
You can grow vegetables on the balcony with an empty oil barrel. Every day, vegetables are picked beautifully and tastes great.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Growing vegetables on the balcony and balcony at home can not only watch and beautify the environment, but also make the mood better, but also let the family eat more fresh vegetables, the process is particularly interesting, the moment to see the result is also very happy, indoor how.

Growing vegetables on the balcony and balcony at home can not only watch and beautify the environment, but also make the mood better, but also let the family eat more fresh vegetables, the process is particularly interesting, the moment you see the result is also very happy, how to grow vegetables indoors, what containers to grow vegetables, what dishes are easy to harvest, delicious and good seed?

1. Containers for growing vegetables actually grow vegetables. If you have an old flowerpot at home, you can make good use of it to grow vegetables. If you don't even have a flowerpot, we can use the empty pot of cooking oil in the kitchen to grow vegetables.

First clean the oil barrel, then cut off the end with the lid, and then nail down about ten small holes to facilitate drainage and ventilation.

2. Soil. Then load the ordinary garden soil, rotten leaf soil, if we do not want to spend money to buy soil, we can dig some clean garden soil or fertile rotten leaf soil in the suburbs where there is no garbage dump or construction waste, and then we can start growing vegetables.

3. Choose well-grown vegetables. If you want to grow luxuriant vegetables at home, even in a closed balcony, you can grow a basin of green and luxuriant vegetables. There is a little trick, that is, to grow some solid skin, so that you don't have to worry about vegetables that can't be raised at all. For example, cabbage, lettuce, coriander, leek, tomato, pepper and so on.

In particular, these three kinds of dishes can be picked for a long time after they are planted. You can get something every few days.

Small green vegetables, prepare some green vegetables seeds, such as Chinese cabbage can be planted all the year round, after sowing, pour water, germinate very fast, germinate in six or seven days.

Grow up very fast, side by side seedlings while eating, more than a month can eat.

The seedlings can be boiled noodles or replanted in spare flowerpots, which will grow stronger and very simple.

Tomato, you can use the small tomato seeds bought from the fruit store, because the empty oil barrel is deep enough, an empty oil pot can plant one, or it can be planted in other containers.

When the lateral branches grow too much, we can remove some lateral buds.

Promote flowering and fruiting and apply more fertilizer during the period. Whether it is rotten chicken manure or cake fertilizer, the fruit will bear a lot.

Chili peppers can be sown with the seeds inside the chili peppers, dry first, and then sow. Do not cover the soil too thick, pour water after sowing, and sprout in a week.

During the growth period, bask in the sun, open more windows to ensure ventilation, and then apply fertilizer in time.

Chili peppers will bear so much that they can be picked and eaten for several months in a row.

Ripe chili peppers.

A bumper harvest of chili.

You can also use empty oil barrels to grow other vegetables.

You can also grow cilantro with empty oil barrels, which grows well.

Can also be used to ferment Amoy rice water, make their own fertilizer, the vegetable grows very well.