
This kind of game on the prairie will break as soon as it is pinched, thunder and rain will be worth as much as Ganoderma lucidum.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the grasslands of northern China, every rainy season, after thunder and rain, there will be a kind of white game, it is a kind of wild bacteria, tender meat, very delicious, known as "vegetarian meat". This kind of game generally grows in Zhangjia, Hebei Province.

In the grasslands of northern China, every rainy season, after thunder and rain, there will be a kind of white game, it is a kind of wild bacteria, tender meat, very delicious, known as "vegetarian meat". This kind of game generally grows on the grasslands north of Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province. It is produced in large quantities in the rainy season, and then transported to Zhangjiakou for processing and then sold everywhere, so it is called "mushroom". Tricholoma is also called white mushroom, there are more than a dozen different varieties, such as green leg, chicken claw mushroom, mushroom and so on.

Mushroom is relatively delicate, after a little pinching will be broken, if the picking process to break its umbrella, take it will soon oxidize and change color, not good-looking. Therefore, wild mushrooms are often processed into by-products before they can be sold all over the country. The value of mushrooms is very high, the protein content is as high as 35%, and it also contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including 8 kinds of essential amino acids for the human body, so it comes with a delicious flavor and does not need monosodium glutamate when cooking with other foods.

In addition, Tricholoma contains more than a dozen trace elements, such as germanium, which is relatively rare in fungi, and Tricholoma also contains a high level of selenium, which is considered to be a substance that can reduce the incidence of cancer and has the effect of replenishing selene. the absorption rate is very high, and its value is comparable to that of Ganoderma lucidum. Therefore, the price of wild mushrooms is also among the top several in edible mushrooms, generally fresh to sell to more than ten yuan per jin, dry is even more expensive, 100 yuan can probably buy about 100 grams.

In fact, in addition to the production of mushrooms on the prairie, there are also mushrooms in many rural areas of our country, but there are relatively few. Where cattle and sheep are grazed on the prairie, there are usually animal droppings. After rain, these droppings seep into the ground, and the soil is soft and fertile, which is very conducive to the growth of mushrooms, so large-scale "mouth mushroom circles" can be seen in the grasslands. After the Beginning of Autumn, a large number of mushrooms grow in the prairie, and many people will go to the prairie to pick up mushrooms to increase their income.

Readers, have you ever eaten delicious mushrooms?