
The method of raising pigeons: the most important skill of raising pigeons is the choice of young pigeons.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, To raise pigeons, the most important thing for us is the choice of young pigeons, otherwise the raised pigeons are easy to get sick, or there are other problems, then for young pigeons, how do we choose? If you keep it regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also guide

To raise pigeons, the most important thing for us is the choice of young pigeons, otherwise the raised pigeons are easy to get sick, or there are other problems, then for young pigeons, how do we choose? If it is kept regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also lead to a decline in the performance of the whole shed. On the contrary, the careful selection of high-quality young pigeons is very beneficial to breeding competition. Therefore, pigeon owners must pay attention to the choice of young pigeons. How to choose young pigeons?

First, bloodline is the foundation. According to the practice of racing, the young pigeons with good pedigree and outstanding performance in the shed were selected as the next generation of breeding pigeons. Hybrid pigeons can choose the most genetically outstanding young pigeons to participate in the competition, then you must know which lineage should be the main blood, which are the matching lineages, the main blood, mixed blood to participate in the competition; this is good.

Second, the choice of young pigeons depends on their size. If a racing pigeon is to win in front of ten thousand strong pigeons in a fierce competition, even in the competition for several kinds of pigeons, in addition to its own pedigree, appearance and eyes, the remaining condition is physical fitness. Physical fitness includes body type. Pigeons with streamlined shape should be chosen. According to the principle of aerodynamics, the streamlined carrier pigeon has the advantages of low flight resistance, good balance, long flight time and less physical exertion. Therefore, in the choice of any variety of streamlined pigeons is the first choice. In terms of overall shape, it is long, wide and thick, that is, body length, back width and chest thickness. Judging from the data of the winning pigeons in the competition, most of the winning pigeons in the medium-and short-range races are short and thick, or short and lean, and this kind of racing pigeons often have strong explosive power and short flying time, which is determined by their body characteristics, that is to say, the body characteristics of medium-and short-range pigeon species are different from those of long-distance and ultra-long-distance pigeons. Therefore, when selecting young pigeons, it is necessary to choose the body type of young pigeons in combination with the competition items.

Third, the choice of the eyes of young pigeons. Because they are young pigeons, each person has different methods of distinguishing pigeons, and some of them can't see why. But practice tells us that facial sand, pupils, eye aspirations, and blood pigeons buckled inside are all beneficial to breeding and flying.

Fourth, the bones of young pigeons are also very important. This is Zhang Wanzhong's high opinion 300 years ago, but unfortunately, it has not been taken seriously by all pigeon lovers so far. The skeleton is the basis of the racing pigeon, which is the part of all the movements of the racing pigeon and the support for the generation of motor muscle. only a strong, soft and strong skeletal structure can provide a suitable pillar for different parts of the muscle. When a young pigeon is held in the hand, it should have a strong and strong feeling. The keel should be long, thick and curved. One end of the pubic bone is slightly warped, the pubic bone should be short, thick and strong, closed tightly, and the upper arm bone, which grows stout and hard, can increase the frequency of the fan.

Fifth, feathers. The feathers are required to have a good fluff degree, smooth feathers, bright color, fine feathers such as silk, closely arranged into flat and thin elastic feathers, close to the whole body, and a feeling of slipping in the hands.

Sixth, muscle. The big chest muscles appear plump and strong, with a sense of firmness and composure. After training and competition, all the fat of the racing pigeon disappears, and the large chest muscle changes from soft to elastic. When the pigeon is held in the hand, the wings produce a feeling of softness and elasticity.

Seventh, comprehensive appearance. The young pigeon has a strong posture and an intelligent, calm and confident manner. To give people a sense of balance, the feet should not be too long, too straight, or too short. The male pigeon must have a generous male appearance; the female pigeon has a dignified and elegant female appearance. It is necessary to "be as quiet as a virgin and move like a dragon". Have a sense of affinity to the host and be highly vigilant to strangers. With regard to the choice and opinion of young pigeons, it is only my humble opinion, because at present, there is no professional school, no fixed teacher, no fixed model in the industry of raising pigeons. To rely on their own learning, groping, and more communication with pigeon fanciers. Therefore, we should not be afraid of failures and setbacks, and we should not rest on our laurels and come to a standstill with our achievements. We should modestly learn the strengths of others, understand the advantages of other pigeons, and introduce good pedigree pigeons at the right time, which will add new vitality to our pigeon houses and may have unexpected results.

Now, you know how pigeons should choose their young.