
She accidentally knocked off a few succulent leaves and turned out to be

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Novice friends in the process of taking care of the meat, occasionally may accidentally touch a few leaves of the beloved meat, at this time, please do not feel sorry, because it means that you will get a few new succulent plants. Personal feeling, actually Ye.

Novice friends in the process of taking care of the meat, occasionally may accidentally touch a few leaves of the beloved meat, at this time, please do not feel sorry, because it means that you will get a few new succulent plants.

Personal feeling, in fact, leaf insertion is the most convenient way to reproduce meat, without one. If you want to grow more new meat, or if there is a disease in some part of your meat that the original plant cannot survive, you can take off the strong leaves and insert them. As long as the point where the leaves and stems are connected, that is, the growing point of the leaves, even if the leaves are a little damaged, a brand-new plant of meat can still be produced.

Next, the editor will talk to you about the methods of leaf insertion and matters needing attention.

Leaf insertion steps:

1. Pick the healthy leaves, put them in a ventilated and dry place with scattered light for three days, and dry the wound.

2. Prepare the basin soil

Previous articles have written about how meat is mixed with soil, but it is mainly about surviving meat, and now it is leaf cutting, which mainly makes Mr. succulent root, so let the coarse sand be a little less, with a ratio of 6 peat + 4 coarse sand. If possible, 6 peat soil can be further decomposed into 4 peat soil + 1 cinder + 1 sawdust. These soil materials I am talking about are readily available in the surrounding environment.

3. Divide the basin soil into undulating ridges, spray the basin soil with a spray can, and then put the dry leaves facing down, the leaf tip high and the growing point low on the furrow, so that the growing point is closer to the basin soil. later, the roots can be more easily inserted into the basin soil.

4. Put the flowerpot in a ventilated place with scattered light and wait for roots or sprouts. Do not water them before they come out. If the environment is too dry, you can spray some water around with a spray can to adjust the humidity of the surrounding air, but be careful not to spray water on the leaves.

5. According to different succulent varieties, the time for rooting or sprouting varies, and some will take root first and some will sprout first. After the root bud, continue to maintain in the environment of ventilation and scattered light, do not expose to the sun, can be properly watered.

6. when the leaf disk is fully grown and the root system is fully grown, you can gradually come into contact with all-day sunlight and water once or twice a week to maintain the seedlings normally.


1. Spray the basin soil with a spray can when the leaves are inserted, paying attention to the damp but not wet.

2. Do not touch the leaves with water before taking root, otherwise it is easy to dissolve.

3. If you encounter transparent water or rotten leaves during leaf insertion, you must remove them in time so as not to infect other leaves.

4. Try to wait quietly during leaf insertion. Don't move the leaves around without moving. Be patient enough.

5, with the growth of the new bud, the mother leaf will slowly dry up, try not to move the mother leaf, let it dry naturally, so as not to hurt the new bud, and put the nutrition of the mother leaf into the new bud.

6. Ventilation, say important things three times.

The above are the steps and precautions of leaf insertion of succulent plants. I hope it will be helpful to novice friends.

The little exquisite life is arranged and released.