
Previous methods of fertilization for orchid cultivation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Previous methods of fertilization for orchid cultivation

The Jin Zhang Orchid Spectrum mentions a "fat mud method" that is to burn the soil and pour dung for two or three months. When in use, mix it with "fat mud" and "sand". It is also said that "the fish scale water is also fat, it must be soaked in the smell, and it must be used for a long time."

"Orchid Huijing": "take the good mountain mud to mix the December dung and make the soil, burn it slightly in the fire, take it out and dry it in the jar, expose the heavy rain to cover the light rain, this is gold mud." This mud can not be put into the basin until it can produce grass after three years, but it should not be used more than one or two taels of small pots and three or four taels of large pots. If it is left at the bottom of the basin, it should not be placed close to the root, for fear that it may not be affected by fertile soil and lead to mistakes. "

In the Tips of Yilan, "Lanhui irrigates the strong method": "Lanhui is in the mountains, the earth is thick and prosperous, there is no obstruction of strength, natural fragrance. If the soil is barren in the basin, how can it flourish without the long hair of strong help? Only if you are strong, you must get the best at the right time, otherwise it will be futile and harmful. Spring and autumn two minutes per year, before and after ten days, each session can be watered twice, mildew weather overcast and rain twice. When watering, you must choose the time when the north wind turns cool in order to avoid heat injury and abstain from it. Avoid the sun for five days after watering, otherwise the leaves will have black and white ideas, on the contrary, it is not beautiful. When watering, first look at the strong and thin leaves, such as potted prosperous leaves, can be slightly more watered. If the poop leaves are a little small, they should be watered gently. There are one or two piles in the basin, and the Reed is not complete, so it is reasonable to withdraw your hands and refresh yourself. If the roots and leaves are fixed in September and October, there is no need to water them. The world says that the strong water is not suitable for the orchid, which has not tried its original ear. Zit will write a detailed book on the appropriateness of each strong water for reference.

The silkworm is mild and the mulberry leaves are cool, the sand is collected and soaked in Miaodan Fang, the leaves can turn green after being irrigated with yellow, and the hairy leaves take root the longest. Collect two silkworm sand in April, soak in water, wait for its heat to clear, then use it, mix it with clear water and avoid the sun for a few days.

Deer in the mountains where to find, how can take dung to the family, although the medicine shop can be obtained, this dung must know firewood. In the past, it is said that deer dung is the best to water orchid, but it is not easy to get. The deer that combines medicine, eats firewood, grass, beans and wheat, its nature is hot and humid, and can not be used.

The swallow root soaked in water is the best, and the force of warming and tonifying is twice as long. It is poured into the basin to remove dampness and heat, and the root hair leaves are the strongest. Swallow root soaked in water for two months, can be used, hair root long leaf is called the first good prescription.

The dung has the strongest watering power, the orchid root is tender and weak, and it is more hot and humid and salty, and watering the flowers will be hurt.

Human dung is salty and wet, and it is useless to water it. The leaves of prosperous pots are luxuriantly watered at first, and all the leaves that have been irrigated for a long time are irredeemable. If you use the golden juice from the manure for decades, the orchid leaves will not be damaged.

Grass juice must know that the power is not strong, clarify such as water is also good, more sincere fear of good season, pouring after the wind to avoid the sun. Although the juice of a hundred herbs is safe, it is thin, and it is set to be watered several times for fear of missing the season, but it is not beautiful, so pay attention to watering it.

When the new buds come out of the mud after Xia, most of them are small and unsuitable. I asked how to treat the slimness of Junmiao, and few people know about pouring milk immortals. Human milk is the rise of essence and blood, the decline of Tianling, into Ganze, but no salty taste, Xia after each pot of wine cup, clear water. In August and September, its seedlings flourished.

Clam juice watering orchid is very meritorious, cool and warm, strong roots, strong leaves, autumn hair, it is different to see new flowers early. Clam meat immersed in water, sun and night dew, available for a long time, its nature is warm and cool, which is really beneficial.

The above all strong, need to be mixed with clear water, look at the strong and thin leaves, the size of the basin, consider how much, but must see the weather, the north wind rotation, can be poured. If you should not be festive, if you pour it at will, it will lead to mistakes, and don't blame the composer for what he said is right. "

Orchid fertilizer is discussed in the "first fragrant Notes": "Changshu (such as it) method, every year to swim mud to replant, do not need to be fertilized, if it cannot do so, there are flowers and leaves without God, there are people who can penetrate, they must use fertilizer soil method, the methods are different, or use pod shell water, or use hundred grass juice, or use chicken feathers, or soak in deer dung, all in June or July, when the basin soil is dry, there will be showers, irrigating with fertilizer water, waiting for heavy rain to wash your feet. If the shower is impenetrable, it is necessary to use a spray tube to permeate Rain Water for a long time, so that the fat is down, and there is no danger of blocking and hurting the roots. " "or Yun, watering the river in summer and autumn can be used instead of fertile soil (as water). The fat water used in the past is astringent pods, sour herbs, fishy chicken feathers, and fear of attracting insects and ants. Deer dung means all kinds of grass, but chicken feathers must be soaked to May and June every other year, and there is absolutely no fishy smell before they can be irrigated with water." And as the saying goes, "Changshu uses dung, it must first dew more than the moon at night, and then it can be used. It is appropriate to wait for the mud to be extremely dry around the equinox of spring and autumn, pouring it down from the side of the basin, and do not use the leaf root. Immediately, it should be washed thoroughly, and after half a month, it should not be exposed to the sun, or it will wither."

In the outline of Lan Yan, the fertilizer for orchids is described as follows: "when used in pit sand, rinse with water and take it out in two months, dry in the sun and grind very fine powder before it can be used, but only the disease-free leaves can be used." As for small and medium-sized leaves, although there is no disease, it is better not to use them, that is, extremely hairy leaves, small pots can be used for one money, large pots can only cost five dollars, and many are harmful. When turning over pots in spring, mix them with mud and plant them away from the roots. if you exchange pit sand for new mud, if Lesser Heat is not sick after planting, mix it with dung after three years, very light, and thick will be harmful. When Lesser Heat went to White Dew, the mud was not hot and was watered three times before the rain. If there is no rain, drench thoroughly with water every morning. If other methods are not suitable, they will be hurt. " The "pit sand" mentioned here is what we modern people call "urine alkali".

The method of using fat in the Lan Hui Tongxin record, "the method of using fat, it is better to use less. Ning Shao and others moxibustion charcoal in the hair, grind it fine, choke orchid; soak it with pit sand, grind it, and choke it. " "or dry the dog dung in the wild," or mix the baby's milk dung with sand and mud, put it in a ventilated place and dry it for two years on the edge of the basin. " "in March, April, July and August, the potted noodles will be dry and can be fertilized. The method of promoting flowers with three volts should also use fertilizer. However, we must pay careful attention to its fat or use raw soybean milk and bean grass juice to stay in the dung, each has its own advantages. If the rest of the use, then take the next year of bamboo shoot shell water, also eat bamboo shoots in the spring, its shell is full of congestion, a little water, with a basin cover, let stink. If you take it the next year, the sex will be a little more peaceful, but the gas will not be steamed, and then it will be watered with clean water. It should be protected from the sun for five or six days after pouring, and only when the noodles are air-dried can they be exposed. "

"Lan Hui Xiao Shi" discusses the use of fertilizer: "Fertilizer, ancient strong water using sheep and deer dung water, skin horn water, grass juice water, bean shell water, bean cake water, bloody water, silkworm sand water, bath soup water, have not been tried." Think that sheep and deer dung is bloody, bath soup is too filthy, filth is mildew root, silkworm paste, bean cake, bean shell juice is too hot, but also fear to hurt the root, skin horn, grass juice is too greasy, is also not good, Wei chicken goose feather water can be soaked. Today, there are people in Shanghai who want to pour strong water, and it is better to soak chicken feathers in Tianquan water for one year with bird's nest crumbs mixed with beef bone powder. Soak it with a large urn, sun dew in summer and autumn, frost and ice in winter, but can not be caught in the rain, the cover must make it rotten and not mildew. When using it, it must be taken according to the old and tender flowers, the number of the original, and the appearance, giving the top-grade famous flowers and newly planted weak grass, all of which are satisfactory. Anyone with a vegetarian heart of Lanhui, no matter good or bad, does not like fat, and if he is watered with strong water, the orchid leaves will gradually wither away, and people will not have their nature. they complain that the flowers are not long, and their vegetarian hearts are clean. They do not like to be fat in this mountain, and it is better to cultivate them in the basin today. " It is also said that "where fertilizing water is always diligent and light, do not be sudden and thick".

In the Chronicle of Orchid Garden, the ancients used fertilizer to make a general summary, dividing the former plant orchid fertilizer into 16 kinds: first, gold juice, that is, human dung, sealed in an urn, to be used after 2023; second, Renzhongbai (traditional Chinese medicine name). Take long-year pit sand, soak in clear water to cool dry, grind powder, mix the same amount of mountain mud, and place on the edge of the basin; third, dog dung, white is the best. The usage is the same as above; fourth, silkworm sand, that is, silkworm dung, must be used every other year, soaked in a tank for three or four months, showing a brown liquid, mixed with water 20 to 30 times, pouring; fifth, poultry manure, mix chicken manure and pigeon manure into the same amount of mountain mud, knock it fine after fermentation in the shade, and put the right amount on the edge of the basin; sixth, Morchella, generally take undigested residual grass from sheep tripe in the slaughterhouse, add water storage jar, add water and dilute the application half a year later. Seventh, clam, will clam meat storage jar, six months after adding water ten times watering orchid, the advantage, clam water after half a year without peculiar smell; eight, snake skin. Cut up and soak the jar sealed and buried deep in the ground, after one or two years, add water a hundred times; its nine, fish fishy water, take fish scales and viscera retting for a year and then add water; its ten, dew, can be moistened through a dry cloth, three days to take field dew, usage every morning bowl Xu, can make Maolan flower as soon as possible; its eleven, poop (bean cake, vegetable cake) retting fermentation after adding water application; its 12, broad bean shell or bamboo shoot shell, add water retting fermentation to be used Its thirteen, grass juice, golden scented tea, etc.; its fourteen, bone powder, livestock bone into bone charcoal; its fifteen, baby milk dung, mixed with mountain mud to be dried, to be applied after 2012; its sixteen, human milk, new buds through the soil, one small cup at a time to make it strong.

The fertilizers listed by Mr. Gu are commonly used in planting orchids in the old days. Although retting is tedious and foul, it is a good organic fertilizer. Most of us modern orchid planting people don't use it. But in my personal opinion, if there are conditions, it is better to rett some. Now people raise orchids, often only pay attention to inorganic fertilizer, on the one hand, inorganic fertilizer on the other hand, it is difficult to grasp the amount and time. However, in general, the quick effect of inorganic fertilizer is its advantage.

What we have mentioned above are all the methods of preparing and using fertilizer of our ancestors. Apart from being useless, I'm afraid some bird's nests, human milk, deer dung and so on are not available. We can study the experience of our predecessors, discard the dross and use it for our own use. Extracted from the Treasure Book of Orchids