
If you learn the tips of rose hydroponics, you will not be afraid that it will not take root.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Rose should be the most popular among balcony parties, especially those that can climb, and its flowers are rich in color and very likable, so today Huahua will introduce to you the maintenance methods and hydroponic culture of rose.

Rose should be the most popular among the "balcony parties", especially those that can climb, and its flowers are colorful and very likable, so today Huahua will introduce to you the conservation methods of rose and what you should pay attention to when cultivating rose in water.

First of all, the rose likes the sun very much, but it cannot accept the muggy environment, so we should pay attention to proper ventilation. The north balcony of some rooms can also see the sun, and we can directly set up shelves for rose to climb and accept the baptism of the sun. Inevitably, the balcony is very convenient, as long as it is ventilated.

The size of the basin should be determined according to the growth height of the plant, so as to provide it with sufficient space for growth. The soil should be breathable and fertile so that it can provide some nutritional support in the early stage of growth.

Then there is pruning, which is necessary to make the rose blossom and prolong the flowering period. Pruning should be carried out after each flowering, but each pruning should be decided according to the growth of the plant at that time.

When pruning for the first time, be sure to cut off those residual flowers and keep about 5 bud points. It should be in summer after the second flowering, so don't cut off too many leaves to avoid affecting its photosynthesis. The third time is in autumn, and now we have to cut off all the redundant and overdense branches so that they can blossom smoothly next year.

As for those branches, we should not waste them and raise them again, so that there will be a new rose in the future.

We must first soak the cut branches (which must be healthy) in the rooting agent for a period of time, which can promote the growth of new roots. Then add the right amount of water to the cuttage container, and the water level should be kept at the place where the branch is immersed after it is inserted into the water. Its leaves should be removed from the part of the water, otherwise it is easy to breed bacteria and cause rot.

Next, put the container in a cool and ventilated place, be sure to avoid direct sunlight, and then pay attention to changing water, preferably once a day, especially in summer, be careful to ensure the water quality. After normal maintenance for about a week or so, you can see its new roots grow out, and then you can choose whether to continue aquaculture or plant it into the pot soil!