
Tequila will tell you its nickname.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tequila belongs to the tequila family. Tequila is a perennial evergreen large herb. Native to tropical America, it is often introduced and cultivated in South China and Southwest China.

Another name for tequila

Tequila is also known as century tree, tequila palm and hemp.

Growth habits of tequila

Tequila likes a warm, dry and sunny environment. Slightly cold-resistant, more shade-tolerant, strong drought tolerance, lax soil requirements. The suitable temperature for growth is between 15-25 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃.

Typical varieties of tequila

The more famous varieties of tequila are Queen Victoria tequila, Phnom Penh tequila, striped tequila.

The mature plant of Queen Victoria tequila is very valuable and is the most beautiful variety of tequila. Phnom Penh tequila is mostly cultivated in the garden.

Morphological characteristics of tequila

Tequila is a perennial evergreen plant, the plant is tall, the leaves are rosette, the leaves are gray-green or blue-gray, they will bloom, the flowers are yellow-green, and the florescence is summer.