
Raise a pomegranate tree and bring home the May flowers.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pomegranate is one of Huahua's favorite fruits. I believe that red pomegranate seed has conquered many foodie people in appearance, so follow Huahua to learn how to grow a pot of pomegranate at home. The orange pomegranate flower is not.

Pomegranate is one of Huahua's favorite fruits. I believe that red pomegranate seed has conquered many foodie people in appearance, so follow Huahua to learn how to grow a pot of pomegranate at home.

The orange pomegranate blossoms are very delightful, like trumpets. If you have a flower friend in the yard, you are advised to plant the pomegranate tree directly in the yard and let it grow freely, and it can better accept the pollination of bees outside. Only in this way can we better bear fruit, and basically we don't have to worry too much about keeping it in the yard. On the contrary, it will grow better in the wind and the sun.

Pomegranate varieties are also different, there are sweet and sour fruits, so we should pay attention to the purchase of seedlings. As for the size, we have to decide according to the place of planting, such as indoor, do not choose those too tall plants, so that planting in the pot can also ensure its shape.

Pot maintenance must be careful not to often watering, because pomegranate likes a dry environment, especially in the flowering period, too much watering will cause a large number of buds to fall. But its requirements on the soil is not so strict, ordinary garden soil as long as to ensure drainage. But with the birth of its age, we should change its basin and soil properly, otherwise its roots will not be able to stretch!

Sunshine must be sufficient, can always be placed on the balcony, summer is not afraid of the sun, but lack of sunshine, not only lead to overgrowth of plants, but also seriously cause plants not to blossom and do not bear fruit.

Then there is the pruning of the plant, because the branches of the pomegranate grow very fast, and if they grow very long, they overgrow, so they must be trimmed in time. Especially potted pomegranate, as for the degree of pruning according to their own size, this is not only for its beautiful shape, but mainly to store more nutrition for its flowering and fruit.

Because pomegranate trees are also easy to attract insects, we must do a good job in prevention and control, and pay attention to the dosage when spraying insecticides, because its fruit is used for consumption after all, so don't eat it for a month after medication.

If the pomegranate only blossoms but does not bear fruit, it is mostly because there is no pollination, the outdoor ones can rely on sealing to pollinate, and the indoor ones will have to do it ourselves. The small brush gently sweeps the stamens, and at this time we have to see that if there are too many flowers, they will be removed, otherwise they will snatch nutrition together, which means "give up the small for the big"!