
Teach you a few tricks to make your summer succulent plants round.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Tomorrow is the Beginning of Summer's solar term, and today my friend asked me, "it was easier to raise succulent plants in the past two months, but now it's summer and the weather is muggy. How can my flesh spend this summer?" Everyone must have this kind of confusion.

Tomorrow is the Beginning of Summer's solar term, and today my friend asked me, "it was easier to raise succulent plants in the past two months, but now it's summer and the weather is muggy. How can my flesh spend this summer?" We must all have such confusion, the editor will teach you a few tricks, so that your succulent can also grow pink fat in the summer! Today, I will teach you the main points for the conservation of summer-type succulent plants:

1. Lighting: summer-type succulent plants are in the growing period in summer, so they should be given sufficient sunlight, but they should also be careful to avoid direct sunlight at noon, otherwise the plants are easy to grow, especially the succulent stems of succulent plants of cactus and Euphorbiaceae become slender and difficult to recover because of lack of light. In addition, in the midsummer afternoon of more than 35 degrees, strong direct sunlight will still cause harm to some delicate varieties, so it is necessary to avoid light properly.

2. Ventilation: no matter what type of succulent plant it is, it needs a good ventilation environment. In a muggy and humid environment, poor air circulation is not conducive to water evaporation, but also difficult to reduce the temperature, which can easily lead to decay. The humidity of the air in summer is higher than that in other seasons, and even the genus Reed, which likes high humidity, has to leave the stuffy environment at this time.

3, watering and water control: in summer, because the hot weather succulent plants most avoid stagnant water, water evaporates quickly, so many people always feel that there is not enough water, often watering, resulting in long-term wet and rotten roots, it is difficult to return to the sky. In fact, the summer air humidity, although it seems that the soil surface has been dry, but the bottom is not yet dry, the southern region should pay more attention to. Watering should be strictly controlled in summer, and water cut-off can be considered if the temperature lasts above 35 degrees.

Even if watering, only use a pressure spray can to wet the soil surface to avoid sprinkling water droplets on the leaves. If there are obvious water droplets remaining in the leaves, they should be blown away so that the water droplets will not gather strong light to burn the leaves. In addition to the normal spraying of water on succulent plants, it is also necessary to guard against hail and torrential rain during the rainy season.

4. Fertilization: pay attention to the nutrition of succulent plants in summer. Fertilization requires appropriate fertilization according to different varieties, more fertilizer for fast growth, less fertilizer for slow growth, or even no fertilizer, fertilizer can not put chemical fertilizer! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! If you have enough time, you can make your own organic fertilizer, such as the watermelon peel we often eat in summer, which is very troublesome because it takes a long time to ferment before you can use it. If your time is precious, the editor suggests that you can search for organic nutrient solution online, which is microbial fermentation, enhances plant physique and resistance, can provide a variety of trace elements needed for succulent plants, and is easy to operate, and many users have good feedback after using it. You might as well understand.

5. Mosquito prevention: succulent plants in summer are easy to produce small white insects, called "shell insects", which can cause wilt and mold infection by sucking plant juice to survive. Because the body has a layer of horny carapace, the general effect of insecticides is limited. When the quantity is small, it can be caught manually, and the shell worm can be wiped with cotton ball sticky vinegar or alcohol. If more, you can use special killing drugs, such as acetamiprid. It is recommended that everyone give succulent shade at night. Here to introduce a kind of shade net, that is: window screen, yes, window screen, the kind of mosquito prevention installed on the window, basically does not fade, very good