
The nature of the flower, you know?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hibiscus mutabilis blooms in late autumn, has a long flowering period, vigorous flowering, and many varieties. Its flower color and flower type change abundantly with different varieties. It is a very good flowering tree species. Let's learn about hibiscus flowers together with Xiaobian below!

Another name for hibiscus flower

Hibiscus flower, also known as hibiscus flower, anti-frost flower, magnolia, hibiscus, Huamu, native to China, is a deciduous shrub of Malvaceae and hibiscus.

Muhirong's living habits

Hibiscus likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, slightly resistant to semi-shade, and has a certain degree of cold resistance. It is not strict with the soil, but it grows best in the rich, moist and well-drained sandy soil. Can be planted in the sunny part of the courtyard or the edge of the pond, usually more extensive management, pay attention to watering during drought, open ditches around the plant every winter or spring to apply some mature organic fertilizer, watering and sealing the soil in time after fertilization.

Some shoots of plants planted in cold areas will freeze to death in winter, don't worry about it, and new branches will come out when the temperature warms up in spring. The pruning is carried out after flowering, and the tree type can be trimmed not only into a tree-like shape, but also into a shrub-like shape, but no matter which kind of tree type, dead branches, weak branches and bore branches should be cut off to ensure good ventilation and light transmittance inside the crown. Hibiscus can also be potted, potted soil requires loose and fertile soil, good drainage and air permeability, the growing season should have enough water to meet the needs of growth, winter moved to the indoor winter, maintain the temperature of 0: 10 ℃ to ensure its dormancy.

Morphological characteristics of Hibiscus hibiscus

Hibiscus is a deciduous shrub or small tree, more than 1m high. Branches densely stellate hairy, leaves alternate, broadly ovoid or oval-ovate, palmately 3-5-lobed, apex acute or acuminate, stellate villi on both sides. The flower is large, solitary in the axil of the leaf at the end of the branch, with red, pink, white and other colors, flowering from August to October. The capsule is oblate and matures from October to November. In colder areas, it withered at the end of autumn and branches sprouted again from the persistent roots in the coming year. Tufted, only 1m high. However, where the temperature is higher in winter, it can be as high as 7m to 8m, and the diameter is as high as 20cm. Large leaves, broadly ovate, 3-5-lobed, lobes triangular, base cordate, leaf margin obtusely serrate, both surfaces hairy. The flower is solitary in the axilla of the end of the branch, with white or crimson after the first light red and bright red double, white double, half white and half peach double and red and white.

A complete collection of hibiscus varieties

Common varieties of hibiscus

White hibiscus: White flowers

Pink hibiscus: flower color pink

Red hibiscus: bright red flower, large double flower, similar to peony

Huang Furong: also known as yellow model, yellow flower, bell-shaped, dark purple flower core, large double flower, similar to peony, is a rare variety

Drunken hibiscus: also known as "three drunken hibiscus", white flowers in the morning, peach flowers at noon, and crimson in the evening, a rare and valuable variety.

The application value of hibiscus flower

1. Ornamental value. Hibiscus blossoms in late autumn, with long flowering period, exuberant flowering and many varieties. Its flower color and flower pattern vary richly with different varieties, so it is a good ornamental tree species. Because of the large and beautiful flowers, China has been planted in gardens since ancient times, which can be planted alone or in clusters by the wall, by the side of the road, in front of the hall and so on. Especially suitable for planting waterfront, blooming wave light flower shadow, each other Yiyan, particularly enchanting, so it is known as "Zhaoshui hibiscus". In addition, it is suitable to be planted in courtyards, slopes, roadsides, forest margins and in front of buildings, or to make flower hedges. Potted plants can also be watched in the cold north.

2. Industrial use. The stem bark contains 39% cellulose, and the stem bark fiber is flexible and water-resistant, which can be used as raw materials for cables and textiles, as well as papermaking.

3. Medicinal value. The flowers, leaves and roots of Hibiscus hibiscus are rich in flavonoids, hyperin, inulin, phenols, reducing sugars and other medicinal ingredients. Can clear heat and detoxification, reduce swelling and discharge pus, cool blood and stop bleeding. For lung heat cough, menorrhagia, leucorrhea; external use to treat carbuncle, boil, mastitis, lymphadenitis, mumps, burns, snakebite, fall injury. The famous "Yulusan" and "hibiscus flower oil" are made from the flowers and leaves of hibiscus.

Appreciation of pictures of hibiscus flowers