
Do you know the growth habits of primroses?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Primula was introduced into Europe at the end of the 19th century, and has been widely cultivated all over the world, and there are many horticultural varieties, cultivated everywhere, quite ornamental. Primroses like warm, cool, humid climate, can not tolerate high temperature and strong direct sunlight, and most of them are not resistant to severe cold.


Primula minor, Paris septa

Growth Habits of Primula

Primula is a typical warm temperate plant flower, most species are distributed in higher latitudes, or high altitude areas, growth environment wet, such as open land, ditch edge, suitable for about 1800-3000 meters above sea level. Pleased to warm and cool climate, humid environment and good drainage, rich in humus soil, not resistant to high temperature and direct sunlight, most of the cold resistance.

Primula is usually cultivated in cold greenhouse pots and suitable for cultivation in neutral soil. Not resistant to frost, flowering earlier, can also be arranged flower beds, suitable for long-term born in shady slope or semi-shady environment, like good drainage humus soil.

Primrose flower language

Primrose is a symbol of spring, so people must use it as everyone's youth, so the flower language of primrose is the joy and sadness of youth, and primrose always blooms when everything has not recovered, wakes up everything in the world and then withers alone, but year after year, so primrose also has a flower language that is no regret!