
Combined use of microbial Fertilizer and Pesticide

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Combined use of microbial Fertilizer and Pesticide

Not using chemical pesticides is one of the goals of organic agriculture. Use legal light pesticides in the early or middle stages of crops only as a last resort. Will pesticides destroy beneficial microorganisms in the upper soil? General pesticides can be used in combination with microbial fertilizers, but they should still be avoided by soaking for a long time before application, and it is best to mix them before spraying. As for fungicides, they will kill beneficial microbes. Because there are three functions of microbial fertilizer: 1. Provide microbial provenance 2. Provide organic nutrient source 3. Provide disease inhibition substances secreted during microbial fermentation. Therefore, when microorganisms and fungicides are mixed and used, although the microbial provenance will be extinct, the organic nutrition and disease inhibitory substances will not be damaged, so if the loss of the germ source is not taken into account, it can be used together. As long as the efficacy is reduced, spray some comprehensive microflora (please refer to fertilizer management) to supplement the bacteria.

Originally, plant materials contain all kinds of microbes and tiny organisms, no matter whether these microbes are beneficial or harmful, they maintain an ecological balance, check and balance each other and coexist, and the plant is full of life, so the plant is "alive." But now the abuse of pesticides and fertilizers in Orchid Industry has turned this originally living plant into a "death", and the destruction of the ecological balance has led to the rampant spread of stubborn and rapid reproduction of diseases, insect pests and pathogens. The dependence and evil cycle of pathogen resistance and pesticides and fertilizers make it impossible for Orchid Industry not to use pesticides and fertilizers one day. In such a harsh environment, it is really very difficult to talk about natural agricultural laws. If we blindly adhere to the major premise of the natural agricultural law, that is, to stop using pesticides and fertilizers immediately, then the plants in the orchid garden are bound to suffer and disappear overnight. Therefore, we must adopt a gradual approach to achieve the goal of not using chemicals.

Although the goal of organic agriculture is not to use chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers, this is the goal of our efforts. In order to achieve this goal, we must go through an arduous journey. First of all, we must restore beneficial microorganisms in plant materials and give full play to the power of nature. The major principle of restoring the circulation of matter between organisms, so as to restore the ecological balance and food chain that has been destroyed by man. By using the methods of sterilization and tonifying bacteria, beneficial bacteria advantages and natural antagonism, etc., step by step from the compromise operation of reducing pesticides and fertilizers (quasi-organic farming method), step by step to the point where pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not used at all, only such a gradual approach can achieve the goal of natural agricultural law, just like going to the second floor, the best way is to use the stairs to go up steadily step by step, and want to jump upstairs. Luckily, there are not many chances of success, and if you fail, you will fall badly.