
What are the characteristics of purple leaf short cherry?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purple leaf dwarf cherry, Rosaceae, deciduous shrubs or small trees of Rosaceae, is a hybrid of purple leaf plum and dwarf cherry, widely distributed in China.

Morphological characteristics of Purple Leaf Dwarf Sakura

Purple leaf dwarf cherry is 1.8 to 2.5 meters high, with a crown width of 1.5 to 2.8 meters. The branches are purple-brown when young, and the old branches have lenticels. Flowers solitary, light pink, petals 5, slightly fragrant, florescence 4 ~ 5 months.

Purple leaf dwarf cherry is a hybrid of purple leaf plum and dwarf cherry. It is cultivated everywhere, and it is suitable for cultivation in North China, Central China, East China, South China and other places. Liaoning and southern Jilin in northeast China can survive the winter safely.

Purple leaves short cherry color effect is good. Purple leaf dwarf cherry in the whole growing season, its leaves are purplish red, bright and chic, the tree shape is compact, the leaves are dense, and the color sense of the whole plant is good. In the application of potted plants, medium-sized and miniature bonsai can be made.

Culture method of Purple Leaf Dwarf Sakura


Purple leaf dwarf cherry is a light-loving tree species, but it is also cold-tolerant and shade-tolerant. If you plant in areas where there is not enough light, the leaves will turn green, so you should plant them in places with sufficient light.


Purple leaf dwarf cherry is not strict on soil, but it grows best in rich, deep, well-drained neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam, or light clay. Pots should be deeper and bigger, and shredded tiles or hard plastic foam blocks should be padded at the bottom of the pot to enhance the air permeability and drainage capacity of the soil, and can prevent rotting roots.

Moisture content

Purple leaf dwarf cherry likes a humid environment and avoids waterlogging and should be planted in a high dry place. It is better to keep the soil moist without stagnant water.

Ornamental property of Purple Leaf Dwarf Sakura

Purple leaf dwarf cherry has good ornamental effect, fast growth, simple reproduction, resistance to pruning and strong adaptability. Purple leaf dwarf cherry generally uses grafting and cutting propagation, grafting rootstocks generally use mountain apricot, mountain peach, apricot rootstock is the best. It has strong sprouting and tillering ability, can be easily cultivated into balls or hedges in garden cultivation, forms multi-branches by picking hearts many times, cuts off miscellaneous branches before winter, and makes heavy truncation of overgrown branches, which is ornamental with cultivation.

In landscaping, purple-leaf dwarf cherry is one of the best tree species for greening and beautifying the city because of its strong germinating branches, bright leaves and purplish red from budding to falling leaves, so it can be planted as a whole or alone.