
Automatic control circuit for ventilation and humidification of small orchid chamber

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Automatic control circuit for ventilation and humidification of small orchid chamber

With the progress of management technology and the improvement of the grade of cultivated orchids, more and more people use transparent and enclosed insulated orchid rooms. There are many forms, such as fully closed, semi-closed, automatic and semi-automatic, all of which have achieved good results. The role of this kind of orchid chamber is particularly significant, especially in large and medium-sized cities with serious air pollution. The author lives in the center of Guangzhou and raises orchids on the balcony on the seventh floor. In the past, he only relied on general shading equipment. Despite his painstaking efforts, the orchids they raised inevitably "returned their guns" year after year, and I don't know how many good varieties they lost. Since October 1989, the south balcony has been transformed into a moisturizing orchid room sealed with fiberglass windows, equipped with electric fans, ultra-micro humidifiers (sprayers) and inverter (emergency) power supplies, and a set of automatic control circuits have been designed and installed by ourselves. the implementation of semi-automatic management, the situation has been greatly improved. Not only the improved varieties were preserved, but most of the orchid plants were shot, some of them sprouted twice a year, and the diseases such as black spots, burning edges and scorched tails were significantly reduced.

This set of automatic control circuit for ventilation and humidification, which is self-designed and installed with domestic components, is suitable for small orchid chambers. After years of trial, the effect is good. I would like to make a brief introduction for interested Lanyou for reference, and hope to put forward some suggestions for improvement.

I. the working principle of the circuit

1. When the relative humidity of the orchid chamber drops to a certain limit (70%), the pointer An of the hair hygrometer touches contact B (made of silver-plated copper wire). The 12V DC power supply is sent to the magnetic coil of relay J1 through the normally closed contact of relay J2 to make people move (suction), and the 22OV AC power supply is sent to the switch K4 through J1tel 6.5. At this time, if the switch is closed, the power supply enters the sprayer and makes the sprayer work (spray). When the pointer gradually leaves contact B, the 12V DC power supply to keep people working is supplied by J1-2.

2. When the sprayer works, the humidity in the orchid room gradually increases. When the predetermined humidity is reached (85%), the pointer An of the hair hygrometer touches the contact CMagnet 12V DC power supply to the magnetic coil of J2 through J1mur9 and 10, so that J2 moves, the 12V DC power supply of J1 magnetic coil is cut off, the Jl returns to normal, and the sprayer stops working.

3. The exhaust fan and the leaf blowing fan are under dual control:

① temperature control-presets the contact thermometer to a control point (for example, 25 degrees). When the room temperature reaches or exceeds this control point, the mercury column is connected with the contact, and the 12V DC power supply reaches the relay human magnetic coil through the contact thermometer to make people move (suction). The 22OV AC power supply reaches the switches K2 and K3 through J3-6 and 7, and if the switch is closed at this time, the power supply is sent to the exhaust fan and leaf blowing fan respectively. Bring it into the working state of people. When the room temperature drops below the control point, the mercury column disconnects from the contact, the 12V DC power supply is cut off, J3 returns to normal, the 22OV AC power supply is opened, and the exhaust fan and blade blowing fan stop working to reduce unnecessary consumption.

② spray control-12V DC power supply supplied by contact thermometer to human magnetic coil is taken from J1-4 normally closed contact. When human and sprayer are not working, 12V DC power supply is only controlled by contact thermometer. When the man and the sprayer work, J1-4 opens the circuit, 12V DC power is cut off, J3 stops working, so that the 22OV AC power supply through J3-6 and 7 opens the circuit, and the exhaust fan and leaf blowing fan suspend work to avoid a large number of fog exhaust and wet leaves; when J1 and sprayer stop working, the exhaust fan and leaf blowing fan immediately resume work.

4. The floor blowing fan has two functions:

① blows up the water vapor from the ground (with absorbent sponges) to increase the humidity in the orchid room.

② introduces fresh outdoor air and keeps indoor air circulating.

The floor blowing fan needs to work for a long time and is not controlled by temperature and spray, so it is only equipped with manual switch.

In order to strengthen the indoor air circulation and make the orchid plants in each position often in a good ventilation state, the power supply of part of the leaf blowing fan can be connected in parallel with the ground blowing fan or another switch can be set up to avoid the control of temperature and spray.

5. In places with frequent power outages, in order to ensure the normal operation of the orchid room, large storage batteries and inverters (emergency power supply) should be equipped to enable the ventilation and humidification system to operate as usual during power outages. If you do not have these conditions, you should immediately open the doors and windows of the orchid room when there is a power outage, and wet the ground around with water to keep the orchid room ventilated and moist.

Two. an understanding of the Pao Wen Lan Room

Some people call this kind of orchid room a "greenhouse", which is a misunderstanding. It has no special heating or cooling equipment, the main function of sealing is heat preservation. Therefore, the author thinks that it is more appropriate to call this kind of orchid room "moisturizing orchid room". As a matter of fact, the so-called closure is not a long-term closure. In the season when the temperature and humidity are more suitable for orchid growth and most evenings, doors and windows can be opened to allow natural ventilation; only in high temperature, dry weather, or when the nearby chimney is smoking heavily and the wind is facing the orchid room, at this time it is necessary to close up and turn on ventilation and humidification equipment. The sprayer usually uses an automatic control switch (it can be purchased at the same time when buying the machine), which starts automatically when the humidity is not enough, and shuts off automatically when the humidity reaches the predetermined control point. The use of this ventilation and humidification system can not only often maintain the humidity of the orchid room, but also play a certain role in cooling (the high temperature season is generally 3-5 degrees lower than outdoor) and purifying the air, killing three birds with one stone. Make it suitable for the growth and reproduction of orchids. Therefore, the orchids cultivated in this kind of orchid room are not "warm room orchids" that are spoiled and cannot grow elsewhere, as some people say. Practice has proved that it is not inferior to the orchid cultivated in the natural orchid shed with the same environment, and because of the proper management of light, temperature, humidity and wind, the orchid plant will be healthier and the commodity rate will be higher. Therefore, it is suggested that orchid friends who raise medium and high-grade orchids might as well consider it. This kind of investment is good value for money.

Tan Futai