
Stop it! The more these 12 kinds of flowers are watered, the faster they die!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower friends are obsessed with whether they should water the flowers every day. Huahua is also worried about everyone's problems, or we might as well raise some flowers that are not watered! These 12 kinds of flowers, the more they are not watered, the more they will not die. Let's take a look at them quickly.

Obscure moon

The obscure moon, also known as "windmill grass", is a kind of crassulaceae succulent, very adaptable, not strict to the environment, resistant to drought, and will not die without watering for ten and a half days.

Key points of maintenance:

① likes light in the obscure moon, so you can put it on the balcony to receive all-day sunshine this season, but pay attention to shade when the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃.

② obscure moon avoid waterlogging, stagnant water in the basin is easy to rot roots, to ensure that the soil is dry and then watered, generally about 15 days once.

Tiger Pilan

Many flower friends can not raise live tiger skin orchid because of too much watering, rotten leaves and rotten roots, in fact, tiger skin orchid is more drought-resistant.

Key points of maintenance:

① can be watered every 2 weeks or so in summer. You don't have to water Tiger Pilan in winter to prevent frostbite. Too much watering can easily cause diseases and insect pests, leaves will appear macula and even rot.

It is best to choose sandy soil with loose ventilation and good drainage for raising tiger skin orchid in ②. For example, it is prepared by mixing garden soil and river sand at 1:1.


Yushu also belongs to the crassulaceae, some flower friends like to call it "thick skin", branches and leaves are very full, the demand for water is not very great.

Key points of maintenance:

① Yushu leaves and branches have a strong water storage capacity, watering once can last for many days, very resistant to drought. Water can be watered every 15-20 days in this season.

② can cultivate Yushu soil with sandy soil that is rich in nutrients and loose and breathable, such as rotten leaf soil and river sand at 1:1.

Make a fortune tree

The rich tree is a kind of foliage plant often raised at home, it has very strong branches, which determines that the rich tree has good water conservation characteristics.

Key points of maintenance:

The drought resistance of ① rich tree is relatively strong, generally watering once a week, the temperature is high in summer, the soil dries quickly, it may be irrigated once every 3-4 days, and less watering in winter.

In addition, the size of the ② plant also determines how much water is watered, and the larger rich trees naturally need more water. The important principle is that the soil is watered when it is dry, and the 2~3cm of the basin soil can be dug up to judge the dry and wet condition.

Raw stone flower

Stone flower, also known as stone flower, butt flower, is a small perennial succulent plant. I like a dry, sunny environment.

Key points of maintenance:

① stone flower is resistant to drought, and the suitable growth temperature is 10: 30 ℃, watering once every 15 days, flowering in autumn and molting from February to April in spring, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of water.

The plant of ② stone flower is short, must pay attention to the soil surface can not have stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause rot, usually put on the south balcony.

Longevity flower

Longevity flower is a very easy to raise flowers, like light, drought tolerance, flowering period is also very long.

Key points of maintenance:

The leaves of ① longevity flowers are plump, which is good for storing water. Generally, they can be watered once a week.

② longevity flower watering principle is not dry do not water, would rather let it dry than always can not help watering, once the water is very easy to rot roots, so flower friends should control their hands.


Air pineapple, also known as air grass, iron orchid, is a close relative of pineapple, it absorbs water not by roots, but by leaves.

Key points of maintenance:

① air pineapple can not be watered, only need to spray water occasionally, the fine hairs and scaly tissue on the leaves have a very strong water absorption capacity.

② some air pineapple varieties do not have roots, even if they have roots can not afford to absorb nutrients and nutrients, the southern humid home can raise a pot, it is a water-absorbing artifact!


Cactus is a good air purifier for its origin in the desert with high heat, dryness and little rain. It can absorb ultraviolet rays and dust.

Key points of maintenance:

① cactus has the characteristics of drought resistance and has little demand for water. The principle of watering is not to dry, to water thoroughly, to water less in summer and not to water in winter.

② cactus soil to ensure water permeability, can be prepared with peat soil and river sand at 1:1, in the basin with some tiles or ceramsite to enhance water permeability.

Money string

Money string originated in South Africa, is also a kind of succulent plant, growing very fast, saving water and easy to raise.

Key points of maintenance:

① money string likes the sunny, dry environment, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of waterlogging, avoid muggy and humid, and can be watered every 2 weeks in the next season.

② summer temperature is high, money string growth is slow or completely stopped, it should be kept in a ventilated place to maintain, pay attention to shade, do not rain for a long time, so as to avoid plant rot.

Money tree

The money tree is also more resistant to drought, mainly because its root is a tuber root, has a strong water retention capacity, and can maintain a long-term water supply by watering once, so it does not need to be watered frequently.

Key points of maintenance:

① money trees can be watered once a month, and the soil must be loose and ventilated, otherwise it is easy to accumulate water.

② should also avoid strong light and can be placed in a well-ventilated place where there is scattered light at home.


Aloe is well known for its drought tolerance. It has little demand for water, and its fleshy leaves and roots have a strong water storage capacity.

Key points of maintenance:

① should note that drought tolerance does not mean that there can be no watering, long-term lack of water will also lead to wilting, watering once a week can keep aloe alive for a long time.

To make the leaves fuller and greener, ② can apply 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution every month.

Adenium obesum

Desert roses, also known as Tianbao, like dry, high temperature, sunny environment, afraid of cold, the suitable growth temperature is 25-30 ℃.

Key points of maintenance:

The stem of ① desert rose is relatively large, so it has extraordinary water retention capacity, so it does not need to be watered frequently, it can be watered once every 15 to 20 days.

② desert rose soil is best used with rich nutrition, good drainage performance and loose and breathable sandy soil, can be prepared with rotten leaf soil and river sand at 1:1, and can add a little bone powder as base fertilizer to provide sufficient nutrition.

I don't want to be bothered by the problem of watering or not watering.

Try these 12 kinds of flowers!

Be sure to remember that when the flowers are dry, the stagnant water is the most terrible!