
EvesGarden Yunmu Chuandong Yunji Meatiness Part 1

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pay close attention to encyclopedia·meet beautiful (micro signal: duoroubaike) text start: thank the author [Eve] original contribution sharing editing: encyclopedia Jun coordinates: Kunming, Yunnan ...


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Thank the author [Eve] for his original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Kunming, Yunnan

Everyone Knows Juanita

Coco (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Gael Garcia Bernal


Let's sing a Mexican country ballad and begin to enter the world of Dongyun.

The most special member of the Dongyun stone lotus family. It has a wild primitive texture, but it also has gorgeous and gorgeous colors.

They are sharp like tequila, but also full of fleshy appearance.

They gather on the edge of the jungle or among the rocks in the highlands of central Mexico, basking in the strong sun by day and enjoying the cold dust wind quietly at night. They cling to their bodies at any time, hold their sharp leaves openly, arm themselves with crimson edges, and warn against all threats around them.

They are very peculiar because they have no silty layer (frost) compared with other members of the stone lotus family. Their leaf surface structure is very special, like countless bead grids, but also has a reflective and waterproof effect, this wax-like texture also gives them a bright and dreamy color.

This is their characteristic and their signature, and the leaf tips of jelly have hot edges like lipstick. Apart from their ecological nature, it feels like a playful beauty in heavy makeup, blowing kisses full of charm everywhere. Ha ha ha

Hey, it's better to describe them as savage girls with heavy makeup. (personal opinion) all right, the brief introduction is over.

Quickly enter the theme of this article, this article is mainly to share some planting experience of "Dongyun".

Let's talk about some of my experience when I just started planting Dongyun. I went back to a few years ago, that is, when I was shopping in Hong Kong, I accidentally saw a bunch of Dongyun from Holland. I felt strange when I put it on the side of the street. I didn't understand it after touching it repeatedly for a long time, but I thought it was fake. I didn't understand what he said after asking the boss for a long time. Emma's head exploded and she didn't understand the language. No, no, no. (later, when I got excited, I bought a basket. That is, Romeo, lipstick, Miranda, Sirius and so on, when they passed the border, they were so nervous that they had to urinate, and finally brought them back to Shenzhen safely. )

At that time, there was no special treatment. I thought that the stone lotus was thrown into the flower pond and planted on the ground. at that time, it was autumn to grow super smoothly, cen! Cen! The size doubled in one season. Well, I was ecstatic and began to pursue the "breed problem". Yes, since it is easy to raise and good-looking, of course this series of varieties should be collected. In order to catch up with the good spring season, one buy is a large basket (what blood, golden ebony, red ebony, Polyana, all kinds of buy) confidently planted, after a summer …... Your uncle... Where's the meat? It's all blackened into slag and dirt. All kinds of despair! Dry your tears and enjoy the feeling of turning money into meat and dirt, and nothing else, just quietly comfort yourself: I am very capricious! Well, I encountered the "planting problem" at this time, so I didn't give up after this painful experience. You all know that my temper is getting stronger and stronger. From the survivors began to think about "how to raise Dongyun"!

"how to raise Dongyun" starts with ecological characteristics.

From the above introduction, you should also understand that the characteristic of Dongyun is that it likes to be dry! Well, that's the first thing! Secondly, Dongyun is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, because they also have the characteristics of long dormancy (usually plateau plants, but succulent plants can be very long. (so what do they hate? That is the opposite of the dry humidity they like, that is to say, dry-hot and dry-cold are not a problem for them. The problem is that they are afraid of wet-cold and wet-hot (the first painful experience is because of the hot and humid environment in Shenzhen in summer. In addition, I blindly mixed the soil and threw it away. Because their place of origin is dry all the year round and grows in rocks, it is characterized by a dry head and feet, a little moist soil, a cool temperature and a strong sun, so they will grow brilliantly. (I was excited to feed Dongyun for the first time because it happened to be autumn and winter in Shenzhen, and the dry, cool, blind soil could grow wildly.)

"Water problem"

Of course, the dry is relatively dry rather than blind drought, which will directly cause them to dormancy and wither and die for a long time (because of the habit of dry air and no watering when I first came to Yunnan, as a result, they dormant automatically and completely when they are less than 26 degrees. In general, Dongyun's water management is quite skilled, and their antibacterial ability is poor because they are not genetically resistant to bacteria in a humid environment. Of course, acquired culture or drug infection will be enhanced, but it is more appropriate to give it a preferred environment as far as possible.

The most important thing about moisture is "relative". What is relative? Popular saying is that moisture makes relative adjustment due to soil and temperature. Spring and autumn are cooler, moisture is enhanced to help growth, and when the temperature reaches the red line in summer and winter, the humidity drops so that it enters semi-dormancy, or completely dormant.

When you encounter a climate that is very bad or unsuitable for Dongyun to grow, you can directly pull out the soil to dry the bacon, for example, that's what I did in Shenzhen.

Why would you do that? Won't you die if you do that? These two problems are always repeated. I reply like this every time.

The answer is:

1. Pull the soil out of the soil to reduce the risk of bacterial infection, because if the air humidity exceeds the standard, the soil will be wet without watering, and the moist environment is naturally easy to breed bacteria. even if you continue to use disinfectant powder, carbendazim and so on, you can't stop the bacteria in the soil from being wet for a long time. So if it is in the air can completely block the source of infection, 100% dry, even if you can live again hot, it will not die.

2. To pull it out is to force it to dormancy. If your meat is healthy enough and stores enough water and nutrition during the growing season, it is no problem to survive in the air for at least 2-3 months, as long as you need astigmatism and a good enough ventilation environment. It is best not to enter the air-conditioned room and do not spray water, or you will die. This method is limited to high-temperature and high-humidity areas, but in order to save life under the extreme operation! Don't do it casually!

"soil problem"

After each experience sharing, there will always be countless meat friends in comments or private letters to ask questions about matching soil, this time again emphasize that matching soil is not absolute! Not absolutely! Not absolutely! There is really no absolute! Only "relative".

I know that it may be difficult for novice meat lovers to understand what "relative" is. I always wish I had a ready-made formula for you. Forget it, because you can copy other people's soil, but you can't copy other people's balcony and climate, as well as personal planting preferences, it's as simple as that!

Why the soil should be matched is so simple, because of the environment! Match according to the variety! Because of personal preference! Oneself! Match!

(well, I have to hold back, or a bathtub is not enough for me to throw up.)

Back to the focus of this article, Dongyun is not very picky about the soil, as long as it is not strong acid, strong alkali and impervious soil, it can adapt! Then why do you mix soil for such a simple variety? In order to solve the environmental and climate problems. For example, if the humidity in Guangzhou and Shenzhen is too humid, it is easy to breed bacteria, so should your soil be relatively permeable and antibacterial? So should the mixed soil add more hard particles to permeate the water, more pulverized particles to resist bacteria, and less humus that is easy to breed bacteria to solve the local ecological problems?

Then a 40% hard particle (porous and highly permeable soil species such as volcanic rock and sea pumice) is permeable, and a 40% pulverized particle (adding more sulfur-rich cinder and high-phosphorus cinder, such as rice husk charcoal, anti-bacterial and insect-resistant soil). Add 18% matrix soil (such as peat, coconut bran, etc.) to maintain soil balance and moisture, and finally add 2% slow-release fertilizer that will not breed bacteria. Will it be very suitable for this hot, humid and rainy climate? Think for yourself, just suggestions for reference only!

"watering problems related to soil allocation" so in this case, is it necessary to water such a highly permeable soil in autumn and winter dry and cold to allow it to grow rapidly? in the hot and humid spring and summer, should we slowly reduce water or even cut off water to reduce the risk of death in Dongyun? Again, think for yourself. I don't want to brainwash people...

The tone of this article is a little strong and full of complaints. )

If you think it makes sense, carefully study the characteristics of all the earth materials, and then match the soil according to the humidity and temperature of your balcony or roof or greenhouse. Pertinently control moisture according to your local climate change. You know?

So for the north, which is dry and not easy to breed bacteria, can we increase the proportion of matrix soil to retain water and reduce the proportion of particles?

All right, I won't say any more about the distribution of soil all over the country. I'll use my head and my hands and pens to calculate. Calculate to be able to pertinently solve all the problems that endanger meat, calculate to 360 degrees without dead angle again and again, you will succeed. It is not terrible to step on the body, but it is terrible to lose it after stepping on it. If you give up raising it, you will fail!

Come on. Which pot doesn't boil it for you? The next thing to say is the problem that Dongyun enthusiasts fear most and do not want to face! Disease. Are you familiar with the leaves in this picture? Dongyun's most beautiful fairy goes to the moment. )

For a winter cloud with a tight crown and a dense number of leaves, pests can only harm the tidbits and hardly harm the Corolla (except for damned caterpillars that eat everything, of course. ) but bacterial infections are fatal to Dongyun, and it can be said that once an infection is almost incurable.

Let's dissect the most beautiful Dongyun. Let's have a look. The pile is almost completely rotten, but most of the leaves are still intact, so the most fatal thing about Dongyun is that it is unable to judge the infection from the appearance in advance.

Usually the infection comes from the root and the bottom of the pile, especially in the muggy weather, and sometimes high temperature water on the leaves can also lead to tissue infection, but the Corolla infection is good, and the regeneration of the pile can be saved by timely cutting and applying some disinfectant powder. the picture above shows a case where the pile infection is cut off from the middle, but it is basically hopeless if the root and pile are infected. For the treatment of difficult families, the best thing is to prevent the occurrence of diseases!

The problem is the growth of bacteria caused by excessive dampness and boredom. Then the way to solve the problem from the root is to start with the environment. As mentioned in some previous sharing articles, strengthening ventilation and improving the soil is the most direct, of course, the appropriate use of antibiotics in the right season is also necessary.

The next is to have a deep and in-depth understanding of Dongyun's red line data, do not kill what you cannot touch, and do not steal what you cannot steal! The best way is to use environmental monitoring instruments to monitor environmental temperature, humidity, ultraviolet rays, soil acids and bases at any time. Maintain 24-hour ventilation, weak ventilation will strengthen ventilation, special treatment for special varieties. Environment is the most important factor in raising succulent plants, and your environment is created by you. Complaining cannot solve any problems. You raise it to give it a comfortable environment. If you don't need you to do anything for it, why does it want you to raise it?

In addition, if you finally die, I hope you put a good attitude, no matter how powerful people can not guarantee their own succulent plants will not die, no matter how good the environment can not guarantee the eternal life of plants, God can not stop the law of life and death, do you think people can do it? After death, we will continue to work hard to enjoy the experience that every plant accompanies you, not that it is dominated by you and controlled by you! This is the experience of an individual stepping on countless corpses all the way. )

"Variety problem"

In fact, there are not many wild original Dongyun varieties, 10 fingers can be pointed out, from the discovery of them to now has a history of more than 100 years, during which many breeders continue to carry out improvement and mixed race to create a lot of hybrid and preferred and stable varieties.

Friends who have been raising succulent plants for a long time must know that a kind of succulent plant will have multiple names because of state problems or individual differences, and Dongyun is the most obvious. For example, "E.agavoides romeo Romeo" is called Blood Romeo, and the individual difference of red ebony (so-called Romeo x ebony) is pointed leaves, also known as Xingluo and so on. E.agavoides ebony ebony is divided into ebony juice ebony, golden ebony, orange ebony, white ebony, wild ebony and so on because of individual differences or state problems.

The classification of all kinds of names makes people confused and suspicious of life, in fact, it is simply divided into two points: the first is the problem of state, and the second is the problem of individual differences. Dongyun has more variety characteristics when it is in a state, but it is easy to confuse a variety when it is not in a state. Therefore, many players will choose semi-state and full-state to ensure the variety when entering the meat. Personally, there is no need to take the trouble to doubt the seller and doubt themselves. In fact, even if there is no state of Dongyun, the characteristics of each species are quite obvious, as long as you observe carefully! Do more research and try for yourself. Rich knowledge is not afraid of being deceived, and more experience is not afraid of falling into the pit.

"the problem of individual differences of the same variety"

Meat lovers who have sowed seeds should know that no matter what variety is sown, there will be obvious individual differences. For example, the same batch of "ebony" in the picture will have long leaves, short leaves, round leaves, and plant types that are turned out and wrapped inside. I think, in fact, as long as I like it, after all, the difference also means that every one can be encountered. There is no need to worry about the question of purity (some Dongyun can produce purebred even if they cross with each other, just like the Fairy Cup)

So it also shows that there is no such thing as what it must look like to be purebred! Ebony is tall, short, fat and thin, as long as its characteristics are not lost. (brothers and sisters born to half-parents will also have differences in height, short, fat and thin, so do you want to say that your brothers and sisters are not pure by your own standards? It's as simple as that! ) take this as an example, other varieties will not be explained one by one.

"status problem"

Speaking of which, first of all, do you think that the state has something to do with soil distribution? To see whose Dongyun is well raised, you first ask them to match the soil. In my personal experience, there is a little relationship, but not an absolute relationship! The batch Dongyun cultivated by the Dutch with pure peat can also be in a state! South Koreans can also grow cactus in sand! So what do you think?

To put it this way, the relationship between state and soil is nothing more than the root! Suitable for the environment of the soil and good humidity can allow Dongyun rapid growth of developed roots, which is different from the fairy cup, the root system is the basis of the state! Not to mention full of roots, at least the roots should be alive, the dry malnourished winter clouds can not produce beautiful and moving colors, so the root of the state is the first!

The second is sunshine, almost all the colors of Jingtian need sunshine! And basically will show red or orange, succulent excellent and sunlight is basically a physical reaction Dongyun is no exception, then, how strong the sun is enough? This depends on your succulent situation, depending on its root system development and growth activity, normal more than 4 hours of direct sunlight is basic, some cities with serious haze had better reach 6 hours, if succulent enough healthy, can be increased to more than 8 hours is the most ideal! (don't ask me what to do if there is not enough sunshine. There are various ways to enhance the light in the memoir balcony Party's Anti-War History.) the above is only aimed at some areas in the growing season and keep it at the lowest standard during the dormant season. Think about the state in the growing season!

State and temperature

With good roots and a lot of sunlight, Dongyun can basically produce the characteristic colors that normal varieties should have, but if you want to reach the extreme state, you have to rely on the temperature, that is, the great temperature difference, which also limits the area. for example, winter in the north is particularly good, and some cities in the south can also do so, but if Dongyun reaches the limit state, the risk is also very high, and it is highly sensitive at this time. It is suggested that a small amount of water should be watered to make it semi-dormant, and do not think that the more beautiful the color is, the healthier it is. You are mistaken. In fact, it is almost to the limit of life, the most obvious is the extremely cold climate. Dongyun can give a high jelly red to the bottom of your heart to fascinate you, this time you quietly enjoy …... Don't move around just because it's beautiful. If you overly protect it, it will die to show you. Because in the limit state, the red line value of Dongyun also increases. After the capping season, if the root system has frozen, it is best to turn the pot in the spring to restore its vitality. How do you judge? It is that the unfaithful love has not returned to green in the growing season. But stay in full state all the time. Don't think about it, do it, or stop metabolism is tantamount to death.

In fact, apart from color, individuals feel that it is not important to grow healthily and continuously, because growing plants cannot lose their enthusiasm for appreciating green. All plants that break away from green prove that they are not far away from immortals, and succulent plants are no exception. For plants, green represents vitality and represents the beginning of metamorphosis. So you don't have to be too aggressive in terms of status. In the season when the color is not bright enough, appreciate their plant shape and growth, appreciate their deep sleep in the dormant season, and recall the years when this plant accompanied you. And when the color comes, accept the sacrifice it has made for your eyeballs to bloom.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention the red line data that I have been talking about. This is some data from some detectors that I have collected from different places. I hope it will be helpful to you. The data are divided into four categories: temperature, humidity, soil acidity and sunlight. The red line data of Dongyun refers to the hidden danger of survival when the four relative values exceed the standard.

On the other hand, the green light data of the East Cloud system (adaptive growth value):

Temperature: 5-30 degrees Celsius

Humidity: 50-85%

Soil acid-base neutrality

Sunshine: medium or strong

If a certain value exceeds the standard, then relative manual intervention to reduce another value can be done! For example, if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, it is necessary to reduce the humidity to at least less than 50%. If the temperature continues to rise, the humidity will continue to decrease until dormancy. Then when the temperature is below 5 degrees, the humidity decreases relatively as well.

At a suitable temperature for growth, the humidity should be adjusted according to the intensity of sunlight. If the humidity is too high, if the sun is not enough, it will only grow, and if the sun is too strong and wet, it will be scorched directly! If the soil is sour or alkaline, it doesn't matter whether you are dormant or rotting during the growing period. If there is something wrong with acid and alkali, just change the soil! When the temperature is not suitable for the basin, just "hang the bacon". The above data are for reference only, because there are always miracles in life, and we have seen many individuals who grow even though they break through the red line before. This is where the so-called rebellion comes from. Secondly, the factor outside the data table is the wind! Can be as big as possible, the winter cloud is so thick, the typhoon can not blow away, don't worry.

Come on, let's share the results of my Dongyun planting. Ebony just came into the basin last August.

In April this year, yes, it is the same one. There is no doubt that the appearance of ebony in different environments, different soils and different environments is completely different.

Let's have another different variety, last September.

In April this year, it was completely different from the first ebony! Yes, once again, in addition to individual differences, different sizes of pots and the degree of exposure to sunlight will also affect the shape.

The one that was trimmed on a brick last August because it was too big.

In April this year.

The above are all Dongyun planted in the same batch of yellow land. At first, they were unable to move succulent plants because of the lack of sunlight. So it is normal for land planting to be seasonally colorless. ) so the color characteristic is not very obvious, but after being dug out from the ground, the soil structure has been changed. After the sunshine increased gradually, the color characteristics began to appear.

During the sub-zero frost this winter, the water was cut off for more than a month to make it dormant. But because the planting time is not long, so I did not turn the basin, I came back after a month of Xizang waves, to the spring temperature rise of about 10 degrees began to raise humidity, let it slowly wake up and recover.

Then are you going to ask me how to control the humidity if it is pure dew and rain? Ha is very simple. At that time, the selection of the basin was just right. When the basin was planted, the crown covered the basin directly, and there was an insulating water layer around the basin, so the rain either did not get into the basin or leaked directly from the heat dissipation layer (the production of heat and water layer is explained in the autumn harvest, "Eve" s Garden: share the second autumn harvest with meat migration!). And the only way I can increase the humidity is to soak the basin.

One more. Mafeda, who came out of the ground last August to basin, was still covered in yellow mud.

In April this year, don't ask me why it is so big. Dongyun's growth characteristic is that it will grow infinitely if it has a good environment! Especially the ground planting!

All right, "planting" is over. Let's talk about "freshmen" according to the usual practice. Dongyun is a very suitable species for sowing. Their developed pistils and stamens are inoculated with a high number of pistils and stamens, and the probability of sprouting is also considerable, but the taboo is to choose the right time according to the local climate. Dongyun's baby likes the temperature at 10-25 degrees. Humidity is about 65-85%, so it is generally best to sow seeds in late early winter or early autumn, so that they can grow and develop into a good shape before entering summer and winter and survive the bad climate. By the way, Dongyun, which is sown locally, is more adaptable to the local climate in the coming year. For example, my first batch of direct outdoor cultivation in summer in Shenzhen has no problem at all. Why? Because they adapt from birth, in fact, the parents will transmit the climate information to the next generation after experiencing the local climate, so that they can evolve and survive! However, under the screening of the local natural climate, the weak naturally eliminate the strong and survive, continue to reproduce and transmit, thus being optimized. Personal preference is strong vitality, so my preference at that time was to choose the strong rather than using aesthetic standards for artificial elimination.

Dongyun this kind is actually very simple, is like the dry, cool, windy environment, they are very strong, but also very solid, do not pick soil, do not pick pots, are not afraid of dust and pests.

Give it a small basin it can grow small and exquisite, crystal clear and beautiful. (plant in small pots and pay attention to pruning roots! )

If you give it a big basin, he can be wild and domineering. Pay attention to the structure of the pelvis! )

The water is cut off at high temperature and low temperature, and there is no problem with drying the bacon for a month or two. When the season is at the right temperature, it grows wildly when it is given enough nutrients and water.

Dongyun has its own special physiological structure and ecological differences, mastering survival is generally not a problem, their own careful study, their own hands to create their own ecological space, you can harvest their most beautiful ecology!

All right, this is almost the end of the first article from Dongyun. Don't ask me again and again what the article has shared. Everything I know has been written out, and there are only inconclusive questions under study.

Finally, there is a colored egg, which is the Dutch festival paint event, which is controversial by Dongyun fans. The Dutch sprinkled make-up paint on Dongyun to celebrate the festival, which seemed cruel, like the murder of flesh. At that time, I also took two to study. I just wondered why they did so, and by the way, to see if doing so would really lead to Dongyun's death. After six months of confirmation, the answer was: no, not only not dead, but also quickly shed a layer of leaves and live well. The speed of growing new leaves in Dongyun was also calculated in an instant. Therefore, it is not without reason for the Dutch to spray Dongyun every year, which also shows that Dongyun's vitality is very tenacious!

Okay, this is the end of this article. I can have a cigarette and have a rest. I won't mention my personal plot any more. So that every article will not grow to vomit blood. Ha! It also avoids some non-critical comments outside the subject.

Summer is coming, you don't have to be nervous, calm down. Summer is not terrible. There are summers everywhere, and Mexico is no exception. High temperature and high humidity is not terrible, you are ready to solve the problem, there will be no problem! Spring in Kunming is hotter and rainy than summer this year, and there were two hailstorms last month. It is not necessary to rely on manual intervention to solve the problem, aiming at the variety to solve the hidden danger, there is no danger!

Complaining won't solve any problem, it will only make you receive more bodies every year and spend more money in the coming year! Don't forget to breed while raising meat. Be a competent florist diligently and enjoy it all. Don't always run out of time for myself! There are no more excuses! It is not impossible, only depends on whether you are willing to move your industrious hands and spend your delicate mind! Long live the working people, happy May Day!

And with regard to the regional issue of meat farming, I would like to make a special explanation here.

If Yunnan can easily feed all the meat, then why isn't Yunnan the hometown of all succulent plants? The formation of a species from a climate in a region is the balance of nature's ecosystem, not the ok produced by human imagination. Since Yunnan is not the hometown of all succulent plants, it is clear that the climate here also has a fatal problem for most succulent plants, so there are no succulent plants from all over the world for millions of years! And raising meat here is to solve these fatal problems! Let them survive in a non-origin ecological environment! And so on, it's the same in your city! I hope you will understand this!

Think for yourself! Well, think!

Not by hearsay, not by feeling, not by others to teach you how to do it! Is to use your own brain to solve problems, raise your own flesh and enjoy the achievements of their growth and transformation over and over again.


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

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