
What kind of growth environment is suitable for Clematis paniculata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A plant of the genus Nelumbo nucifera of the family Nelumbo nucifera, a perennial semi-trailing or recumbent plant. Plant height 30cm-70cm. Basal leaves long stipitate, leaf blade pentagonal, tripartite, bifid, with a few lobules and acute teeth. It is a beautiful plant that can blossom all year round!

Dry golden lotus is also called

Dry lotus, cold lotus, golden lotus, dry lotus, Clematis, cold golden lotus, cardinals

Morphological characteristics of alternanthera philoxeroides

The leaves are fat and beautiful, and the flowers are purple, orange, creamy yellow and so on. Golden Lotus is twining its stems and its leaves are shaped like bowl lotus. When the milky yellow flowers are in full bloom, such as butterflies, they are an important ornamental flower.

Growth habits of Clematis paniculata

The nature likes the mild climate, does not bear the severe cold and heat. The suitable temperature is 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. Can bear short-term 0 ℃ like warm and humid, overwintering temperature above 10 ℃.

It is not easy to blossom at high temperature in summer, and the growth is inhibited above 35 ℃.

Sufficient light is needed in winter, spring and autumn, and hot sun exposure is avoided in pot planting in summer.

The function of Clematis paniculata

Ornamental: the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera are rich and beautiful, which is a rare potted decoration.

Medicinal use: heat-clearing and detoxification. For conjunctivitis, carbuncle and furuncle.

Ingredients: Nelumbo nucifera cold mix raw, add minced garlic monosodium glutamate sesame oil and other seasonings, stir, color, flavor and flavor!

The Flower language of Handelia paniculata

Love is everywhere, but you are absent-minded.