
There is a kind of mage called Master Rose.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to the name of Master Rose, half of the flowers will love again and again, and the other half of the flowers will gnash their teeth. The reason why the name Rose Master is so polarized is that Rose Master is not an exact one.

When the name of Rose Mage was mentioned, half of the flower friends would die of love, and the other half would gnash their teeth in hatred.

The reason why the name rose mage is so polarized is that rose mages are not a specific species, but a large collection of similar and indistinguishable mage species.

If you don't care much about the details of the breed, just pick the taste, then most will like the generic name Rose Mage. If you really want to collect a certain mage breed, then you will think that the common name Rose Mage exists to fool you.

Some flower friends think that the name Rose Master is created by unscrupulous Chinese sellers. If you think so, then you've wronged the seller of the rose mage. Because the word rose mage is an out-and-out foreign vocabulary, we just translated it.

If you want to understand Rose Mage, you must know a very old and classic primitive mage-censer plate.

Censer plate has an English common name, called Giant Velvet Rose, translated into Chinese, meaning huge velvet rose. The name conceals three important characteristics: the huge size of the rosette, the fuzz on the leaves, and the rosette's rosette. In addition, the censer plate has a fourth important feature hidden in its Chinese name, which is fragrance.

I would like to say a few more words about the smell here. Some people think censer plate is fragrant, some people may think it is smelly, even for the same plant, everyone's evaluation of smell is not the same. This is something our genes determine. Just like durian, it is also a fruit of love and hate. Durian lovers never think durian is a smelly fruit. By the way, stand in line here, I am a super durian love ah.

Therefore, when talking about smells in the future, there is no need to argue about whether a smell is fragrant or smelly. Smell is the same smell, but different people experience it differently.

Back to the censer plate. The censer plate is the hybrid parent of all rose mages. There are also some so-called XX rose mage plants, in fact, is simply the incense burner plate itself, but the name of the incense burner plate is really not dazzling enough, we ignored it.

Let me list a few hybrid descendants of censer plate randomly, and let's feel the influence of censer plate.

Purple Cashmere, Shame, Bronze Pot Wizard, Golden Rose Wizard, Halloween Wizard, Plum Purdy…and more, but forgive my poor memory for not allowing me to list them.

If you ever find these varieties confusing, I suggest you call them all Rose Mages. In fact, in foreign countries, including Japan, South Korea and Europe, it was enough to call them Rose Mages most of the time. There was no need to really distinguish them.

The last time I went to Weifang, a franchised mage shed to see goods, there is really a mage of the sea. When I took a pot of Master to ask the boss what kind of variety it was, the boss said to me very seriously: "Where did you get it?" If you want to ask which species, just stand there and ask." His implication was, don't bring it to me and don't change places, or I won't know it.

It could be seen that the individual differences of these Rose Mages were very small.

There were all kinds of complete books and illustrations of mages circulating on the internet. Every once in a while, a great god would come out and rewrite one. However, for Rose Mages, a race with extremely high facial blindness, just putting out a few pictures and labeling the mages 'names was really useless to help people understand them. At most, it could only be used for appreciation.

The most basic lesson in identifying Rose Wizards should be to distinguish between purple cashmere and shame. Purple cashmere and Shao shame are both varieties with a long history. Their hybrid parents are the same. They are both Mo Master and censer plate, so it is very normal to look very similar.

According to the description of the breed, the color of purple cashmere is dark purple, while Shao shame is red. As for fuzz and fragrance, they are not hard indicators to distinguish them.

In the past, when Shaoshen was rare and expensive, people called plants with good fragrance Shaoshen, while plants with bad taste were called purple cashmere. Now purple cashmere than Shao shame more market, smell bad called Shao shame. And as we said earlier, different people feel different about the smell of the same plant, so they can't be distinguished simply from the smell.

If you raise both purple cashmere and Shao shame, in the same season, it should be easy to distinguish the obvious color difference between Shao shame and purple cashmere.

Another thing to say is different versions of the same name. For example, purple cashmere should be divided into European purple (European version of purple cashmere) and ordinary purple cashmere, and it is said that there are Korean versions. Bronze pot master also divided into black, red, European version, Korean version and many other versions. Shao shame not only has the difference between European version and Korean version, but also Dutch Shao shame and French Shao shame. There will also be differences in this small part of Europe. Is such a complicated classification method really reliable?

Here, I want to tell you responsibly that the above method of further subdividing all kinds of face-blind rose mages is very unreliable.

The purpose of the merchant to do this is nothing more than to let you not over-tangle the difference between the net picture you have seen and the real picture, believe that the mage he sells is genuine.

The mages of the same breed, one shed, one exposed, and one domesticated, would definitely not look the same color and condition. Even if it was the same mage, it would look completely different at different times. If we obsess too much about what kind of mage is genuine, we will force merchants to come up with countless sales strategies and make up countless stories to prove that the mage they sell is the one you want. This will only make the classification of mages more and more confusing.

So, if I am not willing to call all of the above mages rose mages, how can I distinguish them? To be honest, I am not a breeder, and I cannot teach you how to accurately distinguish them until I find an authoritative description of the breed characteristics from the breeder. But I have a few tips for you.

1. Don't identify these varieties when they are not out of state, because when these horticultural varieties are cultivated, they are screened for performance at the extreme state, so when there is no state or even excessive growth, don't believe what varieties are out of state.

2. Pay more attention to the big hard indicators such as leaf arrangement, leaf tip shape, leaf margin, leaf center and overall color change. Item by item comparison of two varieties at the same time and in the same conservation environment. If common differences are found, that is, every plant of one variety differs from every plant of another variety at some point, two different varieties can be identified.

3. Ignore answers that pretend to be sophisticated, such as telling you that the inflorescences are different when they bloom, or that the parents are different from each other. Do not believe that a plant with more purple cashmere gene, so different colors and so on. Trust your own eyes, for gardening varieties that look different now are more important than anything else.

If you have a bunch of mages and you know exactly how they differ, they're still a successful collection even if you don't know their exact names. If you had a garden full of rabbis who all looked the same, you couldn't tell where they were different, even if each pot was labeled with its hybrid parent and Latin name, what was the point?