
Come here to find the answer to all kinds of questions about the dry tip yellow leaves and the disappearance of Phnom Penh in the cultivation of Cymbidium.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to hanging orchids, some people will say, ah! The hanging orchid is best raised, the water supply will live, give some sunshine will be brilliant, but also can become more than one basin! Yes, the orchid is known as the popular green plant, and its easy breeding habits are loved by many flower lovers. But it's not.

When it comes to hanging orchids, some people will say, ah! The hanging orchid is best raised, the water supply will live, give some sunshine will be brilliant, but also can become more than one basin! Yes, the orchid is known as the popular green plant, and its easy breeding habits are loved by many flower lovers. But not everyone can raise the hanging orchid lush, improper breeding will also appear dry sharp yellow leaves and other problems, today we will solve one by one.

Dry tip. Some flower friends often encounter the problem of dry tip in the process of hanging orchid culture. Cymbidium is a semi-shade plant, the growth process requires a higher air humidity, if your culture environment air is relatively dry, it is easy to cause the dry tip of the orchid. In order to maintain proper air humidity and create a good growth environment for the orchid, you can often spray water to keep the plant and its surroundings moisturizing. Placing the hanging orchid in a dark, light and unventilated environment for a long time will also cause the dry tip of the hanging orchid. The dry tip should be cut off in time and the plant should be moved to a cool, ventilated place with scattered light for breeding.

Yellow leaves. Excessive fertilization or lack of fertilizer; strong light exposure or too shade; overwatering of stagnant water in the basin; overconsolidation of basin soil will cause hanging orchid yellow leaves. Cut off the yellow leaves in time when you find them. Cymbidium likes fertilizer, and the lack of fertilizer can easily lead to yellow leaves due to lack of nutrition. Sufficient nitrogen fertilizer can promote luxuriant branches and leaves (Phnom Penh or silver orchid should be reasonable application of nitrogen fertilizer), phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can also make the orchid produce more strips and produce small orchids. However, no matter which kind of plant, fertilization should not be excessive. It is generally recommended that thin fertilizer be applied frequently to prevent hypertrophy from leading to burning roots and yellow leaves. If your family's hanging orchid is kept in the living room, you can regularly move it to a better-lit place such as a balcony to receive scattered light for a few hours in spring, autumn and winter, but avoid strong light exposure in midsummer, otherwise there will soon be dry sharp yellow leaves and other phenomena. Cymbidium is not strict on soil quality, but the root system grows rapidly. it is generally recommended to change the basin soil once a year to prevent the excessive loss of nutrients in the long-term irrigated soil. Loosen the soil in the basin irregularly before watering. It is suggested that rotten leaf soil or pine needle soil, garden soil, perlite or river sand should be allocated at 4:4:2. A little compound fertilizer can be added to the bottom of the basin.

Phnom Penh and Silver Edge fade or disappear. We know that the photosynthesis of green plants is inseparable from sunlight. Too shady environment will not only make Cymbidium dry tip yellow leaves, but also because the plant itself can not use photosynthesis to produce more nutrients, Phnom Penh or silver edge will slowly turn green, in order to increase the area of photosynthesis. If your hanging orchid has plenty of light but the gold and silver edges slowly fade or disappear, it is because you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which will also lead to the increase of chlorophyll in the hanging orchid and lead to the disappearance of gold or silver edges.