
Cultivation and production of primrose bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Primrose alias gold belt, string of gold, Yunnan Yingchun, big leaf Yingchun, Yingchun willow, for Oleaceae, Jasmine Jasmine belongs to deciduous shrubs. The branches of primrose are slender and graceful, with arch-shaped drooping growth, up to more than 2m in length. Side.

Primrose alias gold belt, string of gold, Yunnan Yingchun, big leaf Yingchun, Yingchun willow, for Oleaceae, Jasmine Jasmine belongs to deciduous shrubs. The branches of primrose are slender and graceful, with arch-shaped drooping growth, up to more than 2m in length. Lateral branches robust, quadrangular, green. Ternate compound leaves opposite, 2-3cm long, leaflets ovate-elliptic, surface smooth, entire. Flowers solitary in leaf axils, Corolla goblet-shaped, bright yellow, flowers bright and beautiful, tip 6-lobed, or compound. Flowering period from March to May, can last as long as 50 days, in addition to planting in the courtyard, flower beds and other places, but also potted plants to watch or make bonsai.

Primrose, also known as Jinmei and Little Yellow Flower, gets its name because it blossoms earliest among flowers and ushered in spring when a hundred flowers bloom immediately after flowering. Together with plum blossoms, daffodils and camellias, they are called four friends in the snow, and they are one of the precious flowers in China. Primrose is not only beautiful in color, extraordinary temperament, but also has the characteristics of fearless, no choice of style and strong adaptability, which has always been loved by people. Native to the subtropical regions of South China and Southwest China, cultivation is very common in the south, can be grown in North China and Henan, and is cultivated and produced in the whole county of Qianling.

Primroses like light, slightly resistant to shade, slightly resistant to cold, afraid of waterlogging, can survive the winter in open fields in North China and Qianling, requiring a warm and humid climate, loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, growing vigorously in acidic soil and poor in alkaline soil. The root germination is strong, and the landing part of the branch is very easy to take root.

Primrose forms flower buds on one-year-old branches and blossoms in the following spring, so all flower branches should be cut short every year to promote the growth of more lateral branches, increase the number of flowers, and strengthen fertilizer and water management at the same time.

Diseases and insect pests of primrose often occur leaf spot and withered branch disease, which can be sprayed with 1500 times of 50% bacillus special wettable powder. Insect pests are harmful to aphids and coir moths, which are sprayed with 1000 times of 50% phoxim EC.

Potted primrose is potted after defoliation in winter to before germination in spring. The pot soil should be watered thoroughly with loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage and water retention, and preserved in a place away from the wind and the sun. Watering during the growing period should not be dry or irrigated, but it should be watered thoroughly to avoid stagnant water in the basin soil, otherwise it would cause rotten roots. Watering should be reduced after September to control the growth of branches and make them survive the winter safely. The rotten organic liquid fertilizer should be applied once or twice every spring to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering and restore the plant growth as soon as possible. The period from June to August is the flower bud differentiation period, which can increase the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and pay attention to water deduction, which is beneficial to the formation of flower buds. Fertilization in autumn can increase the cold resistance of plants and promote the development of flower buds. Applying some fertilizer before flowering can not only make the flowers fat, but also prolong the flowering period. The pot is turned once after the flower fade in spring every year to 2 years, and the basin soil can be mixed with garden soil, humus soil and sand soil, and a small amount of mature cake fertilizer and livestock manure are added as base fertilizer, and the plant is pruned in combination with changing pots. Remove dry and withered branches, disease and insect branches, and pay attention to coring during the growing period, so as to promote the plant to be more branched and maintain the perfection of the tree shape.

The branches of primrose are slender and soft. in addition to the normal growth of drooping branches, they can also be woven into the shape of basket, fan, ball, peacock and so on, so as to increase the ornamental value. If you need New Year's Day or Spring Festival flowering, you can move the seedling pot to the sunny place indoors 3 weeks in advance and keep it at a temperature of 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ to blossom in time. The flower branches of Yingchun are raised in water bubbles and can blossom in 5 to 7 days. It is an excellent material for cut flowers in winter.

Primrose can be propagated by means of ramet, striping and cuttage. Ramets are usually carried out in spring and autumn, but it is better before flower buds germinate in early spring. Striping or cuttage is usually carried out in about a week after the flower fade. When pressing the strip, first cut it with a knife in the cortex of the buried branch to facilitate rooting. Cuttings can be carried out in the hotbed or directly in the open field. Choose 2-year-old strong branches as cuttings with a length of 15 cm to 20 cm. Bury the branches of 1 stick 3 in the soil, keep the soil moist, and take root in 2 to 3 weeks. When the young roots change from white to yellowish brown, start transplanting. At the initial stage of seedling transfer, shade net or Reed curtain should be used to shade for 5 to 7 days, and the seedling rate is higher.

Bonsai production of primrose can choose those plants that have grown for many years and have simple and vigorous roots, which are mostly transplanted from winter to early spring, first planted in mud pots, trimmed and reshaped the plants before planting, cut off the branches and roots that are not needed in shape, and cut the branches that are too long, and the roots cut out can be cut in good shape, and planted in small pots after survival, that is, they become simple and elegant miniature bonsai.

Primrose is a trailing plant, although the branches grow very fast, there is no obvious trunk, and even thicker branches are difficult to find, so we can consider the method of replacing the stem with roots, putting forward the soil surface of the Qiu qu and colorful roots instead of the tree trunks. Root lifting should be carried out step by step and must not be completed at one time, otherwise it will expose too many fine roots of the plant, resulting in stump budding and even plant death in serious cases. The shape of the root stem varies from tree to tree, and different forms can be used, such as single dry type, double dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type, bridge type, root lifting type and so on. The crown mostly uses the drooping branch type, its branches naturally droop, showing a waterfall shape, using the pruning method to make the branches dense and uniform, this form is the most common.

In the plum pile type of primrose bonsai, cut off the bent and drooping part of the branches, such as when the newly sprouting lateral branches want to bend and sag, then cut them off, so that all the branches are linear, like sparse and oblique plum blossoms when blooming.

In the big tree type of primrose bonsai, the plants with twisted and old trunks, main branches and side branches are selected to prune the branches into clusters, which looks like a big tree during the growing period, but in fact, the leaves of the tree are composed of dense twigs, which is the rarest form because the material is difficult to find.

Primrose bonsai can reshape the plant before flowering, and the heart is often picked during the growing period, in order to make the branches thicker and increase branches, which is conducive to modeling, and the branches that affect the tree shape should be cut off in time to maintain the beauty of the bonsai. Other management is basically the same as that of potted primrose.