
Microbial composting: is microbial enhanced composting? What is the function of microbial composting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Microbial oil meal composting: organic agriculture pays special attention to soil cultivation so that soil can maintain the maximum production capacity, and one of the best ways to improve soil is to apply organic matter fertilizer such as microbial oil meal fertilizer, oil meal liquid fertilizer and so on. it not only makes the manufacture of organic fertilizer

Microbial oil meal composting: organic agriculture pays special attention to soil cultivation so that soil can maintain the maximum production capacity, and one of the best ways to improve soil is to apply organic matter fertilizer such as microbial oil meal fertilizer, oil meal liquid fertilizer and so on. it not only shortens the production time of organic fertilizer, the method is also very simple, and clean and hygienic, and can significantly improve crop yield and quality.

Effect of microbial oil meal composting

After the compost is scattered in the soil, it can not only improve the soil microbial phase, make the soil from decay to fermentation, give full play to the potential of the soil, create a soil environment conducive to the growth of crops, but also dispel the pathogens in the soil. The main fertilizer ingredients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other trace elements can also enhance plant growth potential and resistance to diseases and insect pests after being absorbed by crops. In addition, it is also effective in controlling nematodes, solving continuous cropping obstacles, improving soil aggregate structure, and increasing crop yield, fruit sweetness, brittleness and flavor. The application in the composting of kitchen waste and livestock manure can promote rapid fermentation, reduce odor and improve the quality of compost.

Preparation method of microbial oil meal composting

I. main material

II. Secondary materials

There are rice straw, rice husk, sawdust, tofu dregs, distiller's grains, coal shavings, zeolite, crab shrimp shell, fallen leaves, bark, etc., as long as easy to obtain, cheap and fresh organic matter can be used.

III. Production procedure

1. Stir and mix fresh rice bran, oil meal, bone meal and other materials such as rice straw and rice husk.

two。 Spray the brown sugar microbial diluent on the above mixed material and stir evenly to the ideal humidity (the total water content is about 30%), that is, hold the mixed material by hand and loosen slightly, shake gently and immediately loose.

3. Then piled up to a height of 30 centimeters, and breathable cloth bags, old yeast, and can prevent mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats.

4. After the material is fermented, the temperature will rise. At this time, you should always pay attention to the temperature not exceeding 45 degrees C. be sure to turn the heap and cover it after heat dissipation, and continue to ferment.

5. The fermentation time is 7 days in summer and 10-15 days in winter. The standard to identify success is to smell it. If it is sour and sweet, it will succeed. If it smells rotten, it means failure.

IV. Method of use

1. When applied in the field, it should be buried in the soil to avoid sunlight exposure, the application rate per hectare is 3000kg to 6000 kg, it is best to do base fertilizer during soil preparation, and the soil should be kept moist, the effect is better.

two。 The microbial oil meal fertilizer was put into a fine mesh bag and then soaked in the microbial diluent of black sugar for 24 hours. after the net bag was taken out and diluted 300 to 500 times with leaching solution and water, it could be used as topdressing to control soil and leaf diseases and insect pests and promote the reproduction of soil effective microorganisms. As the leaching solution can not be preserved for a long time, it must be used up in 1-2 days.

Fertilizer effect is faster than general livestock compost, so in long-term crop cultivation, attention should be paid to topdressing at any time. Sweet and sour liquid has been tried in various places for many years, although it has many effects, it is not omnipotent, and it also has some shortcomings to be improved. for example, pears and grapefruit are easy to produce drug spots in the young fruit stage, which should be used only after bagging, and after spraying onions and garlic, leaf tips are easy to die and should be used carefully; the use times of some sensitive crops such as papaya, towel gourd, muskmelon and watermelon should be increased to more than 800 times to prevent drug damage. And sugar and vinegar is acidic, if it is widely used for a long time, it is worth paying attention to whether the quality and flavor of crops have changed, especially in tea, it is necessary to be more careful. In order to effectively control all kinds of diseases and insect pests, it should be used at the initial stage of crop growth (1-2 times a week). As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure".