
The difference between cultivated soil and cultivated medium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The difference between cultivated soil and cultivated medium

Culture soil:

① humus, which is slightly acidic, is generally called orchid mud. The soil with more perennial decaying leaves can be used under the trees in the mountains and among the bamboo bushes without pollution. Remove the raw leaves, sift through the four eyes, remove the impurities, then sieve the dust through ten eyes, and take the humus soil of medium and small grain size in the middle to plant orchids.

② weathered sand, which is slightly acidic, should be mined from the loess hills and grooves, as well as from the hilly ore belts. After mining, it is also screened with four eyes and ten days.

③ vegetable gardener, sticky, can be screened with binocular screen and ten-eye sieve, choose larger particles for use. Add a small amount of ferrous sulfate before use to neutralize alkalinity.

④ yellow mud is not suitable for orchid planting.

The best soil for ⑤ is the lotus brand fairy soil produced by Sichuan Emeishan Fairview Horticulture Co., Ltd., which is basically mineralized and non-toxic. There are three types of particles: medium, small and fine particles. If a variety of orchids, famous products, should be the first choice of soil.

Cultivation medium:

① brick and tile particles are ideal materials for planting orchid (cement brick material is not suitable). After collecting the broken bricks and tiles left over from the large-scale construction yard, the two-mesh screen, six-day screen and ten-mesh screen are selected and packed according to the third grade. Before use, soak the rice in Amoy water for a week, take advantage of the tide and put it on the pot, or you can dry it in sub-packing.

② volcanic stone and sand stone, should also be divided into three grades according to the above, is a better natural material.

The cornerstone of ③ pond sold in the market has been divided into two grades, with and without mature bark, which can be purchased and used. There are already several applicable brands.

After the residue of ④ sawmill has been decayed, sieving, file selection and disinfection (high temperature, exposure) can also be used according to the above methods. But should often kill insects, sterilization.

The mature bark materials sold in the ⑤ market should be selected and used as needed, or mixed with the cornerstones of large-grain ponds.

6 the bark is shaved by the machine and screened, while the sawdust is difficult to be watered after years of trial.

7 peat soil. Cut the grass above the Beidahuang and other wetlands, remove the black peat below, and the natural wind can be used reasonably later. There is also the construction area of the ancient lake district, when digging the foundation, the soft mud sealed under the surface for many years without impurities, after being dug up by excavators and weathered naturally, is an excellent medium for orchid culture. The weathered peat is divided into three grades with four-mesh screen, two-mesh screen and eight-mesh screen. The fine soil below eight eyes is used to grow other flowers. Other granularities can be layered and used in the basin, which is an excellent culture medium for Orchid.

Guan Wenchang, Zhu Hexing