
What is Changchun vine also called?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Catharanthus roseus is a plant of the family Apocynaceae, also known as twining Catharanthus roseus. Native to the Mediterranean coast and America, India and other places, the flower is very beautiful, is a good ornamental plant.

Another name for Changchun vine

Catharanthus roseus is known as climbing and twining Catharanthus roseus, which belongs to the genus Catharanthus roseus.

Morphological characteristics of Catharanthus roseus

Changchun vine is a kind of trailing semi-shrub plant, the stem lies down, the flower stem is erect.

The vines grow slowly from the stems and cover the ground with a cluster of vines. The whole plant is glabrous except for hairy leaf margin, petiole, calyx and Corolla throat. The leaves of Catharanthus roseus are all opposite, with emerald green color and smooth and glossy leaf surface. Catharanthus roseus will bloom, the flower is single axillary, the color is blue, the Corolla tube is funnel-shaped, more than 5 petals are very beautiful, is a kind of flowering plant.

The growth habit of Changchun vine

One of the characteristics of the growth of Changchun vine is that it is both heat-resistant and cold-resistant. Changchun vine likes a warm and humid environment, and it can withstand shade even if it likes light. The semi-overcast environment is the best place for it to grow. Avoid the scorching sun.

Changchun vine likes to grow in deep, fertile and humid soil, which requires good soil drainage, but can not use clayey soil with partial alkalinity, consolidation and poor ventilation.

Changchun vines avoid dampness and are afraid of waterlogging, so watering should be strictly controlled, but there should be adequate water and fertilizer during the growing period. During the growing period, fertilizers were applied once a month, and phosphate and potash fertilizers were added 2-3 times.

Propagation method of Changchun vine

The propagation of Changchun vine is mostly propagated by ramet propagation and cuttage, as well as striping, sowing and tissue culture.