
Treasure Book of Orchid cultivation: talking about the "Qi" of Qigong and the "Qi" of Orchid cultivation (that is, the management of ventilation)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Treasure Book of Orchid cultivation: talking about the "Qi" of Qigong and the "Qi" of Orchid cultivation (that is, the management of ventilation)

Orchid Cultivation: Discussion on "Qi" of Qigong and "Qi" of Orchid Cultivation (i.e. Management of Ventilation)(Turn)

When I was bored, I flipped through my previous books, and there was actually a book on health qigong. Book cloud: There are three stages of practice: first, essence into qi; second, qi into god; third, return to god into virtual. It emphasizes the coordination of essence, qi and spirit through the cultivation of qi. Think carefully, Yanglan is not so? It's just that this "qi" is the wind. (Note: This post is purely a discussion, and there may be far-fetched attachments that are not rigorous enough. I hope the sea will contain it)

1. Turning essence into gas------------

1, do not form waterlogging, reduce the pressure of roots (swelling);

2. It conforms to the ancient motto of Lan-likes to moisten but does not like wet-;

3, conducive to "clear gas rise""turbid gas decline"-inhibit fungal growth, etc.

Second, the gas is God------------

1. Wind blowing orchid helps to improve the immunity of orchid body;

Just think: why is the vitality of small trees under trees and flowers in greenhouses fragile? What is missing is the tempering of wind and rain

2. It can reduce the accumulation of water in orchid leaves and disperse gas and hot air.

3, ventilation is conducive to rooting-good roots can be better

Third, return to God into the virtual---------------

As the saying goes: "Earth has three treasures of water, fire and wind, people have three treasures of spirit." Since man's essence and spirit can be regulated by qi, earth's water and fire can also be regulated by wind, turning arthralgia into profit. Meiyu is surplus water (yin), regulated by wind, emitting water vapor, nourishing yin and yang, and growing orchid, which is conducive to bud cultivation and heatstroke prevention. Heat is excessive fire (belonging to yang), regulated by wind, emitting fire, nourishing yang and supplementing yin, Lilan dormancy, conducive to bud cultivation, cold and frost resistance. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the movement of qi up and down is called qi movement. Qi movement in and out of the smooth flow, the body is healthy. Otherwise, qi disorder, that is, the movement of qi up and down in and out blocked, the body will appear "qi stagnation","qi inversion","qi depression","qi stagnation" and "qi closure" and other pathological states. Once the movement of qi ceases, the activity of life ceases. This also shows the importance of ventilation. Balcony orchid, ventilation is not enough, reasonable use of fans is the best policy.

Additional note: there are lanyou granular plant material 1 day, soft plant material 3 days orchid root that is in a state of water or no waterlogging state, then its qi itself has been through, another matter!