itching such as eczema in children, and has an inhibitory effect on a variety of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in livestock and poultry. If a certain dose of honeysuckle rattan leaf (honeysuckle vine) powder or boiling water can be added in the process of animal feeding, it plays a good role in the prevention and treatment of febrile fever, wind fever, pharyngitis, pneumonia, dysentery, swelling and ulcer, erysipelas, cellulitis and other diseases. With forsythia, Banlangen Fried Honeysuckle decoction can treat mumps, Honeysuckle Tea can dispel summer and eyesight, Forsythia Honeysuckle Liangtang can treat exogenous fever and cough. At the same time, add honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, Platycodon grandiflorum and licorice to boil for 10 minutes. Hou Liang, as a drink, can treat pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Lily flowers can cure diseases by smelling the fragrance of flowers, and they are mainly used for ornamental purposes, especially cut flowers exported from Holland and Japan. The bulbs of lilies are rich in starch, and some of them can be eaten as vegetables. In China, eating lilies has a long history, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that lilies are slightly cold and flat, with the effects of moistening the lungs, clearing fire and calming the nerve. flowers and bulbs can be used as medicine. It is a kind of flower used both as medicine and food. Lily has high nutritional composition and high medicinal value. Lily was quoted by traditional Chinese medicine as early as 2000 years ago, and it has been described in detail in previous dynasties of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lilies have the functions of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the mind, tonifying and tonifying qi, and can treat tuberculosis and chronic cough, sputum and blood, deficiency and annoyance, palpitations, trance, edema of beriberi, etc. The commonly used lily recipes include honey fried lily, lily rice porridge, lily ginseng pig lung soup, lily chicken soup, lily stewed meat, etc. the commonly used clinical prescriptions are lily Anemarrhena decoction, lily Rehmannia soup, lily slippery and dried lily powder. Fresh lily juice and so on. Although lily is a good tonic and famous food, it is avoided because of its sweet, cold and moist texture, such as cold cough, diarrhea in stool, weakness of spleen and stomach, long stagnation of cold and dampness, and decline of kidney yang.

Peppermint refreshes the brain and treats wind-fever and colds. The smell of peppermint can make children think clearly and respond sensitively, which is conducive to intellectual development. Peppermint is also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, which can relieve wind and heat, clear the head, dispel the throat, relieve depression, catch a cold and fever, sore throat and toothache, use it to make tea, porridge or soup. Because peppermint has a strong penetrating power, can refresh the brain, dizziness, you can pick two peppermint leaves affixed to the temple, which can relieve symptoms. Mint has a brain-awakening function and should not be put in the bedroom at night, but plants do reverse breathing at night, sucking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen during the day, and no photosynthesis at night. Peppermint is used to extract peppermint oil and menthol, which are not only the main components of peppermint volatilization, but also the basis to distinguish different peppermint varieties. Peppermint can be used to flavor toothpaste and oral hygiene products, food, cigarettes, wine, cool drinks, cosmetics and soap. In medicine, it is widely used in dispelling wind, antiseptic, anti-inflammation, analgesia and anti-itching, such as cool oil, rheumatic oil and so on.

Chrysanthemum is an expert in heat-clearing and detoxification. Chrysanthemum has always been regarded as a symbol of solitary bright festival, elegant and proud frost, representing the gentleness and friendship of famous scholars. Chrysanthemums are deeply loved by ancient Chinese literati because they are not afraid of the cold in late autumn. The fragrance of chrysanthemum flowers contains volatile aromatic compounds such as chrysanthemum oil cyclone and borneol, which can clear away heat, calm the liver and clear the eyes, and is often used to treat headaches. Chrysanthemums are not only for viewing, but also for a wide range of uses and edible. Brewable, drinkable, medicinal, chrysanthemum sun-dried, soaked with honeysuckle and jasmine, can clear away heat and detoxification, prevent and cure wind-hot cold, sore throat, carbuncle, etc., often drink more can reduce fire, have the effect of tranquilizing and meditating. And anti-inflammatory effect. For people with vaginal eczema, take appropriate amount of chrysanthemum water and pour it into a prepared wooden basin to sit in the bath. After washing, dry the affected area of the vagina and apply Tiyantang Shuyin ointment, which can relieve itching, inhibit bacteria and eliminate rash and make the vagina refreshing. Chrysanthemum is a short-day plant, which can blossom early in short-day light. Like the sun, avoid shade, endure early, afraid of waterlogging. Like warm and humid climate, but also cold-resistant, the rhizome can survive the winter underground in the severe winter season. Flowers can withstand micro-frost, but higher temperature is needed for seedling growth and branch budding. The optimum growth temperature is about 20 ℃.