
What is the function of how to keep the ruler? The evil spirit of the town house

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There is a kind of plant, some look like cactus, and generally used for family cultivation, but also the role of fengshui, so what kind of plant is it? It is what people often call a ruler. In understanding how to raise the ruler.

There is a kind of plant, some look like cactus, and generally used for family cultivation, but also the role of fengshui, so what kind of plant is it? It is what people often call a ruler.

Before we understand how to raise the ruler and what its effect is, let's first understand what kind of plant it is. In ancient times, the measuring ruler was also called three-rowed arrow, three-rowed sword keel, sword flower, seven-star sword flower, each name reveals that it is different from other plants, but the origin of this plant is Mexican. At the beginning, it was widely loved by the public because it was found to have medical value.

After understanding the ruler, let's take a look at how to raise this kind of plant. The measuring ruler grows in a comfortable environment, such as in some warm, humid and semi-shady environments. The biggest advantage of measuring ruler is its ability to withstand drought, but its disadvantage is that it is afraid of low temperature and frost. It generally grows in an environment with a temperature of 25-35 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is below 7 °, it will not be able to grow, it is vulnerable to frost damage, and its stems and nodes rot. Therefore, it generally does not grow at a high altitude, because the temperature in this environment is generally lower than 7 °, which will directly freeze to death. Therefore, friends who like to measure the sky and see this kind of plant on the street should also consider the environment of their own home when they see this plant on the street. for example, when it snows in winter, don't buy it, just enjoy it.

Therefore, when we cultivate the ruler, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. Considering the climatic temperature, it is not the temperature of one or two days, but the problem of the four seasons of the year, because the temperature of the ruler should be in the range of 7 °to 35 degrees. It can be transplanted to indoor culture in winter, and that's fine. 2. Find some fertile soil, use the planting ruler, apply water and fertilizer properly, but not too much. 3. Don't spray too much water on the plants every day. The purpose is to increase the humidity of the air and avoid yellowing in the sun.

Different items placed in different locations will have different effects on fengshui. The same is true of plant fengshui, some plants are very particular about the placement, put in the right position, can bring good luck, put in the wrong position will attract bad luck. The measuring ruler is a prickly plant with dry stems, flowers and leaves, and it is an evil plant in fengshui. Placing the measuring ruler is helpful to dissolve the evil spirit and protect the geomancy of the house at the same time. However, in the purchase of day ruler, we should also pay attention to its species and growth, can not be bought casually, to buy a good-looking basin and conducive to the wind water level, but also conducive to viewing, why not?

Measuring ruler not only has the role of evil spirits, but also has a very good purification effect, for the newly decorated family house, put in the living room, bedroom, can effectively absorb methanol and other toxic gases, in fact, at home, put a pot of plants such as measuring ruler, vibrant, very good.