
What are the benefits of mulberry leaves to our bodies? Here are some things you need to know.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mulberry leaves, bitter taste, sweet, cold nature, return to the lung meridian, liver meridian, have the effect of dispersing wind and heat, clearing lung and moistening dryness, calming liver yang, clearing liver and improving eyesight, cooling blood and stopping bleeding; can be used to treat wind-heat cold, lung dryness dry cough, thirst dry throat, dizziness, etc.

Mulberry leaf, bitter taste, sweet, cold nature, return to lung meridian, liver meridian, have the effect of dispersing wind and heat, clearing lung and moistening dryness, suppressing liver yang, clearing liver and improving eyesight, cooling blood and stopping bleeding; can be used to treat wind-heat cold, lung dryness dry cough, thirst dry throat, dizziness, blood heat vomiting blood and other symptoms, even ancient records, mulberry leaf boiled water shampoo can hair!

Mulberry leaves are lovely silkworm baby food, but also a natural green plant, has a very high efficacy and role, mulberry leaves soaked in water mainly has the following effects:

1, can remove lung heat. Generally, cough, less phlegm, dry throat, hot lung injury and other symptoms occur. Drinking mulberry leaves soaked in water can effectively remove lung heat; mulberry leaves return to lung and liver meridians and have the effect of dispersing wind-heat. Mulberry leaves and honeysuckle, chrysanthemum or mint and platycodon grandiflorum can be taken together with soaked water.

2. It can be reduced to three highs. Alkaloids, polysaccharides and amino acids in mulberry leaves can have a good effect on blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids; studies have found that rutin, quercetin and other substances in mulberry leaves have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

3. It can relieve wind-heat cold. Mulberry leaves have the effect of fever. Drinking mulberry leaves tea can relieve headache, sore throat and fever symptoms for exogenous wind-heat cold symptoms; it can effectively relieve fever, headache, sore throat and other symptoms, effectively remove lung heat and relieve headache.

4. It can cure dizziness. Mulberry leaves have the effect of clearing liver and improving eyesight, treating dizziness of liver-yang and red and dim eyes, and can be used for red and dim eyes caused by wind-heat, and also help headache caused by hyperactivity of liver-yang.

5, can freckle beauty. Tea with mulberry leaves can effectively remove chloasma, mulberry tea wash your face three times a day, reduce melanin, play a role in light spots. Acne is mainly caused by endocrine changes in the body, and daily diet and living habits are not scientific have a lot to do with, so long-term body will appear accumulation of heat and dampness. Mulberry leaves have a very good role in clearing away heat and detoxification, taking mulberry leaves can freckle, white skin, increase skin elasticity. This was the welfare of the young ladies!

6. Treatment of constipation. Mulberry leaves contain a variety of DNJ minerals, which are nutrients needed by the body. After entering the body, they have the effect of moistening the intestines and relaxing the bowels. They are very suitable for constipation patients to take. In addition to being able to treat constipation, soaking mulberry leaves in water can also discharge body waste and toxins well and play a role in detoxification.

In short, mulberry leaves contain a variety of alkaloids, amino acids, polysaccharides and other components, have a good health effect. Mulberry leaves, however, are not suitable for eating. There are detailed records in the Compendium of Materia Medica that if mulberry leaf tea is taken in excess, it will cause damage to the essence blood in the body, and at the same time, the spleen and stomach will become cold. For a long time, it will make the physique worse and worse, even if you suffer from diseases, your face will become worse and worse, and your spirit will become dispirited. Therefore, daily mulberry leaf soaking water drink must pay attention to the right amount, do not over-take. Mulberry leaves soaked in water can not be drunk too much, will make the body blood damage, spleen and stomach cold, poor appetite, poor physique. Mulberry tea is cool, so women in the menstrual period, it is best not to use oh!

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