
Treasure Book of Orchid cultivation: encyclopedic knowledge of Orchid fertilization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Treasure Book of Orchid cultivation: encyclopedic knowledge of Orchid fertilization

Orchid cultivation: encyclopedic knowledge of Orchid fertilization

The agricultural proverb "A flower in a crop depends on fertilizer" is also very applicable to orchids. Orchid is a fertile plant, it is difficult to meet its perennial growth needs only by relying on the fertilizer in the plant material in the pot. If the orchid is planted in the pot for a long time, the nutrients in the plant material are gradually reduced, so proper fertilization is needed. Fertilization is not only one of the important links in orchid cultivation, but also a unique skill that is extremely difficult to grasp in orchid cultivation, so it is necessary to study, explore, practice and sum up carefully.

I. the main fertilizer ingredients for orchids

1. Nitrogen mainly promotes the vigorous growth of stems and leaves and the thick green color of leaves. When lack of nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color is yellowish and the plant grows slowly. The content of nitrogen fertilizer is more in soybean cake, oil crops and urea.

2. Phosphorus can promote root development, plant enrichment, and promote the formation and development of flower buds and leaf buds. The content of phosphate fertilizer is more in bone meal, fish meal and calcium superphosphate.

3. Potassium can dissolve and transfer nutrients to the cells, make the plant firm, enrich the stem and leaf tissue, grow upright, and enhance the plant's ability to resist diseases and insect pests. Potassium-deficient plants will become short, the leaves will be soft and scorched, and even the growth will be hindered. Potassium is mainly contained in plant ash and potassium inorganic fertilizer. The above three fertilizers are the main fertilizer nutrients to promote the growth of orchids. What we usually call fertilization is also the main application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, orchids also need calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and manganese, copper, boron, zinc and other trace elements in the growth process. But in general, there is no shortage of plant materials, and it is generally not necessary to add them. If it is missing, it can be solved by changing the plant material, or it can be applied with full-price synthetic organic fertilizer.

Second, the types of fertilizers needed for orchids can be divided into two categories: organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, as well as highly efficient synthetic flower fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer.

1. Commonly used organic fertilizers:

A, human and animal fertilizer, urine fermentation retting after use, known in ancient times as "gold juice", mainly composed of nitrogen; cow, sheep, pig, dog manure fermentation, not only can be used as dry fertilizer, but also can be made into fertilizer and water, diluted and used. This kind of fertilizer contains a full range of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

B, retting fertilizer, the traditional use of many kinds of retting fertilizer, such as bean cake, rapeseed cake, fish water, chicken feathers, fish belly intestines and other bubble liquid fermentation, retting 3muri diluted use after 6 months, retting fertilizer in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer is also more complete.

C, grass juice, with spring or early summer growth of tender grass into water juice, the main fertilizer is divided into nitrogen fertilizer.

3. Efficient synthesis of organic liquid fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer:

A, blue fungus king, full-price nutrient element, has the function of promoting root, accelerating bud and strengthening seedling.

B, plant whole, comprehensive mineral health ingredient, can promote root, accelerate bud, improve vitality, prevent virus infection and so on.

C, Xishuo, natural algae fertilizer and soil improver, containing various elements and natural plant hormones, live bacteriocin, can resist cold, drought, humidity, inhibit virus infection and so on.

D, promote root growth, integrate plant root nutrition auxiliaries, make the root more exuberant, so that the orchid plant grows rapidly and can inhibit virus infection.

4. Long-acting slow-release granular fertilizers, such as "magic fertilizer" and "available fertilizer" made in the United States and "Yiduo" made in Taiwan, are put in the basin to release fertilizer slowly for many years.

3. Those fertile orchids need to be applied during the growing period of orchids. During the growing period of a year, the fertilizers needed are:

1. Hypnotic fertilizer is used to break dormancy and promote early germination in order to win a longer growth period. When the temperature is more than 15c during the day and not less than 5c at night, it is better to spray inorganic fertilizer (such as urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate) and biological bacterial fertilizer on the leaf.

2. Sprouting fertilizer is applied to promote early sprouting and multiple sprouting, and to win effective buds in early autumn. After applying soda fertilizer, 7murmury could be applied in 10 days.

3. To promote root fertilizer, when the leaf buds extend around the 3cm, there will be a pause growth period, at this time gradually grow new roots, enter the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and then need more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to promote the rapid growth of new roots.

4. to promote fertilizer is to meet the rapid development, rapid growth and rapid maturity of new buds of orchid plants, and to sprout for the second time in late summer and early autumn, and to win the need for early development and maturity of the second crop buds. It is the longest and most frequent application of fertilizer in a year. It is better to use organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer alternately, root fertilizer and foliar fertilizer alternately.

5. Flower fertilizer is applied to promote the development and growth of flower buds and to achieve the purpose of many flowers, large flowers, colorful and fragrant taste.

6. cold-resistant fertilizer, stop applying nitrogen fertilizer 30 days before overwintering, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to facilitate overwintering, because phosphorus can reduce the freezing point of plant cells, potassium can increase plant cellulose, stem and leaf cortex is tough, choose phosphoric acid.

Second, hydrogen potassium root irrigation or leaf application.

According to Mr. Shen Yuanru, after leaving the house in early spring, Magnolia is fertilized twice before and after the Qingming Festival, each time at an interval of half a month; the young buds and new roots need more nutrients during the germination period and need to apply strong grass fertilizer; during the plum rain, the sub-grass grows very fast, and the sunny day is fertilized twice; when Lesser Heat, the orchid plant is thin and topdressing with light fertilizer once; White Dew to the Autumn Equinox apply light fertilizer for the last time; if there is an autumn pole after Cold Dew, you can apply light fertilizer again.

4. The basic methods of fertilizing orchids there are two basic methods of fertilization: base fertilizer and topdressing.

The fertilizer that is directly added to the plant material is called base fertilizer. Because it is difficult to master adding fertilizer to plant materials, and it is easy to breed diseases and insect pests, and it is also easy to burn roots and injure orchids, so it has been no longer used by orchid farmers in recent years. There are two methods of topdressing: root fertilization and extra-root fertilization.

1. "Root fertilization" is to pour fertilizer into the plant material and let the root system absorb it. The methods of root fertilization are as follows: "irrigation", "soaking" and so on. "Irrigation" is the most commonly used method, which is to pour the fertilizer liquid into the plant along the edge of the basin. "soak" is to soak the orchid basin directly in the fat liquid. The above two methods have both advantages and disadvantages. Only when they are used properly and applied reasonably can they be beneficial and harmless. Our commonly used root fertilization method refers to the first one.

Root fertilization should pay attention to the following points:

First of all, the concentration can not be too large, fertilization should be less, should be light, should be diligent, must not be excessive, otherwise it is vulnerable to fertilizer damage, causing death. Even if you are lucky enough not to die, it is difficult to recover from an injury.

Secondly, when fertilizing, it is necessary to avoid splashing the leaf surface and pouring into the leaf center, especially after pouring into the forked new bud, it is easy to cause rot, and should be irrigated around the edge of the basin.

Third, it is necessary to water "soul water". The next morning after fertilizing in the evening, "soul water" should be watered. Its function has two points: one is to wash away the fat liquid stained on the orchid leaves; the other is to remove the excess fertilizer that remains in the pot material, so as to avoid causing fertilizer damage and orchid plants.

Fourth, the new orchid plant can not be fertilized, it must wait until the orchid root with more than 3cm length can be fertilized, otherwise the orchid will surely die.

Fifth, do not fertilize in low temperature days below 10c °, high temperature days higher than 30c °, and cloudy and rainy days with saturated humidity.

Sixth, the time of root fertilization is better in the evening. Fertilization in the evening is absorbed overnight, and water is watered again the next morning to avoid fertilizer damage. Such as fertilizing in the morning, it is easy to burn roots and seedlings when the temperature rises in the basin exposed to sunlight during the day.

Seventh, resale grasses should not be fertilized with organic and inorganic fertilizers within a year.

Eighth, to deodorize all kinds of retting fertilizer has a bad smell, but the orchid master can bear it, but it will bring disaster to the neighbors and cause conflicts. After indoor orchid application, the odor persists for a long time, so it needs to be deodorized. There are two ways to deodorize: one is to rett for more than one year, and the other is to put a little peel, especially orange peel, in the retting liquid to remove the odor effectively.

2. Foliar fertilization means that the nutritious organic or inorganic aqueous solution is sprayed on the orchid leaves according to a certain dose and concentration to play a direct feeding role. Foliar fertilization has the advantages of low dosage, strong pertinence, fast absorption, obvious effect and low cost, especially for rootless and rootless orchid plants.

Foliar fertilization should pay attention to the following points:

First of all, spraying should be targeted, that is, Yilan plant in each growth period of the nutrients needed to choose the corresponding fertilizer, targeted supply. For example, the new bud growth period should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, and potash fertilizer should be added at the same time to play a role; potash fertilizer should be added when the new seedlings are mature to ensure the healthy growth of the plant; phosphate fertilizer should be added during the blooming period; and less nitrogen fertilizer should be sprayed in order to prevent excessive nitrogen fertilizer, chlorophyll increase and line art degradation.

For example, the use of urea as foliar fertilizer is easy to grow and must be mixed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Generally, it is necessary to master that acid and base do not mix, and biological fertilizer does not mix with other fertilizers.

Third, the concentration ratio should be appropriate, the use of concentration in strict accordance with the relevant instructions, it is forbidden to increase the concentration at will, otherwise it will be counterproductive, produce fertilizer damage, and even inhibit the growth of orchids.

Fourth, the spraying time should be reasonable, foliar fertilization should not be carried out in the morning, generally, the sun can not shine on the leaf in the sunny evening, and it would be better to dry within an hour after spraying, which, on the one hand, is beneficial to the orchid leaves to absorb nutrients at night. on the other hand, avoid fertilizer damage and inefficiency caused by light, especially to prevent leaf heart effusion from causing rotten buds. In addition, the interval is not too short, it is better to take once every ten days or so, so as not to produce over-nutrition.

Fifth, the spraying method should be fastidious, because the fertilizer should be absorbed into the body through the leaf stomata, and the leaf stomata are mainly on the back of the leaf, so the spraying mainly involves the back of the leaf, the nozzle should be upward, the fog point should be fine, and there are more opportunities for spraying on the back of the leaf. At the same time, the amount of spraying should not be too large, and it is better to keep the leaves from dripping, so as to prevent the accumulation of fertilizer liquid from the tip of the leaf.

Sixth, the dormant period to spray less, low-temperature dormant period of the physiological activity of orchid plants weakened, generally do not absorb fertilizer. However, potassium dihydrogen phosphate which can improve cold resistance and biological fertilizer that can be easily absorbed can be sprayed once every half a month. At the same time, spraying a little foliar fertilizer on rootless and weak orchid plants can maintain their life and improve the survival rate.

Seventh, careful spraying of growth hormone, growth hormone can promote plant growth and development, improve germination rate, promote early maturity, and achieve the effect of increasing yield, but its main function is to promote cell elongation, and crazy growth or even lodging will occur after application. It has an obvious effect on the health of the orchid plant, so it's better not to use it.

Eighth, Ye Shi depends on the weather. On rainy days, the air is humid, the water is difficult to evaporate, and the fertilizer liquid stays on the leaf for a long time, which is easy to cause fertilizer damage. In high temperature weather, especially when the temperature is higher than 30c, water evaporates too fast, which will rapidly increase the concentration of foliar fertilizer and cause fertilizer damage, so it is not suitable to spray.

Ninth, the leaves should be washed after spraying, and the residual fertilizer on the orchid leaves should be sprayed once in the morning after fertilization in the evening to avoid fertilizer damage caused by sunlight.

Tenth, leaf application can not replace root application, foliar fertilization is an auxiliary means of fertilization, can not completely replace root application, can only make up for the lack of root absorption, otherwise it will cause root atrophy and poor growth.

5. pay attention to fertilizing orchids the technique of fertilizing orchids is simple and complicated, and it is usually necessary to pay attention to the following:

First of all, different orchids need different amounts of fertilizer. For example, Cymbidium needs a large amount of fertilizer, while Cymbidium needs a small amount of fertilizer, as long as 1/5 of that of Cymbidium.

Secondly, the fertilizers needed by different cultivation substrates are also different, for example, hard materials such as volcanic stone and fairy soil need more fertilizer because they do not contain fertilizer, while humus and other plants need less fertilizer because they do not need more fertilizer.

Third, different seedling conditions require different fertilizers, strong seedlings should be applied frequently, while old and weak seedlings should absolutely not be fertilized, otherwise haste makes waste, and death will be accelerated.

Fourthly, many kinds of fertilizers should be used alternately, and it is difficult to ensure the completeness of fertilizer by using a single fertilizer. generally speaking, it is better to use organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer alternately.

Fifth, to look at the root fertilization, the short and thick root system shows that there is too much fertilizer, the root system blackens that there has been fertilizer damage, the root system length indicates the lack of fertilizer, and the root system is large and thin means that the fertilizer is seriously insufficient.

Sixth, to look at leaf fertilization, such as blue leaves thin color light indicating lack of fertilizer, such as blue leaves thick color green indicates no lack of fertilizer. After fertilization, the leaf color is dark green, which shows that the fertilizer has been effective; if the leaf color remains the same, it means that the fertilizer is too light and the concentration should be increased.

If you apply fertilizer at flowering stage, you will fail in flowering.

Eighth, the application of animal fertilizer and plant fertilizer, must be fully fermented, can not apply fresh fertilizer, the application of fresh fertilizer orchid will undoubtedly die.

Tenth, the three elements of fertilizer should be matched scientifically. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are all necessary nutrients in the process of orchid growth and development. The effect of single application of nitrogen fertilizer without phosphorus and potassium will not be very good, and the overgrown leaves of plants are soft and easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests. On the other hand, the partial application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer lacks nitrogen fertilizer, the growth of orchid plants is short, the leaves are yellow and green, lack of luster, and the plants with few new buds are prone to aging, so it is necessary to deal with the relationship among the three elements, not to apply any kind of fertilizer, just a little more nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage of orchid growth, a little more potash fertilizer in the middle growth stage, and a little more phosphate fertilizer in the later growth period.

Fertilizing orchids is a science and knowledge, which requires serious study, active exploration, careful pecking and in-depth study. As long as the orchid plant is fertilized properly, the orchid plant will certainly grow and thrive, and it will make the orchid grower feel pleasing to the eye and add endless fun so as to really achieve the goal of edifying the mood and prolonging life.