
What are the nicknames of forget-me-not?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Forget-me-not is a light blue flower with five petals and no fragrance. Although ordinary, couples are willing to tie them into a bunch and give them to their lovers to express their deep love.


Forget-me-not, also known as glazed grass, forgettable grass, pterygium, star flower, blood-tonifying grass, non-withering flower, spoon-leaf flower, Stella, jisong, is a plant of the genus Artemisia.

Morphological characteristics

Forget-me-not is an annual or biennial herb, 30-60cm high. Simple leaves alternate, leaf blade oblanceolate, lower leaves stipitate, upper leaves sessile, racemes terminal, 10-15 cm long; calyx small, 5-lobed; Corolla salverform, lobes 5, blue, pink or white, throat yellow. The florescence is from April to May, the nutlet is brownish green, and the fruiting period is from May to June.

Life habits

Forget-me-not strong adaptability, like dry, cool climate, avoid hot and humid, like light, drought resistance, the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-25 ℃. It is suitable for growing in loose, fertile and well-drained slightly alkaline soil.

Fancy language

The floral words of forget-me-not are eternal love, deep friendship and an immutable heart. Forget-me-not is the love of flowers. According to legend, in ancient Europe, a knight took his beloved lover on a trip to the seaside. His lover saw a bunch of flowers standing in the water and wanted to pick them. In order to win her favor, the knight waded into the water, only to be swept away by the surging tide. Before he was swept away, he did not forget to throw the flowers on the shore and shouted to his lover, "Don't forget me!" . Since then, the flower has been named forget-me-not, has become a token of love, and is deeply loved by lovers.

Variety and function

A complete collection of species

Algerian species, orange flowers, plant height of more than 1 meter, plant type open slender, bright flowers, early flowering, flower color retention time is the longest.

Deep wave leaf species, purple flowers, plant height of nearly 1 meter, compact plant type, hard and sturdy stem. In addition, there are other varieties of flowers and colors, such as blue, white, orange-red, yellow, pink, fuchsia, blue-blue and so on.

Forget-me-not varieties can also be divided into early maturity and late maturity. Early-maturing varieties are Zaolan, Jinan, blue pearl and so on. Mid-late maturity varieties include iceberg, night blue, blue velvet and so on. Growers should fully understand the characteristics of varieties and market demand in order to select suitable varieties.

Efficacy value

Viewing function: forget-me-not flowers are small and delicate, with a variety of designs and colors, although they are common, but couples are willing to tie them into a bunch to give to their lovers to express their deep love. Don't forget that I often do cut flowers. At present, what is sold in the florist is not really forget-me-not, but blood-tonifying grass, which is regarded as forget-me-not selling just to take its beautiful meaning.

Don't forget me scented tea: do not forget me can be made into scented tea to drink, with nourishing yin and kidney, beauty, blood and blood, and can promote the metabolism of the body to delay cell aging, delay cell aging, improve immune ability, anti-virus, anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect. It can be used to treat diseases such as tonifying blood and regulating menstruation, beauty and beauty, clear eyes, freckles, low immunity, virus infection, insufficient blood supply of cardio-cerebrovascular and so on.

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