
Safe and efficient organic fertilizer

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Safe and efficient organic fertilizer

Fertilizer had better not use chemical fertilizer; it is easy to burn the roots because of the high dilution of inorganic salt. Organic fertilizer is more safe and reliable. At the same time, long fertilizer effect can improve the soil, mix with 5 parts of rapeseed cake (half), 3 parts of bone meal and 2 parts of grass ash in the tank, soak in water step by step, seal and mature for a year, then dry them in small pieces, and then put them around the basin surface. Dissolved fertilizer can be applied all the year round, but the small pot orchid can not be used in the budding period, and it is easy to wash the block fertilizer into the middle of the new leaf bundle to damage the new bud during watering. The mixed fertilizer flushing water 30 / 50 times can be used as light liquid fertilizer in the growing period, and the soil can be irrigated step by step during the growing period, and no fertilizer can be applied in summer and high temperature season. Vegetarian orchid species, after September with plant ash leaching solution applied 1-2 times, the effect is very good, fertilization time should be carried out in the evening, the next morning watering once. (Jiangcheng, Zhejiang)