
The rhododendron leaves are curled and black. I know these reasons and it will take less than a few days to recover.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How is it that the leaves curl and turn black after the azaleas bloom? Azalea leaves curl, generally there are only two cases, one is that the air humidity is not enough, and the other is that he consumes too much nutrients. Azaleas like high air humidity.

How is it that the leaves curl and turn black after the azaleas bloom?

Azalea leaves curl, generally there are only two cases, one is that the air humidity is not enough, and the other is that he consumes too much nutrients. Azaleas like high air humidity. If the air humidity is not reached, it will cause its leaves to curl. If the air in your room is dry. It is recommended that you keep ventilated. Spray it with water every morning and evening. It should take less than a few days to recover.

As the azaleas are in full bloom, more nutrients are consumed, so there will be curling. At this time, we must replenish nutrients in time. He can be irrigated with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and he can recover in about a week. Therefore, no matter whether the leaves are curled or not, the azaleas must be replenished in time after blooming. Because plant flowering consumes a lot of nutrients.

The leaves of azaleas are black, which is generally caused by root damage, and the indoor air is relatively dry and not ventilated. If the basin soil is too wet, it is easy to cause part of its root system to damage and rot, and the initial performance is on its leaves. Cause the leaves to blacken, see this signal, we must pay attention to, first of all, we should use methyl thiophanate or mancozeb 1, 000 with water to irrigate. With the same proportion, to spray leaves on him, at intervals of seven days and about three times, can effectively prevent and cure him, and one of the most important premise is to keep him ventilated. No matter what plants you raise, ventilation is the key. Any flower can be raised very well in a good air environment.

The azaleas should be fertilized in time after blooming. But also to prune her, cut off the remnants of flowers, bore branches, too dense branches, weak branches. When the new branches grow out. When you grow to a certain size, go and top him. To promote the old saying of his branches, when the branches age, the new side buds will not blossom until the flowering season. The more lateral buds and sufficient nutrients, the more flowers will bloom. Be sure to pay attention to this.

In the growing season, azaleas are fertilized at least twice a month, shaded and ventilated in summer, so that they can get through the summer safely. when autumn comes, they are normally fertilized and watered, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate is used to water it when winter approaches. Until it has a bud to stop. Make sure that your rhododendron grows very well and blossoms until it explodes.

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