
What do red flowers mean? Red fire is really festive

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The flowers of each plant are different according to their own categories and color attributes, such as white roses, which imply pure love between people. Let's talk about China's main color red, open red...

The flowers of each plant represent different meanings according to their own categories and color attributes, such as white roses, which symbolize pure love between people. Next, let's talk about the main tone of red in China, and what is the meaning of plants with red flowers in the hearts of the Chinese people?

1. Peony, the national flower

Since the Tang Dynasty, peony has been praised as "national beauty and heavenly fragrance." even today, it has always been a symbol of auspiciousness, wealth, prosperity, prosperity and happiness in the minds of the Chinese people. In ancient times, many poets sang about peonies. Liu Yuxi, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, once praised that "only peonies are truly national and move the capital when the flowers are in bloom." It can be seen that the sight of appreciating flowers at that time was unprecedented.

The red peony can be regarded as the best of all kinds of peonies, has an extremely noble position in the flower world, and is called "the king of flowers." The red color is like fire, and the full and round shape is like the scorching sun, so it is a symbol of wealth and perfection.

two。 Evergreen

Evergreen is a perennial evergreen herb, which is favored by consumers as the decoration of etiquette in moving, moving house and wedding ceremony. It usually rarely blossoms, but you should not think that it is not flowering, in fact, it blossoms, the color of flowering is mostly red. Some people think that it is unlucky to bloom, while others say it is a good sign. What exactly does its flower correspond to?

As we have mentioned above, red is the main color of China and a symbol of auspiciousness. Naturally, the flowers it blooms have nothing to do with inauspiciousness. Its flowers and leaves can be used as an ornamental, coupled with the tenacious vitality of tens of thousands of young people, and derives the meaning of "everlasting, auspicious and smooth".

3. Love flowers and roses

Needless to say, the representative flower of love, regardless of whether it is in love or the pursuit stage, can see its shadow. After you fall in love, no matter what stage you are in, it can be used as a representative.

And the red rose, can be regarded as the most common kind of rose, look at its shape, hot with some delicate and beautiful, beautiful with some playful, although somewhat similar to the rose, but you can see its arrogance from its thorns. So it symbolizes enthusiasm and unrestrained, in addition, the number of flowers is also fastidious, such as one, that the other party is your only, two means the two of us, and so on, so fellow men, you should ask clearly when buying flowers!

There is no same leaf or flower in the world! Each color of flower has its independence and meaning. Red is only the most common one of many kinds of flowering plants. Whether you know flowers or not, whether you buy them for decoration or give them away, you can first understand the meaning behind them.