
Hemerocallis tells you its nickname.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xuan grassland is produced in China, and Hemerocallis has been planted all over the world since 1930. now there are more than 10,000 varieties, which has become the most important ornamental and cut flowers, and it is the largest category of flowers in Liliaceae.

Another name for Hemerocallis

It also becomes cauliflower, golden needle, deer onion, Sichuan forgetfulness grass, forgetfulness, Dan spine and so on.

Morphological characteristics of Hemerocallis

Perennial herb having short and thick rhizomes with fleshy fibrous roots, most of which are dilated and narrow in the shape of a spindle. Leaves basal in clusters, striate-lanceolate, 30-60 cm long, ca. 2.5 cm wide, abaxially glaucous. Large orange flowers in summer, scape longer than leaves, even more than 1 m tall; panicle terminal, with 6-12 flowers, pedicel ca. 1 cm long; flowers 7-12 cm long, perianth base thick and short funnel-shaped, 2.5 cm long, margin slightly undulate; ovary superior, style slender.

The main characteristics of this species are as follows: the roots are nearly fleshy, the middle and lower parts have fusiform expansion, the leaves are generally wide, the flowers bloom early in the morning and wither at night, there is no fragrance, orange and orange, and there are sharp and convex spots on the lower part of the inner perianth lobes. These characteristics can be distinguished from other domestically produced species. The flowering and fruiting period is from May to July.

Growth habits of Hemerocallis

Strong, cold-resistant, North China can survive the winter in open field, strong adaptability, like moist and cold-resistant, like sunshine and half-shade. The selectivity to soil is not strong, but it is suitable for moist soil rich in humus and good drainage, which should grow above 300-2500 meters above sea level.

The flower language of Hemerocallis

Forgotten love, Hemerocallis, also known as forget worry grass, stands for "forgetting all unhappy things".

Let go of him (her) let go of sorrow.

A hidden mood.

The flower language of day lilies is the forgetfulness of love.

It is also the mother flower of China at the same time.