
Bai Feng

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Baifeng is a succulent plant of the genus Elaeagnus in Sedum family, and the whole plant is covered with white powder. The stems and leaves are succulent, and the whole plant is powdered. The maximum diameter of the leaf surface can exceed 20CM, which belongs to the larger stone lotus. The leaf color is green, the edge of the leaf and the old leaf turn red easily in winter, and the flowering is particularly beautiful.

The habits of Bai Feng

Baifeng is a cultivated variety of stone lotus of crassulaceae. Like warm, dry and sunny environment. Summer is its flourishing growing period.

Favorite temperature: 18-25 ℃, there is not much demand for water, there is a very thin layer of white powder in the center of the leaf, so avoid the center of the leaf when watering, so as not to affect the appearance. You can water it once a week during the growing period.

Common diseases and insect pests are: rust, root-knot nematode.

Maintenance skills of Baifeng

Change the basin: change the basin every spring, using a mixture of peat soil and coarse sand. During the growing period, the basin soil should not be too wet.

Watering: the growing period is watered once a week, only once or twice in winter, and the basin soil is kept dry. When the air is dry, water can be sprayed around the plant to increase air humidity.

Fertilization: fertilize once a month during the growing period, using diluted cake fertilizer or special succulent fertilizer. Fat liquid must not defile the leaf surface.

Lighting: Bai Fengxi all-day light, normal green, sunshine time will turn red, summer high temperature suitable for shade, ventilation and control watering, must pay special attention, otherwise it is easy to die.

The breeding method of Baifeng

Sowing: the seeds will be sown immediately after maturity, and the optimum temperature for germination is 16-19 ℃.

Cutting: cutting mature leaves at the end of spring, cutting them in the sand bed, rooting after about 3 weeks, growing young plants and then potting. Pay special attention to the fact that the cut should be flat and should be inserted after the cut is dry.

Ramet: if the mother plant sprouts at the base, it can propagate in spring. Cut the flower stem after flowering so as not to take up nutrients.

Planting combination suggestion: black Prince, Roll Silk