
Orchid cultivation: "Personality" Management of Bluegrass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchid cultivation: "Personality" Management of Bluegrass

Orchid Cultivation: "Personality" Management of Orchid Grass

The growth of all kinds of bluegrass has the "common" management requirements of shading, ventilation, moisture retention, loosening, ventilation and fertilizer retention. However, there are certain differences in the growth environment of all kinds of bluegrass, and there are also certain "personality" differences in the growth habits of bluegrass. Such as spring orchid moisture tolerance, summer orchid sun tolerance, autumn orchid fertilizer tolerance, cold orchid dry tolerance, ink orchid shade, etc. Therefore, the habits of bluegrass cannot be generalized and recognized. Under the premise of following the "commonness" conservation management, it is also necessary to take into account the "individuality" of various bluegrass and manage them. We should establish the concept of "knowing orchids and raising orchids." Efforts should be made to plant tubes according to the growth rules and habits of various bluegrass. In order to scientifically cultivate and manage all kinds of orchids. How to recognize the different habits ("personality") of bluegrass?

(1) There are differences in cold resistance of orchid: due to certain differences in living environment, there are also differences in cold resistance of various kinds of orchid, such as Cymbidium, Cymbidium, especially Cymbidium, which is stronger than other orchids, while Cymbidium and Cymbidium have poorer cold resistance than other orchids. Lotus petals, Cymbidium, Cymbidium are between Cymbidium and Cymbidium. The difference of cold resistance provides scientific basis for the heat preservation management of orchid grass in winter, the order of arranging in and out of the room and the arrangement position of various orchid grass in the greenhouse, the orchid grass with low cold resistance enters the room first and then leaves the room, and the orchid grass with high cold resistance enters the room first, overcomes the defect of entering the room too early or too late, and ensures that the orchid grass is not frozen. At the same time, the discharge location of various types of bluegrass is also different. The drought-tolerant and yang-loving cymbidium should be placed in the sunny place near the window in the upper layer, and the shade-loving and moisture-resistant ink orchid and cold orchid should be placed in the scattered light place in the lower layer, which is conducive to the safe winter of orchid grass.

(2) There were some differences in the light quality of orchids: among orchids, Cymbidium, Cymbidium and Cymbidium prefer sun, while Cymbidium, Cymbidium and Cymbidium prefer shade. This difference provides scientific basis for different requirements of shade degree of orchid. Different in the maintenance to adapt to its light requirements, so that bluegrass better growth.

(3) There are differences in moisture properties of orchid: Cymbidium and Cymbidium have strong and developed roots, strong drought tolerance, and are usually slightly dry. Ink orchid, spring sword, is required to be wet.

(4) There are differences in fertilizer requirement of orchid grass: Cymbidium, cold orchid and lotus petal orchid require more fertilizer than other orchids, because the pseudobulbs of these orchids are small, the stored nutrients are not much, but the leaves are more, the flowers are more, the fertilizer consumption is large, the nutrient supply is in short supply, and the roots and leaves need to be absorbed and supplemented in time. The thick roots and leaves need phosphorus and potassium supplements. Cymbidium root system thick and strong, false bulbs obvious and round, can store more water and nutrients,. The leaves and pseudobulbs of Cymbidium sinense contain a lot of phosphorus, and its old roots also have a strong ability to absorb phosphorus, so Cymbidium sinense needs less phosphorus. And Cymbidium sinense thick leaves, nitrogen, potassium demand is greater.

5. The plant material performance of orchid grass is different: the root of cymbidium is particularly strong. In order to ensure the ventilation and healthy growth of cymbidium root, the plant material must be loose, and the particles should be coarse rather than fine. Cold orchid, lotus petal orchid is the opposite, the requirements should be fine not thick. Choose soft, humus-rich plant materials based on the soil quality of the original site. No matter what kind of plant material, should be mixed with some mountain mud (corrosive soil) raised cold orchid, lotus petal orchid grow best.

(6) There are differences between deep and shallow planting of cymbidium: cymbidium has strong roots and luxuriant leaves, and its foot shell is high, so it is suitable for deep planting. Lotus petals orchid, cold orchid to shallow planting, lotus petals orchid, cold orchid roots more and longer, especially good gas, there is "to want orchids grow well, the wind will fall." As the saying goes, shallow planting is good for ventilation. In general, when planting, the head of reed can be exposed to 1/3~3/2 of the soil surface, and the lotus petal orchid and cold orchid should be exposed to 3/4 of the soil surface. Cymbidium reeds can be buried in plant material.

(7) There are differences in the performance of vernalization and avoidance of excessive warmth: spring orchid, cymbidium and spring sword need a low temperature period of "vernalization stage" in order to bloom normally due to long-term adaptation to the cold climate in winter. In Fujian, Guangdong and other places in the south, due to the high winter temperature, there is no low temperature period for vernalization of orchid, so the flowering rate is low, the flowers opened and the flower quality is not good, which proves the importance of vernalization period to flowering.

Cold orchid, orchid, ink orchid, etc., do not need vernalization period.

8. There are differences in the habit of orchid overgrowth: most orchid species are not important to this habit, while a few orchids have the habit of overgrowth, such as cymbidium and lotus petal orchid, because of their small false scales and long leaves. If they are separated and planted alone, they lose the conditions for co-operation and weaken their resistance. Single plant reproduction, even if they barely survive, is also growing smaller and smaller, and it is difficult to bloom in a short period of time. The result is not worth the loss.

According to the different characters of orchid grass, the cultivation of orchid grass cannot be uniform for thousands of times, and it should be treated differently in management, which should be different from grass to grass. Under the premise of following the "commonness" of orchids, it is also necessary to take into account the "individuality" of various orchids and carry out differentiated scientific cultivation management in order to cultivate orchids.