
Discussion, control, analysis and diagnosis of stem rot and soft rot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Discussion, control, analysis and diagnosis of stem rot and soft rot

A few days ago, I posted an article entitled "also talk about soft rot, stem rot and prevention experience". An orchid friend named "scar" raised an objection to the view that the two diseases belong to the same category.

Over the past few days, I have consulted a large number of relevant materials online and offline to prove that my point of view is wrong. Students would like to express their deep gratitude to "scar" Lanyou! And make corrections: 'soft rot' is a bacterial disease; 'stem rot' is a fungal disease!

Now the pictures obtained on the Internet are summarized together and discussed, compared, analyzed and diagnosed with all the orchid friends, in order to learn from each other and improve together. (ask for pictures: pictures of Suxin thatched Cottage, Xixi and another Orchid friend)

It can be said that 99% of Lanyou today do not have advanced equipment, but we can identify and diagnose the diseased plants according to their performance, so as to make a decisive treatment at an early stage.

Compare from the following three groups of pictures: the group picture of "West West", "Suxin thatched cottage" and "the third group of pictures"; there is an obvious difference.

1. Different manifestations of leaf shrinkage of diseased plants:

1. The middle picture from the west shows that when the dehydration is so obvious, the leaves do not turn yellow; when the leaves of "Songmei" and "the third set of pictures" of "Suxin thatch" shrink slightly, they show a lack of yellow leaf color; it can be found that the foot base of the heart leaf is yellow first, and then develops to the whole plant withered and yellow!

2. The middle picture of the west shows the typical symptoms of soft rot! First of all, the heart leaves of the infected plants can be lifted gently, and the base is black and rotten, while those shown in "Song Mei" and "the third group of pictures" can not pull out the heart leaves. "Song Mei" and "the third group of pictures" are typical symptoms of stem rot!

Second, the color of Reed head of diseased plant is different.

The Reed head of "soft rot" is dark and strong, while the Reed head of "stem rot" is light brown and wrinkled in the early stage. Then it develops into black and brown and bright, and the shrinkage is more obvious!

III. Development of diseased plants

The "soft rot" was transmitted to the near plant from the adjacent site, and it was found that most of the orchid plants that had not been infected could be saved, while the "stem rot" was transmitted in the form of body fluids, and the survival rate of the adjacent orchid plants was low even if it was found. (this view is a collected theory)

IV. Treatment

What needs to be reminded is that when you find that the leaves of the orchid plant suddenly shrink in the plum rain and hot summer, or the foot base of the heart leaf is lack of yellow, remove some surface plant material and check carefully, and operate as soon as you find the disease (please use a sharp knife instead of scissors, the reason is simple, the tissue will be squeezed when cutting); do not delay; once the tissue is necrotic, it can not be regenerated and repaired.

V. points for attention in introduction

Please take a look at the root map of the dragon character. There is a black circle at the bottom of the seedling and the root is not good. When you encounter this seedling, don't be cheap.

VI. Prevention

The two diseases are preventable and difficult to treat, focusing on prevention!

Both chloramphenicol and streptomycin are spectral antimicrobial agents to prevent "soft rot". Chloramphenicol has a wider antibacterial spectrum and stronger antibacterial activity.

Metalaxyl can be used to prevent "stem rot".

Bacteria and fungi can be killed with "can be killed" and so on.

Author: Jin Xin