
The spectacle of thousands of people rushing to the sea in Rizhao is more precious than lobster when tourists taste the golden sea knowledge.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In Rizhao, Shandong Province, the Sea Festival officially kicked off, and more than a thousand netizens from all over the country gathered at the Marlboro seaside scenic spot to stage a sea race to compete for the title of "King of driving the Sea". The largest clam pot is surrounded by delicious people, tender barbecue,.

In Rizhao, Shandong Province, the Sea Festival officially kicked off, and more than a thousand netizens from all over the country gathered at the Marlboro seaside scenic spot to stage a sea race to compete for the title of "King of driving the Sea". The largest "clam pot" was surrounded by delicious people, including tender barbecue, fragrant pancakes, authentic shrimp skins, and even Rizhao's folk handmade pancakes. (picture from Oriental IC)

In the delicious food tasting area of the sea festival, a kind of golden seafood surprised the children. This is "sea cicada", a kind of cicada shrimp, also known as Haijie, Haijie (dialect), a specialty of two towns in Rizhao, Shandong Province. Similar to the young cicada on land, the body is divided into two sections, multi-legged, thin shell. Mainly produced in the coastal beaches of Anjia Village, two towns, the scope is very small, so the output is less, because it is rare and expensive. After fried in the pan, the cicada shrimp is crispy and delicious, rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, and the meat is more delicious than crabs and lobsters, so it is extremely precious, and the price is closer to that of lobsters in recent years. It is said that one jin amounts to hundreds of yuan.

After the brief opening ceremony, an army of thousands of clams, regardless of the cold water, took off their shoes and ran into the water, staging a thousand-person "fresh fight". The picture shows tourists scratching clams in the sea water. (picture from Oriental IC)

Although the sea is still a little cold, it can not resist people's enthusiasm at all. Thousands of tourists took off their shoes and socks and rushed to the warm sea, carrying red buckets and small shovels, and took their children to the sea area and began to work hard. (picture from Oriental IC)

A young father pulled up his trouser leg and waded past with his child in his arms, ready to pick clams. "the family came to Rizhao to see the sea during the holiday. I heard that there was a sea festival here, so I came over, and the children had a lot of fun." The nanny said. (picture from Oriental IC)

Smarter tourists find white plastic bags and put them on their ankles to prevent shoes from getting wet by the sea. Some netizens said that at first glance, they often went to the sea, and the equipment was too complete. (picture from Oriental IC)

The tourists released the shrimp seedlings to the sea, opening the curtain of the sea festival. "the joint release of thousands of people, or the first time to participate, is very shocking. The ocean is our precious natural resource. This launching ceremony also teaches us not to blindly ask for it from nature, but to let the ecological cycle develop. I think it is very meaningful and innovative." The unique launching ceremony refreshed the public and praised them one after another, and many children participated in the release activities for the first time, which made them feel even more novel. (picture from Oriental IC)

The youngest "army" of thousands of people who rushed to the sea to collect shellfish is only 2 years old, and the oldest is over 70 years old. In this vast tidal flat after the tide has receded, there is no difference in age and social status, chasing the tide, or even stepping on the beach barefoot, enjoying the journey to the sea. Everyone has a lot to gain. (picture from Oriental IC)