
An effective folk prescription for bronchiectasis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The treatment of bronchiectasis is a long-term and arduous task. Lung disease is also known as a rich disease. It requires long-term medication in treatment and regular improvement in diet to ensure adequate nutrition such as protein and vitamins.

The treatment of bronchiectasis is a long-term and arduous task. Lung disease is also known as a rich disease, which requires long-term medication and frequent improvement in diet to ensure adequate nutrition such as protein and vitamins. If you can use dietary remedies, it is very helpful to the treatment of bronchiectasis and shorten the treatment time. Common treatments include radish porridge, bamboo porridge, Fritillaria porridge, lily almond porridge, Ningshou Dingchuan drink, Ophiopogon porridge, and so on.

Bronchiectasis radiography

Choose 100g japonica rice and an appropriate amount of fresh radish, cut up the radish, cook it into porridge with japonica rice, and eat it in the morning and evening; Zhu Lei porridge is boiled into porridge with 50g rice and mixed with equal porridge of fresh bamboo; Fritillaria porridge is 50g japonica rice, add the right amount of rock sugar to cook until almost cooked, mix 100g chuanbei mother powder evenly, and then eat.

Lily almond porridge is to take 50g lily and equally divided white rice, 10g almonds, first boil white rice and then add lily and almonds, and then add sugar once a day; Ningshou Dingchuan drink is to take 50g yam, 30g Sugar cane juice, 18g sour pomegranate juice, 4 egg yolks, boil yam slices and mix with Sugar cane juice and other ingredients to eat.

Local bronchiectasis

Ophiopogon porridge is to take 10g of Ophiopogon, soaked in warm water, and boiled into porridge with 2 jujubes, an appropriate amount of rock sugar and 50g rice. Ophiopogon can be eaten twice a day after it is cooked. Auricularia porridge, 10g Tremella, can also be black fungus, but need 30g, japonica rice 100g, jujube needs 3 to 5, first boil the porridge of japonica rice and jujube, add Tremella or black fungus when it is almost ripe, and add white sugar after cooking.

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