
It's really important to spend the summer succulent flowerpots.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It will soon be summer, and it will be the hardest season of the year. How to make succulent plants safe in summer, the choice of flowerpots is really important. First, plastic pots need to control watering for succulent plants. We all know that plastic flowerpots are cheap but transparent.

It will soon be summer, and it will be the hardest season of the year. How to make succulent plants safe in summer, the choice of flowerpots is really important.

1. Watering should be controlled when raising succulent plants in plastic pots

As we all know, plastic flowerpots are cheap, but their air permeability is poor. But in order to save costs, many meat lovers have to choose plastic flowerpots to raise succulent plants. Special attention should be paid to the succulent plants raised in plastic flowerpots in summer, and watering must be controlled. Most of the time, we watch the surface of the basin soil dry, but there is still a lot of water in the middle and bottom that has not evaporated. Raising succulent plants in plastic flowerpots needs to lengthen the watering interval to prevent stagnant water from causing succulent roots.

Glass flowerpots need to prevent rotting roots

The air permeability of glass flowerpot is worse than that of plastic flowerpot, so it is more suitable for hydroponics. It is OK to raise succulent plants in spring and autumn, and special attention should be paid in summer. Once there is water and succulent plants, it is easy to black rot. Raise succulent plants with glass flowerpots, be sure to put ceramsite at the bottom, and put more granular soil into the soil to ensure water permeability and air permeability.

Third, ceramic flowerpots can ensure air permeability.

Ceramic flowerpots should be said to be the cost-effective king of raising succulent plants, as long as the soil is reasonable, it can ensure succulent plants to spend the summer safely. But the bottom of the basin needs to be covered with ceramsite, and watering in summer must ensure that the water can be discharged smoothly, otherwise stagnant water will lead to succulent roots.

Purple sand flowerpot is the most ideal flowerpot

As we all know, the purple sand teapot is the best for making black tea because of its good air permeability. In fact, we seldom choose purple sand basin when we raise succulent plants. The price is too expensive and not very practical. We can choose the next clay flowerpot instead, the performance-to-price ratio is relatively high.

Be sure to choose the watering time

No matter how good the flowerpot is in summer, you also need to control watering. One is to reduce the amount of water. The second is to lengthen the watering interval. Third, watering must be thoroughly watered. Fourth, summer watering must be watered in the afternoon, lest the high temperature at noon will spoil the succulent plant.