
What about the rotten roots of Rieger Begonia?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First of all, if there is a lack of water or too much water, it is necessary to replenish the water or replace the basin soil in time; secondly, if the fertilization is improper, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer or replace the soil; it may also be that the temperature is too high or too low, which can cool or keep warm; and finally, it is caused by poor ventilation. you need to open the window regularly.

1. Improper watering

Reason: in the maintenance of it, watering is the most important step, if watering too much, it will make the contents of the basin easy to retain stagnant water, so the root will be lack of oxygen, and then affect breathing, over time, the root will naturally begin to rot. But it can not be watered for a long time, so that the root can not replenish enough water, and then the root will rot.

Solution: when rotten roots are found, the rotten roots should be cut in time. If it is caused by too much watering, it is necessary to replace part of the soil and reduce the amount of water, especially in summer, only when the leaves begin to wilt and the basin soil dries, and less watering in winter to prevent freezing damage. If it is caused by too little watering, it is necessary to increase the amount of water and pour it thoroughly at one time.

2. Improper fertilization

Reason: when applying fertilizer, if the concentration is too high and the amount of fertilizer is too high, it will cause fertilizer damage, and then burn the root, at this time the root will begin to rot.

Solution: first of all, cut off the rotten roots and replace the basin soil, and then apply fertilizer again, diluting the fertilizer first to prevent burning the roots. In addition, the number of fertilization should be appropriately reduced, usually stopping fertilization in summer and winter, and applying a little more in the Spring and Autumn period.

3. Improper temperature

Reason: Rieger Begonia is very afraid of the cold. If it is too low indoors or outdoors, it will cause frost damage, especially in winter, so that the roots will be damaged first, and then the roots will begin to rot.

Solution: keep the right temperature all the year round, especially in winter, move it indoors in time, and keep the indoor temperature at about 4 degrees, so that freezing injury can be avoided and the roots will not rot.

4. Improper ventilation

Reason: it likes well-ventilated places, and if it sulks for a long time, it is easy to have rotten roots.

Solution: need to open the window in time for ventilation in order to prevent the rotting root phenomenon caused by muggy heat.