
Clematis lanceolata

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Clematis lanceolata is a succulent genus of crassulaceae, native to Mexico, the plant does not have a small stem, spoon-shaped, gray-white leaves, thick vertical growth. The leaf margin is not red and grows rapidly.

The habits of Clematis lanceolata

Lu's stone lotus is a succulent genus of crassulaceae, and its growth is flourishing in summer.

Lu's stone lotus, which is native to Mexico, likes a warm, dry and sunny environment, and the suitable growth temperature is 18-25 ℃.

Lu's stone lotus is not cold-resistant, moved to indoor maintenance in winter, appropriate temperature increase. Resistant to semi-overcast and drought, afraid of stagnant water, watering once a week during the growing period.

Lu's stone lotus is an all-day plant, which can shine all day in other seasons except that it needs proper shade in summer.

Maintenance skills of Clematis lanceolata

Watering: watering once a week during the growing period to keep the basin soil dry. Watering once or twice in winter, the amount of water can be increased appropriately according to the room temperature of the plant.

Fertilization: fertilize once a month during the growing period, choose diluted cake fertilizer or succulent special fertilizer. Do not sprinkle the fertilizer liquid on the leaves when fertilizing, so as not to affect the appearance of burning leaves.

Maintenance location: potted Lu's stone lotus can be placed on a sunny windowsill or balcony for maintenance. Winter should be properly shaded in summer and moved to sunny, warm places in winter.

Hydroponic conservation: the stems and leaves of Clematis lanceolata can be cut and inserted in the sand bed after hydroponic culture. Add a small amount of nutrient solution in spring and autumn and clean water in other seasons.

The breeding method of Clematis lanceolata

Sowing: select the mature seeds of the same year to sow, control the temperature at 16-19 ℃, and take root after 2-3 weeks.

Planting combination suggestion: Huang Li, Hongzhiyu.