
What if the crab claw orchid is frozen?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If it is less than five degrees, then the crab claw orchid is very easy to freeze. After discovery, measures should be taken in time. Plants raised at home should be moved to a warm place indoors in time. In addition, it can also be moved to warm places such as greenhouses. Or, cover it with some film and so on. After it is found to be frozen, measures must be taken in time.

1. Is it easy to catch cold

It is extremely easy to freeze. This is because it is very sensitive to temperature, especially in winter. If the temperature is below five degrees Celsius, it is easy to suffer frost damage. In some very southerly areas, if the temperature will not be low, then you don't have to pay too much attention. However, if the temperature is easily below zero in winter in areas slightly to the north, attention must be paid to it. Therefore, at the end of autumn and throughout the winter, farming friends in these areas need to pay attention. If it is found to be frozen, measures must be taken in time, so that it may recover. If it is very serious, it is almost useless to take remedial measures.

2. Consequences of freezing injury

First of all, its leaves may droop and look lethargic. Even, it will fall off directly when it is serious. In addition, its florescence is from September to April, and winter is just within this range. In that case, it is easy to understand that the buds fall off easily after freezing, or very few flowers are formed.

3. Remedial measures

If the plants raised in the family are still placed outdoors for indoor maintenance; if they are still frozen indoors, then observe the environment around them and take artificial warming measures. In addition, it can also be taken to the greenhouse for maintenance. Or, you can take some other cold protection measures, such as covering with plastic film and so on. I would like to reiterate here that it must be remedied in time.

4. Points for attention

In addition to the temperature, special attention should be paid to light in winter. Especially when it is in bloom, the light must be indispensable.